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    Utiliser "recalled" dans une phrase

    recalled exemples de phrases


    1. Topher recalled feeling conflicted

    2. not know) and recalled that wicked face with whitish eyes and tangled

    3. She recalled that the house was not far from the river, the river she had apparently come to see for no apparent reason

    4. Then I vaguely recalled hearing you say that you were going back to your own bed

    5. He wondered if someone had recalled their commander from backup and Vincef had found a way to regain control of the expedition? He was glad his sentence had only lasted three days

    6. Slowly MacKenzie recalled the confusion and enlightenment, the long struggle for equality under the harsh glare of limited kindness within which mankind wrapped despotism

    7. Facing the world from the balcony that morning, everything looked bright and cheerful - thoughtlessly bright and cheerful - but it wasn't until the cock crowed that my brain cells rumbled awake and I recalled all the sadness of the day before

    8. "He says the only way he sees the distant areas is in the setup screens when he details them," Kelvin recalled Ava telling him, "but I tend to agree with Heymon

    9. into a trailer and I think he recalled his grief

    10. 22After he was raised from the dead, his disciples recalled what he had said

    11. It took a week before I recalled and read the incident, the consequences, and the cure

    12. A rosy red colour, it was shaped like a heart … a white streak crossed from upper right to lower left … she strove to remember what she had learned at school … the bottom bit was called the ventricle, at least that is what she vaguely recalled from a long forgotten, unattended at the time, biology lesson

    13. He recalled that dragons have a good sense of smell,

    14. recalled Ged’s observation that dragons were difficult to hit when

    15. Harry recalled one weekend not long before his big camping adventure, when his mother had gone to visit one of his Aunts

    16. recalled, was Oliver and who was one of the staff from the garages at

    17. He narrowed his eyes seeing again the reports he’d read through earlier – from what he recalled, this one wasn’t terribly bright

    18. Guardians, and he recalled with fondness the warm welcome they had

    19. The Infirmary, Tom vaguely recalled, was in one of the H-block

    20. Emma recalled the difference in the texture of the floor

    21. awful!' she recalled with a shudder

    22. ” White Feathers agreed, and recalled a few of those occasions to mind

    23. he recalled the story

    24. her eyes as she recalled the incident, taking a moment to

    25. For everyone who later recalled the pleasure of being in the audience upon that first performance was ever after given the respect afforded a minor celebrity; to recollect for their listeners the excitement and the thrill of being present at the very beginning of what became a beloved tradition of the little village on the Tahoe

    26. She recalled discussing it last week with the contractor but was sure they’d told her they couldn't get there until next week

    27. She recalled hearing her Grandmother, speaking about it every chance she got

    28. Emma recalled, how her Grandmother had always insisted, that was a true sign of a real woman

    29. momentarily as he recalled his revulsion

    30. ’ He was again moved as he recalled the incident

    31. fairly lazy, as he recalled, with no greater vice than the

    32. When he hesitated, she recalled whom she was dealing with

    33. She recalled that as a child the holidays, had always been the best time of the year

    34. She recalled Jim telling her and Alex, that he was after the stone, and he would find one way or the other to get it

    35. Scanning the abandoned street for a pay phone, she suddenly recalled that she didn't have any money

    36. discouragingly - no one recalled seeing either the relic or

    37. She laughed softly to herself as she recalled his conversation

    38. Then he recalled that he’d been directed to

    39. Nerissa recalled the yearly feast for townsmen at Baron Iadros’s palace

    40. He also recalled all the shrines,

    41. she recalled a love that once

    42. She still recalled her long ride on the cart to Helgen

    43. Though, she had not recalled them being there when she initially entered the structure

    44. “You mean……” the look in his eyes changed as he suddenly recalled the night in question

    45. This relief faded quickly as she recalled the other punishment that Tragus had promised seven years ago

    46. What a coincidence! What was the name of that city in Arabia she moved to? Jibbah or something? Jubbah,” he corrected himself as he suddenly recalled the city’s name

    47. Ralof genuinely hoped to see the Breton soldier again, in the same innocuous circumstances – not only for the friendly drinks but also to relate what he had recalled

    48. The king nodded his agreement; it was the same image he’d seen that had put the fear in him, he recalled

    49. He smiled as he recalled their little fling there on this same bench a few days before

    50. And then she recalled something else

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