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    organizers exemples de phrases


    1. organizers of the strikes area ware of their

    2. the organizers of the meeting are not guilt for

    3. The County Fair, on which they were both organizers

    4. These ‘special forces’ assisted in interrogating captured FSLN organizers and foreign agitators

    5. Our orders were to stop their printing presses, break up the protests and bring the organizers to justice – or kill them: it didn’t matter any longer, but time did

    6. It is no coincidence that in Europe and Latin America, union organizers are far more often elected than in America, where the US tends to elect businessmen and lawyers

    7. In fact, civil rights organizers are among the few American congressmen with a history of consistently putting popular concerns above elite ones

    8. Organizers were hunted down and imprisoned

    9. ” The “change agents” become “community organizers,” an occupation frequently relied upon as a qualification for President in the 2008 presidential election

    10. ” That is, to become community organizers

    11. Coaching by telephone has made these services available to those who are in geographic regions with few professional organizers

    12. organizers said proved Canadians can compete with the rest of the world

    13. The mother—the music teacher—taught a few students, and the father—a shipping clerk and singer—had no contacts either with organizers or other musicians, and definitely no time to build them

    14. All the attendees will receive a Projection from the meeting’s organizers, wherein the delegates from Xervia will be announced and will swear Osbald’s Oath upon the Truthstone of Falgaroth in the center of the Hall, then take their places in the areas assigned to them

    15. ” Talia commented as a group of the tournament’s organizers began handing out programs to all who wanted them

    16. Eventually the music stopped at the end of a tune, and the dancers were politely asked via a Speaking; “The organizers would be most grateful if we could please have the center of the field cleared for a presentation?”

    17. The earliest organizers at first were earnest do-gooders who wanted to cultivate their own moral perfection, but they soon concluded that it would be more productive to work for the transformation of political institutions

    18. Glancing through the files, he noticed with interest, that previous investigations had discovered that in the past, some payments for drug shipments, had somehow, without the knowledge of the organizers (who had been horrified and taken punitive action immediately!), been made through the medium of Lotto Prizes, ideal for the laundering of drug money!

    19. Rory had started his investigation in KwaZulu-Natal reasoning that as the Drug Trade there seemed to be in the early stages, the chances of a slip-up by the organizers was more likely to occur due to the rapid expansion

    20. The girls made sure that the guests participated in the celebration; they had become the organizers of the wedding party in short time

    21. County fair organizers were well-aware that these so-called amusement matches could become dangerous in an instant

    22. Organizers marched in order to close down crack houses and drive drugs out of the area

    23. pm and it was a complete success, the organizers asked me to give

    24. People have been camping over the last several days, and then, starting yesterday afternoon, the number of people pouring in has grown tremendously leaving the organizers and local authorities stunned

    25. One of the organizers of the Rewari rally was General V

    26. Indeed, the RSS had pulled out all the stops—grass-roots organizers, campaigners and mobilizers—perhaps as enthusiastically as it had done in the JP movement against Indira’s Emergency

    27. One of the reasons he was asked to present at the MLK day was because the organizers had a difficult time finding a Catholic representative who was available

    28. days ago the organizers had told him that several hundred entries had come in, and many more were

    29. Wonder why life had let fate withdraw its model brand well before its expiry time; but the lament in the obituaries about the loss to the society on account of those, who had long ceased to contribute amuses me; would the lack of meaningless hyperboles in them mean any disrespect to the departed? What about the living legends; the psyche of these spent forces makes an interesting reading; used as they were to adulations in their heydays, they tend to bemuse themselves at sundry events as the organizers eulogize them to add value to their own endeavors, and as if they came out of their oblivion, they head home to savor a peg or two to buttress their fantasy of falsity

    30. organizers, their unwitting prey within the Muslim community, and

    31. As the party winded down, Sage thanked the organizers and began to make her exit, when Samuel excused himself from the woman he was with and approached her

    32. A helpful lady tries to call the organizers to ask them not to leave without me, but she can't get through

    33. In theory the organizers should arrange everything

    34. It's because of all these unforeseen problems that I chose Cabela's to be my organizers, as these sort of things can only be sorted out by local companies who understand the local conditions

    35. The whole staff of the Greek embassy was there as well as all the prominent members of the Greek communities of Cairo and Alexandria My wife greeted a host of former colleagues and acquaintances and then we moved on to the church where the team of organizers were holding the fort, trying to keep a semblance of order and were assigning seats

    36. By the fact that the organizers were non-ideological even though most ideological parties participated

    37. Now all businesses have workers pecking away at cash registers, and organizers, and anything that has a keyboard that can be pecked at

    38. This conspiracy could involve the dozen suspected Israeli soldiers on the ships, thirty or so organizers of the escape, the four thousand Jewish refugees who’d fled the two ships, and the thousands of Boston area Jews who manned the boats, sheltered, supported or Harvey Schwartz/The Reluctant Terrorist

    39. It was inevitable that the rally would receive the title of the Million Jew March in the press, despite a futile initial attempt by the organizers to at least call it the Million Mensch March

    40. The organizers were disappointed that year after year of Jewish political contributions, millions upon millions of dollars, seemed to have been forgotten

    41. Instead, the man standing in front of the group of forty or so organizers from around the country was younger than Shapiro

    42. on Friday, an hour before the March was to begin, it was obvious to law enforcement officials, and the March organizers, that the crowd would come nowhere near the one million mark

    43. Usually, the organizers of this event will post the companies that will participate on the job fair

    44. While you can't really ask your group for a loan, because it is focused solely on the needs and concerns of solo parents, its organizers would also know the resources available within the community to help the parent be better at his or her job

    45. The petition organizers would see it as a good opportunity to collect more signatures

    46. The members of the Shining Light Chapel - to which he himself belonged - was the organizers of that meeting but it was not a sectarian meeting, for he was 'appy to say that several members of other denominations was there co-operating with them in the good work

    47. Organizers expanded the tent and piled in several thousand more chairs, but it was still so overcrowded that hundreds of people had to stand in the street, straining to hear Graham over the traffic

    48. They were forest rangers, militia organizers, teachers, explorers, search and rescue personnel, policemen … It was a long list, and they did their jobs so well that their service won them those communities’ trust and loyalty

    49. Like all great organizers I was, however, prepared for failure, and had a series of alternatives prepared, one or the other of which must succeed

    50. The organizers of the Bantam enterprise bought in the Austin assets, subject to various liabilities, for only $5,000

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