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    outliers exemples de phrases


    1. There were a few Abnegation outliers, and one or two Candor, but the through line is fairly consistent

    2. either variable because they depend on such outliers as interest rate relationships, vendor

    3. outliers such as sector rotation, the economy, or the cost of capital

    4. grass-land sprinkled with tall trees, outliers of the approaching woods

    5. However, also notice that there are upside and downside outliers, some of which are quite extreme

    6. Though this is appropriate from the manager’s perspective, it may not be the best standard to apply to trading and investment management, where strategies may sometimes be completely dependent on positive surprises and outliers

    7. Traders using an SMA in an intuitive fashion are not likely to be misled, because they are focusing on the bigger picture, but systematic approaches or tools (such as trend indicators) derived from an SMA may have some issues with outliers

    8. outliers Events that fall far outside the range of normal events

    9. August works a bit too, though the numbers suggest that this has more to do with a couple outliers we mentioned

    10. And of course October—the king of all outliers

    11. But again, August has some outliers, so perhaps the median gives a truer picture

    12. The insightful books on elite performance such as Talent Is Overrated, The Talent Code, and Outliers teach us that to become great at anything requires purposeful practice over an extended period of time

    13. I have written extensively and repeatedly that we have learned from the trilogy of performance literature The Talent Code, Talent Is Overrated, and Outliers

    14. 1 (or tables, if there are several strata) can alert us to the presence of outliers and may also reveal patterns in the data that were not yet considered

    15. As the standard error depends on the squares of individual observations, it is particularly sensitive to outliers

    16. Although they are not as obvious, there are also several large price changes, or outliers, that rise above the extreme tails of the normal distribution

    17. These outliers seem to suggest that there are more large moves in our frequency distribution than one would expect from a true normal distribution

    18. With millions of people around the globe trying to beat the market, statistically there are bound to be a few extreme outliers

    19. Although the first strategy might have higher average profit, it comes from a few outliers

    20. Medians exhibited a monotonic pattern just as the means did, although the medians were smaller for all groups, showing that in each implied volatility group there were some outliers

    21. Rank variables were applied instead of market cap itself because a rank variable mitigates the impact of outliers and the result is more relevant

    22. In a normal distribution of investors, many academics believe that the richest are simply outliers in such a distribution (i

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