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    Utiliser "starves" dans une phrase

    starves exemples de phrases


    1. This starves them of

    2. No one ever starves

    3. Irregular attendance or Holiday church attendance starves us of the spiritual nourishment our leaders can provide through the Word

    4. Pity the wealthy for remaining rich while the world starves

    5. What political party would your god or love occupy? What country or people can claim to be governed by the gospel of the heart? Not one that wars, starves and ills

    6. When the world reaches the point of being uninsurable, and Insurancnism starves from lack of premiums, will we then create a common union to share and care for one another, or simply cannibalize the economy, country, and each other?

    7. The environment becomes a healthy one where everyone eats, no one starves, there are healthy bodies, and aggression over resources subsides

    8. She hoarded and saved, let her husband suffers and starves, and

    9. unquestioningly, blindly, uncritically… and as stupidly as a dog loves the master who kicks it and starves it and struts around as their beloved great powerful leader

    10. Once an Indian goes out in public and degrades themselves and starves and does incredibly stupid things for no reason, except to experience hardships that other sensible people would never do

    11. Civilization starves humans of freedom

    12. It starves humans of self-esteem

    13. It starves all humans of love

    14. It starves humans of happiness

    15. It starves humans of health

    16. Civilization starves humans of every single necessary thing we need to be healthy and happy

    17. It starves them of every single thing they are designed to have and should have and should not be denied from having it

    18. “If anyone starves tonight, it will be their own fault,” David said, chuckling

    19. The poor man starves while they are grassing their royal mountain stags or shooting peasants and phartridges in their purblind pomp of pelf and power

    20. “Once he runs out of food, how long until he starves to death?” Teddy asked

    21. They damned well deserve a chance—just a chance! It wouldn’t be much of a chance without better supplies, especially at this time of year, but it’d be more than they’d have sitting here while the heretics’ artillery blows them apart … or every one of them starves, anyway

    22. For want of ten foxes, a lion starves

    23. So the caveman starves

    24. So the cave man starves

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