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    Utiliser "pent-up" dans une phrase

    pent-up exemples de phrases


    1. tears were running down Granny’s face, as if her pent-up emotions

    2. He could feel the pent-up energy under him as she moved and he urged her on to a slow trot, not wanting to exert her too soon

    3. Her body shook with grief and pent-up emotion

    4. She was seething with pent-up anger and the severity of her verbal attack stunned him

    5. It was as if everyone exhaled at once, releasing the pent-up breath they had all been holding

    6. Wars and other massive killings are actually caused by a pent-up of negative thoughts and emotions such as fear and anger

    7. A song wracked with misery and emotion, her voice cracking with pent-up torment

    8. At the great tree's weakest point, where Boddaert and his Magi had carved the magical Taproot Chamber, the mighty root parted with such pent-up energy, that huge pieces of rock were sent crashing down into the chamber below, tearing open the very heart of Brockenhurst Sett itself

    9. 1 Wherever this decree was received, the people kept up a revelry of joy and shouting; as if their long-pent-up, hardened hatred, were

    10. some of my pent-up energy

    11. with an army and full of pent-up rage from the past 20 years

    12. 1 Wherever this decree was received the people kept up a revelry of joy and shouting; as if their long-pent-up hardened hatred were now to show itself openly

    13. A fierce, involuntary cry burst from his lips as he leaped with the explosive suddenness of pent-up ferocity

    14. mother!” and “You’re filthy!” The combination unleashed a frustrated and pent-up hostility in the Russian

    15. years of pent-up frustration and aggravation that was not going to be hidden

    16. All her pent-up 834

    17. attack him, their faces contorted with pent-up hatred

    18. His pent-up frustrations and anger exploded all over me

    19. He eyes then suddenly opened, furiously swinging before exhaling the pent-up energy through the motion, connecting and sending the ball towards the left field wall

    20. She has all of this pent-up

    21. For a moment, it appeared as if she were prepared to collapse in a flood of emotions and distress, allowing herself to let go of her pent-up agony and pain and freeing herself of the weight that placed upon her mind and body

    22. They surrendered, then, to the pent-up

    23. She sat down and Byron felt all the pent-up animal fury leave him suddenly as his head dissipated soothing adoration through his veins to replace the unabated teenage lust he had felt before

    24. Whereas most of my pent-up hostility toward the biblical Paul of Tarsus was released during this

    25. A wave of pent-up hostility frothed to the surface

    26. ” I cried away pent-up misery and fell asleep in Marcus’s arms

    27. wondered if he had beat her as he took out his long pent-up passions on her but she still

    28. calm his pent-up anxieties

    29. Then as the chemical coursing through his veins took hold, he staggered toward his nemesis, his eyes now reflecting anger and pain, and his own pent-up fear of death

    30. But we know she had twice already been on the verge of doing it; and the pent-up vigour of what the policeman had not got and what the mother in the train had not got was added I imagine to what Robin got

    31. each other with all the strength of pent-up hate

    32. men were able to release their pent-up rage in the Old

    33. ‘I could do with getting rid of some of the pent-up frustration and I liked the link with Stan Groff and the LSD

    34. " I haven't forgotten that moment at my house where his goofiness helped relieve my pent-up tension

    35. This healing process of becoming feeling-emotional humans instead of machine-functioning tools is halted by not allowing anybody to become overly emotional for the simple reason that so much of that pent-up emotion is imbalanced, unconnected, and ready to explode into violence

    36. into the cool night air, their lungs seemed to explode with pent-up laughter

    37. I had left the room instead of fulfilling my desire to enjoy my new bride with a pent-up passion hundreds of years in the making

    38. Her legs curled around Jim’s waist and crossed over at the ankles behind his back even as she seized his face with both hands and began to kiss him with a wild abandon of pent-up passion that would not be denied any longer

    39. Their pent-up eloquence, however, rarely finds its desired vent

    40. he had an habitual respect; but I heard the pent-up choler burst forth in curses, when he met his wife, who was waiting impatiently at the foot of the stairs, to

    41. It is the stored or pent-up energy of an object

    42. Now the suddenly released, accumulated weight of all those pent-up seconds was bearing down heavily on the unbraced stones

    43. Once the level is actually broken, pent-up buying or selling pressure may drive the market into a sharp, dramatic trend

    44. On losing trades, there is sometimes enough pent-up pressure to cause gap opens beyond the stop, so it may make sense to trade these on smaller size and risk compared to other setups

    45. Two, there can be a lot of pent-up countertrend pressure at these inflections, and the move, once it starts to develop, is often very clean

    46. Some investors concluded that the company was likely to receive credit, unwind pent-up working capital, and once again take advantage of the float as it emerged from bankruptcy

    47. I put my head on his nice blue shirt and let the pent-up tears come as he held and comforted me

    48. This feeling is usually accompanied by a physical release of tension and an outpouring of pent-up emotion

    49. The gesture caused his parasol, momentarily forgotten, to brush a hanging branch and dump pent-up rainwater on him

    50. In 1953, aluminum and building stocks had a powerful bull market as a result of pent-up demand for housing in the aftermath of the war

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