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    signers exemples de phrases


    1. You see, John Hancock was one of the signers of the Declaration of Independence

    2. husband, George, one of the 56 signers of the

    3. family of Rufus King, one of the 39 signers of

    4. Destiny: the Signers of the Declaration of

    5. of all 56 signers of the Declaration

    6. signers of the Constitution

    7. Men of Destiny: The Signers of the

    8. [EDITOR'S NOTE: There were 34 signers of this document, including Anton

    9. The names of George Washington and the other thirty-nine signers ended the document

    10. In the first place, not one of the signers gave his address

    11. The ineffaceable, sad birth-mark in the brow of man, is but the stamp of sorrow in the signers

    12. When the Philadelphian speaks serenely of the Liberty Bell, the Charlestonian smiles and remembers that in 1765 South Carolina took the first step for a Continental Union, and that in Charleston was formulated the first independent constitution in any of the colonies; also that she furnished three of the signers of the Declaration of Independence—Arthur Middleton, Thomas Heyward and Thomas Lynch, Jr

    13. What, sir, have the other party done? Have they disturbed the quiet of either House? Have they brought forward the mass of their voters as signers to petitions? No, sir, they have trusted the subject to their Representatives, confiding in their disposition and ability to speak their sentiments

    14. That he had seen the petition, and had inquired into the character of its subscribers—and had been informed that the fifty-eight signers to it were among the most respectable, wealthy, and intelligent merchants of the city of New York

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