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    Utiliser "ransacking" dans une phrase

    ransacking exemples de phrases


    1. After ransacking the ship, as with the Abigail , she was fired and destroyed, the officers and crews being taken on board the pirate and confined in a compartment below decks

    2. Yet, it was hardly a day after Ma‘s passing that they were at her apartment ransacking her possessions! I‘m reminded of the breaking news stories on television of disasters where looters arrive quickly on the scene to pick through the victims possessions before their blood has hardly had time to cool

    3. There I ran into one of Chabi’s guards ransacking the place and I ordered him out

    4. It was unstoppable, the throb of it piercing flesh and bone and marrow, ransacking the mountain and all within it

    5. They were caught by a witch while they were ransacking her house

    6. Sean was in the kitchen ransacking the fridge

    7. “Then they claim they saw me spin my entire body around again giving the storage room door another kung fu kick breaking the door off its hinges even more! Then they said that’s when I went inside the storage room like a lunatic on a rampage and damaged the storage room by ransacking it! Then they claim they saw me on the fifth floor hallway of the next building coming down the hallway angrily looking inside the patients’ rooms as I was coming towards the receptionists’ desk area where they were

    8. When he isn’t causing mischief for his or Odin’s amusement, he is often ransacking Hoenir’s library

    9. "You're as unselfconscious," he told her one afternoon a little crossly, when he had been ransacking heaven and earth and most of the poets for images to compare her with, and she had sat immensely pleased and interested and urging him at intervals to go on, "as a choir-boy

    10. With a final ransacking of the bin, the beggar straightened and looked across Statue Square for the next stop on his search

    11. It appeared as if the giant queen had awakened at the ransacking of her estate and intended to repay the trespassers dearly for their transgression

    12. "Painters? No, I didn't see them," Raskolnikov answered slowly, as though ransacking his memory, while at the same instant he was racking every nerve, almost swooning with anxiety to conjecture as quickly as possible where the trap lay and not to overlook anything

    13. It was probably the ransacking of the Don's library and the discussion on the books of chivalry that first suggested it to him that his idea was capable of development

    14. The students rewarded him by ransacking his office and

    15. were ransacking their homes, he had ordered that everyone in the town should be killed, and only relented after vigorous protests by Sir Godfrey de Harcourt and others

    16. He was ransacking the place

    17. By dint of searching and ransacking his pockets, Marius had finally collected five francs sixteen sous

    18. By dint of ransacking his memory, he recalled in a vague way that he had already, many years before, had a similar alarm in connection with a man who produced on him the effect that he might well be this very individual

    19. But at last the ransacking of the Witch's fortress was ended

    20. ‘Painters? No, I didn’t see them,’ Raskolnikov answered slowly, as though ransacking his memory, while at the same instant he was racking every nerve, almost swooning with anxiety to conjecture as quickly as possible where the trap lay and not to overlook anything

    21. If, in ransacking history, they are lucky enough to discover a courtesan who can be billed as a “king’s favorite,” they appear to smack their lips exultantly

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    Synonymes pour "ransacking"

    ransacking rummage