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    Utiliser "perca" dans une phrase

    perca exemples de phrases


    1. function isn’t converted automatically in uppercase then you can guess that something is wrong with

    2. Of course, Valentine’s Day/Lupercalia, Easter/Eostre, and Christmas/Yule also have many Paleopagan elements associated with their dating and/or symbols, as the Jehovah’s Witnesses and others have pointed out for decades

    3. with uppercase and lowercase combination

    4. LORD in all uppercase letters, it means the manuscripts have it written as

    5. percase) in the follow- wattage relationship

    6. She thought that previously, when God did not make the same traps out of the months and years that the Turks used when they measured a yard of percale, things were different

    7. uppercase and as we entered

    8. The speed is a result of a phenomenon called supercavitation caused by the nose cone of the torpedo, which deflects the water outwards, thus avoiding contact between the water and the body of the torpedo

    9. It activated its Supercavitation systems and vanished before anyone could trace it

    10. The leap from normal speed to supercavitation had been undramatic, and even though the instruments on the dashboard indicated that they were moving at near-infinite speed, Midge could have sworn that they weren't moving at all

    11. He should be able to pick up Toyne's signal; after all, they were both travelling in Supercavitation mode, so the same rules of physics ought to apply and make reception possible

    12. price such as hypercam from http://hypercam

    13. integration (as #readcast) or and through a Tweet button (as #Readcast) – notice the uppercase

    14. Her–Refers to a religion when in lower case and to the Creator when in uppercase

    15. She–Uppercase refers to the Creator and lowercase refers to a religion

    16. capercaillie, the dusty movements of the light shards that broke

    17. said Garkavi and his co-authors showed that hypercapnia can be used

    18. He is adept in magic, a powerful warder, fluent in the druid art of Voice, an avid collector of antiquities and supercars

    19. Scarlett saw with amazement that her percale dress had grease spots on it and her hands were freckled and unclean

    20. Grouse, capercaillie, and hazel grouse are legal to hunt starting on August 25

    21. was a yuppie with perfect teeth and a button-down shirt open to the chest, doing six miles an hour in a German supercar

    22. Captain Chew states, that he was supercargo on board the brig Thames, and on the 19th of January, 1812, sailed from St

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