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    Utiliser "roused" dans une phrase

    roused exemples de phrases


    1. Queen Naria was always trying to match him with someone, but he just wasn’t roused

    2. Ozzie roused Chrissie briefly making a noise as he prepared for bed

    3. The very first night he was roused up to sit in the big rocker in the great room with Poly, while his dad paced and hummed to Tania, Harry loved them

    4. resort to sarcasm unless his temper was roused - and

    5. nothing roused that temper more than the short-

    6. The photographer was roused to the commission that same morning on their return from the rail station in Truckee and the tearful sendoff

    7. 12“Let the nations be roused; let them advance into the Valley of

    8. More often than not, she was roused for the latter; few Captains in Transit lasted more than a decade before they lost their minds and Argos determined them to be hazardous to the ship and the entire mission

    9. And judging by the last reel, it was a miracle she hadn’t been roused to kill him

    10. Startled by the outcry, the other girl roused as well, her hairless eyelids opening to reveal a pair of confused eyes

    11. monk was roused to come to his assistance, he was in

    12. He roused six of his retainers from their quarters

    13. He roused Nerissa by pouring the still-hot tea over her face, then dragged her stumbling away

    14. Hesper roused her early in the morning

    15. She must have drifted off asleep, because it was dusk when a cold wind roused her

    16. "Extraordinary!" exclaimed Mr Pinscher, although it was not certain whether his interest was roused by this uncommon mode of conveyance, or by the vague suggestion of sausages

    17. The Thanes and soldiers were roused and ordered into position, and so too did Barrin Iylin, along with hundreds of other peasants, arm himself and stand alongside the Baron’s men

    18. It was late at night and I was roused from my sleep by the rocking of the ship

    19. At first he was afraid to open his eyes, until the lack of any sensory stimulation roused his curiosity

    20. About an hour later we were roused and told that the mule train was ready to start and that we could be on our way so we took up our positions on either side of it along with a few Fusiliers who were returning back to our lines

    21. He roused me by saying words I couldn"t understand, as though He were meeting an old friend

    22. I roused and looked up at him

    23. That response roused Orion’s suspicions; he knew Adem had spoken with the rebel emissaries today; he also believed Adem had played a part in starting the rebellion

    24. “Mmm hmm,” he mumbled over top of the clamor of roused up chickens

    25. He took the tiller and let Saldon sleep before he roused him some hours later

    26. Harold roused himself as his drink was given to him

    27. Reveille on July 1st roused a wet, bedraggled army from unrefreshing sleep

    28. She could have slept longer, much longer, and quickly identified the sound that had roused her

    29. Toinette had been asleep some hours when she was roused by a sharp

    30. Ann roused herself from her stupour

    31. The effervescible Latins were roused again, though several officers and privates deserted in the night and entered the Cuban lines

    32. roused to secure his return, it was aroused in vain

    33. A Cultural War waged by determined ideas is a much more subtle, deceptive and formidable form of warfare inasmuch as it craftily conceals its (unstated) purpose; a social and cultural conversion cutting at the (very) heart of a society‘s traditional belief system; a gradual, however determined process that oftentimes goes unchecked until an awakening society (roused from its slumbers) suddenly finds itself in the midst of altered customs and norms no longer consonant with that society‘s accustomed practices

    34. But as she reached the stone wall once more and dropped to rest on its smooth surface, wiping her forehead and tidying her ponytail, she could not help but remember the feelings the dream had roused in her

    35. In fact, in the dream, he could easily have forced himself on her, and her dream-self had been more than willing! But he had done nothing untoward, only roused her lust to heights she had never imagined possible, and with her full participation!

    36. His hunting instinct was fully roused

    37. And as she did, she became, once again, roused

    38. then the stinging flies roused

    39. Mia had been resting fitfully before the cop roused her

    40. A primal fear roused him to reality with a jolt, bringing him back to his senses

    41. When they roused her from her stasis sleep, she was at first shocked and terrified, frightened of her child

    42. When Father Mulcahey got wind off the missing bottle, he roused us out of bed

    43. Finally it roused him enough to realize that the

    44. A menacing sound had roused him from a restless sleep, and he wondered what was wrong

    45. Roused from her concentration, Juliet responded, “Yes

    46. She was roused from her unpleasant reverie by a timid little touch on her shoulder

    47. She gently roused him and led him to bed

    48. After Ignace had been feted enough (several days), we were roused early again and headed south with my tumen in the lead, as usual, and on this particular day my jagun was in the van

    49. What Elizabeth said roused his attention, drawing him to look at her pretty features

    50. Early the next morning, Silpitocle roused me

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