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    Utiliser "riffled" dans une phrase

    riffled exemples de phrases


    1. She riffled the deck like a pro, cut them with one hand and dealt out five cards very quickly

    2. He riffled the bills and whistled softly

    3. I riffled, frustrated, through the blank pages of the last book, where the narrative stopped, almost in mid sentence it seemed, and looked up

    4. chair where he riffled through "The Catcher in the Rye" and

    5. “Why don’t we try to liven you up some, eh? How about some friendly cards?” He removed a gold-and-green deck with what appeared to be the Harrods’s logo from his inner pocket and riffled the cards with enthusiasm

    6. As he riffled through the technical data, it became obvious that the building was structurally unsound

    7. He surrendered the cash to Higgins who opened the envelope and riffled through the currency though too fast for an accurate count

    8. "Is that all of them?" Annie riffled through the pile of bags once more

    9. ” Again, laughter riffled the

    10. He pulled at the collar of his crewneck sweater, riffled through the photographs

    11. A hundred black umbrellas lifted and riffled in the wind

    12. We riffled back and there it was, with big red lines under her name and a crucifix

    13. Dark blew smoke on the pages as he riffled them

    14. ” He complied but without enthusiasm and I riffled my fingers in his topknot and behind his ears the way he likes it

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