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    Utiliser "particles" dans une phrase

    particles exemples de phrases


    1. The particles Horcheese threw from the emitters were a garbage burst, a throat-clearing test burst of nuclei thrown across a wide area in an unfocused stream, barely accelerated beyond 1/10th lightspeed

    2. Those particles were slow and carried almost no energy at all, but they were far from harmless

    3. "Exotic particles!" Parker shouted

    4. The three squadrons of alien aces vanished from sight, presumably lost somewhere in interstellar space or incinerated when some sizable portion of the energy that went into the transit's opening hurled itself out into the Mizar system in a fountain of high energy particles, microwaves, and infrared

    5. Where the feeble lamp had spewed out sluggish particles of light there now hung a low, full moon

    6. the end of things, particles,

    7. "As has been reported earlier, I have found good evidence for the presence of significant amounts of condensates in these bodies, and what I believe to be signals transmitted among the entangled particles

    8. “These particles were in the target of my beam

    9. "We don't need a fourth order condensate to entangle the dark bodies, we can entangle the virtual particles created in the veron store and dispense with that massive and hungry equipment

    10. But the whole explanation hinges on the ability of entangled particles in decay bacteria to transmit a human soul

    11. neutrons and other subatomic particles

    12. “Because the traces are over twenty atoms wide, only single particles in single atoms would be entangled

    13. “What states are the original particles in, the ones that have left this universe?” Arthur asked

    14. And possibly, when the dense particles reach critical mass, it could be that those things aren't all that the shield protects us from

    15. Over millions of years, those particles clump together to form a certain asteroid, and that asteroid

    16. Also, there’s the obvious fact that the amount of energy required to give animalistic intelligence to a tree would require a magnetic monopole super-imposed within a super-massive black hole isolated within a Higgs Field times the density of a weakless universe divided by the sub-particle wave length of the root square of an isosceles triangle subtracting the para-statistical metadata equal to the maximum level of sub-atomic exotic particles, then acting under the assumption that in the event of the self-intersection of cosmic strings triggered by inordinate radiation, there would exist somewhere an object that was both simultaneously larger than the entire universe and smaller than an atom, blatantly violating the Law of Conservation of Energy

    17. Katrina averted her green eyed gaze, choosing instead to watch a blizzard of dust particles sparkle as they drifted into the ray of light, knowing it wouldn't be long before her presence was felt

    18. Beauty stopped and held out her hand, seven ducits, string, carrot, two clean and freshly pressed handkerchiefs and assorted pinky dust particles followed Nimblefax out into the hallway

    19. It is sometimes found in pieces of some bulk ; and, even when mixed, in small and almost insensible particles, with sand, earth, and other extraneous bodies, it can be separated from them by a very short and simple operation, which can be carried on in any private house by any body who is possessed of a small quantity of mercury

    20. Basically, the result of collisions between gaseous particles in the Earth's atmosphere with charged particles released from the sun's atmosphere

    21. She was a kindhearted woman, but -- as it usually was when in her presence -- Ome resisted the urge to regurgitate his recent air-sifted particles through his kochlar

    22. It will not grow quickly enough for you to perceive the achievement in real time but its roots will search and collect particles over particles from within the Earth

    23. Then, in satisfaction of their envy to expand, they attract more and more particles

    24. Did life emerge from man or woman or both? Did it begin with a thought or desire? Did it come from the ovule or the spermatozoid? Everything that exists is made out of an assemblage of infinitesimal particles, some of them called quarks

    25. But quarks are presumably inanimate particles that are the primary building blocks used to form more complexes creations

    26. Man has not created bad and good; justice and injustice; the desire for changes; heroes and villains; love and hate; the need to eat; the feeling of satiety; the possibilities for particles to agglutinate, reshape, transform, expand and grow into something larger or more refined

    27. Before going further, I invite you to read what physicists have to say about matter and anti-matter particles

    28. Each human being is made of billions and billions of elementary particles clinging to one another

    29. Later, the reverse process comes into action and plays its role until the moment comes when all particles that had associated with the body get free and move out to carry on their separate mission

    30. What is that force that attracted all the particles required to build men? How come they were free to be used in our composition and why will they, one day, part from us and join another organism? Why has the elusive intelligence that presided over our formation made us temporal? Is it a “use and discard” concept as some thinks of? Why does that powerful force that firmly held billions of particles together give up after 50, 70 or 100 years? Why does that force keep an interest in our organism only while it is living as a human being abandoning us afterwards?

    31. The connections in the brain are more than total number of elementary particles in universe

    32. particles to combust in a flower that was

    33. Silica fume is an ultrafine byproduct of production of ferrosilicon or silicon metal and contains particles of the spherical form with average diameter 0,1µm

    34. The coefficient of internal friction relies mainly on the coarseness of aggregates and can be approximately calculated on the Lermit and Turnon formula: where d - middle diameter of particles of

    35. 9): d – size of particles of the given fraction of aggregate; D

    36. What was matter on a fundamental scale, just forces, vibrations? The physical stuff – the particles themselves – only made up a tiny fraction of what appeared to be solid

    37. He suddenly realised that he had no idea how long it would take to get a reply, and if the colonisation program really had ceased, was the machine on Earth that was paired to this one still active? The technology relied on a pair of machines, each with one half of a pair of quantum particles, locked together regardless of distance

    38. In any case the escape pod would eventually no longer be able to extract enough energy from whatever few particles were in space – to sustain him

    39. After inflation stopped, the Universe consisted of a quark-gluon plasma, as well as all other elementary particles

    40. Temperatures were so high that the random motions of particles were at relativistic speeds, and particle - antiparticle pairs of all kinds were being continuously created and destroyed in collisions

    41. Symmetry breaking phase transitions put the fundamental forces of physics and the parameters of elementary particles into their present form

    42. When talking about subjects like Zero Point Energy, otherwise known as Vacuum Energy, one would be dealing with empty space void of any particles and have 10107 Joules of energy contained within a mere cubic centimetre of empty space

    43. This layer of water, in the form of ice, may have prevented more of the sun’s harmful particles and rays reaching the surface of the planet

    44. At the Earth’s Polar Regions, we can also see the effects of these harmful agents on our atmosphere in brilliant displays of the Aurora Borealis as charged particles from the sun are captured in the Earth’s magnetic field

    45. When William rubbed his hand over the bottle, the particles that had once made up the shell of the bottle disintegrated as if he had rubbed a light dust print

    46. ‘Enough to shatter the moon into a haze of dust particles

    47. “Weinberg’s arena,” avers Berlinski, “is Elementary particles…A rather depressing place…Over there (in the Standard Model of particle physics), fields are pregnant with latent energy, particles flicker into existence and disappear, things are entangled, and no one can quite tell what is possible and what is actual, what is here and what is there, what is now and what was then, solid forms give way

    48. “You have no idea whatsoever how the ordered physical, moral, mental, aesthetic, and social world in which you live could have ever arisen from the seething anarchy of the elementary particles

    49. Particles can switch to a waveform while the scientist is not looking, as it were

    50. The water of the fall has a magical effect over my body and mind, disintegrating each of them into small particles, which then melt like a candle

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