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    Utiliser "transportation system" dans une phrase

    transportation system exemples de phrases

    transportation system

    1. She knew of this transportation system of Earth

    2. Thankfully the Paris transportation system allowed them ready access to the neighborhoods they most wished to tour

    3. The feds built our interstate highway and transportation systems

    4. security of the marine transportation system

    5. Some cities have adequate mass transportation systems, but many don’t

    6. This energy source extends to the transportation system through use of Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicles (PHEVs)

    7. Department of Homeland Security has reason to believe that Bob Windowmaker is the person behind the attack on our air transportation system

    8. And, if one had, say, maybe another dozen friends doing the same thing, at the exact same time, in another dozen major airports, then you would probably effectively shut down the entire air transportation system until they figured out what the fuck was going on

    9. live in a city where there is a good public transportation system, I stated that my cell

    10. The Ski Lodge sent a bus back and forth to city center but that was not part of the public transportation system

    11. It was only at the end of the war when the transportation systems had been bombed out of existence that the inmates in Auschwitz began to become malnourished and starve

    12. More so, the enthusiasts found it easy to check out one fishing spot to the next because of the improved transportation system

    13. Under the circumstances, however, and given the damage done to the transportation system, it would clearly be rash to advance too precipitously with winter no more than a month and a half away

    14. “He’s too smart to come out where we can get at him, and our logistics have taken too big a hit with the concentration camp inmates and the Temple Boys’ scorched-earth policies where the transportation system’s involved

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