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    Utiliser "pio" dans une phrase

    pio exemples de phrases


    1. "Well, the Wing PIO called and said he's here on base with some high-powered credentials

    2. The PIO at 7th Air Force has General Momyer's enthusiastic approval

    3. Say the word, I'll tell the PIO to forget it

    4. Charmaine and the two PIO officers stepped out and walked over to the F-100 containing the two Bannisters

    5. Correlli from PIO elbowed his way through the crowd as he recorded the momentous event with his big Graflex cut-film camera

    6. The PIO captain remained behind

    7. Correlli looked over his shoulder for a second to where Shawn Bannister now sat deep in conversation with a young pilot while the older PIO officer hovered nearby

    8. The PIO captain turned back to Court and smiled, his eyes lively

    9. "So, I feel the same way about this request as I did about that PIO guy asking for you to fly your brother, half-brother,� he corrected himself

    10. New computers will usually always have DMA Transfer Mode set, instead of PIO Mode

    11. The modern Catholic saint , Padre Pio, was known to have very high body

    12. ary where the Catholic saint Padre Pio was residing, recollects that Padre

    13. … Padre Pio laughed heartily and said … ‘I think I’ll have to eat more to

    14. Especially the miracle of the stigmata of Padre Pio, 1887-1968, who for fifty years manifest the bleeding and open wounds of Christ, and where upon his death, these wounds completely vanished

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