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    Utiliser "revengeful" dans une phrase

    revengeful exemples de phrases


    1. There are the bedrooms,” pointed out Ash, a revengeful smile taking over his features

    2. It was as if the game was far from over as we marched in some kind of revengeful quest up what was called Mockbeggars Lane

    3. dead and revengeful, was still attached

    4. In fact a flood of hatred with revengeful passions will be seated in hearts of these victims

    5. And due to these policies foreigners especially Muslim organizations had to make reactionary revengeful terrorist attacks inside Zulimistan for the atrocities and the cruel war they had been suffering since long times

    6. , and from its attributing to God the feelings of a revengeful tyrant, was no more to be trusted than the sacred books of the Hindoos, or the beliefs of any barbarian

    7. Oh, call me hard, wickedly revengeful, and unbelievably cruel if it makes you feel less miserable--but will you listen to a last prophecy? You will get over this as surely as you have got over your other similar vexations, and you will live to say, 'Thank God that German girl—what was her name? Wasn’t it Schmidt? Good heavens, yes--thank God she was so foolish as not to take advantage of an unaccountable but strictly temporary madness

    8. so greedy and revengeful

    9. The looks of all of them were dark, repressed, and revengeful, as they listened to the countryman's story; the manner of all of them, while it was secret, was authoritative too

    10. passionately revengeful and fitful, the innocent were so constantly put to death on vague suspicion and black malice, it was so

    11. The narrative called up the most revengeful passions of the time, and there was not a head in the nation but must have dropped before it

    12. Get thee to a nunnery: why wouldst thou be a breeder of sinners? I am myself indifferent honest; but yet I could accuse me of such things that it were better my mother had not borne me: I am very proud, revengeful, ambitious, with more offences at my beck than I have thoughts to put them in, imagination to give them shape, or time to act them in

    13. But, alas, alas! Pride goes before a fall, and the revengeful Snow turned the tables with disastrous success

    14. Heyward felt the grasp of the other at his throat, and saw the grim smile the savage gave, under the revengeful hope that he hurried his enemy to a fate similar to his own, as he felt his body slowly yielding to a resistless power, and the young man experienced the passing agony of such a moment in all its horrors

    15. But the moment the struggle was decided, a yell arose as fierce and savage as wild and revengeful passions could throw into the air

    16. While goaded incessantly by these revengeful impulses that in a savage seldom slumber, the chief was still attentive to his more permanent personal interests

    17. "It seems," said Herbert, "—there's a bandage off most charmingly, and now comes the cool one,—makes you shrink at first, my poor dear fellow, don't it? but it will be comfortable presently,—it seems that the woman was a young woman, and a jealous woman, and a revengeful woman; revengeful, Handel, to the last degree

    18. Good-natured, confiding, and forgiving as I had been, I became revengeful, cunning, and wicked, or rather, immovable as fate

    19. Yet I was sure that with his revengeful nature he would never give it to me of his own free will

    20. her the first time, at a railway station too, mysterious, exquisite, loving, seeking and giving happiness, and not cruelly revengeful as he remembered her on that last moment

    21. He left the presence too miserable to even feel revengeful toward Sid; and so the latter's prompt retreat through the back gate was unnecessary

    22. They resolved to keep a lookout for that Spaniard when he should come to town spying out for chances to do his revengeful job, and follow him to "Number Two," wherever that might be

    23. There was the stile before me—the very fields through which I had hurried, blind, deaf, distracted with a revengeful fury tracking and scourging me, on the morning I fled from Thornfield: ere I well knew what course I had resolved to take, I was in the midst of them

    24. Yet I was sure that, with his revengeful nature, he would never give it to me of his own free-will

    25. Ah, God! what trances of torments does that man endure who is consumed with one unachieved revengeful desire

    26. Oh, I swear I am not given to harbouring malice and I am not revengeful

    27. Let me revenge myself magnanimously, but so that he felt it and understood, and I should have been avenged ! And, by the way, I must add : that though I am not revengeful I have a good memory for injuries, in spite of being magnanimous ; I wonder whether others are the same ? Then oh, then I went with generous feelings, perhaps absurd, but no matter : better they were absurd and generous, than not absurd but mean, vulgar and mediocre ! I never told anyone of that meeting with " my brother," even Marie Ivanovna, even Liza : that interview was exactly like an insulting slap in the face

    28. Her proud and revengeful mind wtis roused to the utmost

    29. I am surprised to remember that my wrath and revengeful feelings were extremely repugnant to my own nature, for being of an easy temper, I found it difficult to be angry with any one for long, and so I had to work myself up artificially and became at last revolting and absurd

    30. His object in this case was twofold, first a revengeful desire to see “the downfall of the righteous,” and Alyosha's fall “from the saints to the sinners,” over which he was already gloating in his imagination, and in the second place he had in view a certain material gain for himself, of which more will be said later

    31. He had no revengeful feeling for anybody, even for Samsonov, in his heart

    32. A horrible fury of hatred suddenly surged up in Mitya's heart: “There he was, his rival, the man who had tormented him, had ruined his life!” It was a rush of that sudden, furious, revengeful anger of which he had spoken, as though foreseeing it, to Alyosha, four days ago in the arbor, when, in answer to Alyosha's question, “How can you say you'll kill our father?” “I don't know, I don't know,” he had said then

    33. Have not we the right to assume that a revengeful woman might have exaggerated much? Yes, she may well have exaggerated, in particular, the insult and humiliation of her offering him the money

    34. Lonely and revengeful he waited for death, defying, refusing to be reconciled with everything and everybody

    35. I thought he would throw himself into my service out of revengeful feelings towards the prince, the sly little beast! But I know him better now

    36. And I can’t understand how anyone can be so—I won’t say cruel, because the word would be humiliating to myself, but we’ll say childishly vain and revengeful, as to reproach me with this confession, and use it as a weapon against me

    37. And the Tsar's revengeful wrath

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    Synonymes pour "revengeful"

    revengeful vengeful vindictive malicious malevolent implacable hateful malignant resentful