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    Utiliser "riftless" dans une phrase

    riftless exemples de phrases


    1. Sawkins said that Socialism was a lot of bloody rot, and Crass expressed the opinion - which he had culled from the delectable columns of the Obscurer - that it meant robbing the industries for the benefit of the idle and thriftless

    2. Mr Plan was likewise a source of great tribulation to me; for he was ever and anon coming forward with some new device, either for ornament or profit, as he said, to the burgh; and no small portion of my time, that might have been more advantageously employed, was wasted in the thriftless consideration of his schemes: all which, with my advanced years, begat in me a sort of distaste to the bickerings of the council chamber; so I conferred and communed with myself, anent the possibility of ruling the town without having recourse to

    3. In this case, the volatility decay component, sometimes referred to as the driftless theta, will be the sole factor that determines how an option’s theoretical value changes as time passes

    4. Other than the restrictions that u and d are inverses and result in a driftless underlying price, we have not specified exactly what the values of u and d should be

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