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    privies exemples de phrases


    1. In Smyrna as the days grew hot, swarms infested the city and outlying villages, attracted to the privies,

    2. After picking up a few bundles of cordwood, the ranger gave them a printout of warnings on climbing and loose rock, fire care, permissible swimming spots, use of the privies, animal-proofed trash cans, and behavior of rabid animals

    3. Others had sleeping berths, dining cars and even privies

    4. chickens and privies in

    5. smoke, frying pork and untended privies

    6. Some Prisoners seem’d afflicted with Consumption; others had Sores and Pocks upon their Faces; others moan’d with Dysentery and discharged the Infected Offal of their Guts into Publick Privies, which gave the whole Place the Reek of Excrement

    7. The Beau that strutted with his Snuff-Box and Sword, the Footman that ap’d the Beau’s Fine Manners and wore his cast-off Clothes, the proud Physician all in black, the Officer of the Guard in his Finery, the Linen Draper that mimickt the Officer’s Fine Manners in his turn, e’en the lowly Nightmen and Polemen whose assorted Stinks call’d forth Memories of the Privies they clean’d—all of ’em could strut imperiously above the best-hearted, most learned Lady in the Land

    8. Except for trips out to collect food and to the privies, she sat on her camp bed and read – from an original book, one that she must have kept out of the cache they’d rescued

    9. ‘To the privies and back,’ Wolfe said

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