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    Utiliser "selves" dans une phrase

    selves exemples de phrases


    1. James: 1:22: But be ye doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving your own selves

    2. Most human beings have been trained to ignore their true selves

    3. selves, none of which could ever have existed in a true void

    4. To love silence, Smith realised, meant that as the creator He had become aware of self and place and time, and of the difference between places and times and selves, none of which could ever have existed in a true void

    5. It is the new chorus of our forgotten comradesAnd the halleluyahs of our second selves

    6. Monkeynose were, it seemed back to their usual selves

    7. People often present their selves, saying: Be as this

    8. at the library already interested in their selves, learning for sax

    9. All around me I see enablers that call their selves

    10. The police have reported false abuse of their selves to give right to their power

    11. 14’ all around the village, guiding the children to rediscover their true selves

    12. The magikal-biological constructs that the Fair Folk bred would also be seen as their true selves; however, they were, on appearance, similar to human children

    13. They were addressed by merchants to parliaments and to the councils of princes, to nobles, and to country gentlemen; by those who were supposed to understand trade, to those who were conscious to them selves that they knew nothing about the matter

    14. Those who have rid themselves of their self-centered selves can function just fine without it

    15. Compassion is also the recognition that the self with which you identify is not different from the selves of other people

    16. However, we do not know this because we have lost touch with our true Selves

    17. Most of us mistake the image of ourselves for our true Selves

    18. On this path, over time, the love of God supplants our love for things of this world and our obsession with our false selves

    19. Our hearts yearn for love, peace and harmony because our Higher Selves remember what it is like on the Other Side and we are trying our best to replicate the state of utopia here on Earth

    20. Our true selves could be described in the following manner:

    21. Quite a few people dwelling in meta-physics believe that, when we are residing in a human form, part of our true selves could be photographed by way of the Kirlian process (named after Seymon Kirlian, the Russian inventor

    22. It is the golden bridge to our eternal Divine Selves

    23. selves into the holding chambers of the

    24. On the other hand, our Higher Selves remember and understand these truths readily

    25. To reconnect with our Higher Selves, healers and teachers usually suggest the raising of one’s chakras by way of meditation

    26. their motives are frequently dictated by their egos instead of their Higher Selves

    27. The affirmative thoughts communicate with our biological selves at cellular level i

    28. As a result the physical condition of the Earth, its environment and our biological selves are all evolving in symphony right now

    29. but they did return to their usual selves

    30. their way and Jill and Grant began to relax and show their true selves

    31. We were all pissing our selves with laughter as the Officers couldn’t see what the hell was going on and so we just strolled on talking to the blokes from the other Battalions

    32. An adversarial race, equal in technological terms to their own future selves, had appropriated an already prosperous (albeit troubled) planet to suit an ideological goal: a kind of utopia; the foundation for, perhaps, a colonisation

    33. ‘So, in effect, our physical selves will no longer interact with this reality

    34. The existence of anything beyond their selves was banished in its utter irrelevance

    35. Indeed the Council – although deferring to the wisdom of their future selves – had emphasized the point of using minimal force

    36. geese-girls when they were their proper selves, and their geese were

    37. At the big day there were many important Nationalists present, looking bored and their usual unfriendly selves

    38. What is it about the Hollywood Culture that seems to effectively absorb all traces of their former selves, transforming them into Kafkaesque-like characters whose abnormal, dreamlike perceptions manufacture a distorted sense of reality?

    39. Beyond reason, beyond words or their expression, a place of that moment only, where two perfect beings shared their true lustful selves, where all ideas of slaves and masters, men and women, love and hate, of identities and belonging, were rendered moot, irrelevant

    40. What have you to say for your selves? And you, Daphnie, I

    41. natural selves, have no problems with living their lives successfully

    42. selves, and we were told we could remain until a few days before their

    43. selves in a tough time, please remember to “pray and not to faint

    44. selves homeless, but that they may be called upon to help others that

    45. Abbey and Lucas were their usual animated selves, and they kept my brother distracted enough so that I could avoid having to converse with Adam

    46. The spiritual evolution is the awareness of being our spirit—our true selves, entities that have already been in many lives, progressing through thousands of experiences, doing all sorts of bad and good things, and now ready to progress further in our journey of spiritual evolution

    47. It was as though the loves that inhabited their interior selves shown on their faces and in their behavior

    48. If these musings and hypotheses were so, Nick, Bruce, and Jaro most likely would return to their balanced selves once the active ingredients of their onetime tattoos dissipated

    49. Both Selves - Here, and upwards, Divine

    50. In addition to this, on managerial and psychological level, in order to create superior questions, coaches, leaders and managers have to think in superlatives and believe in superlatives and hold them selves to their highest personal standards

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