Utiliser "trot out" dans une phrase
trot out exemples de phrases
trot out
1. He nudged his horse into a trot out of the gates and into the streets of Stonegard, the Knot following behind
2. Trust his sergeant to trot out an appropriate quote, fumed Rafferty, comforting himself with the thought that Llewellyn couldn't be so smart after all, if his wisdom consisted solely of borrowing dead men's words
3. ” She clicked her tongue and Patra broke into a trot out into
4. The government clerk with the sausages begins to melt, but he, too, desires to express his sentiments, and as soon as ever he begins to express them, he begins to get hot and say nasty things, and again I’m obliged to trot out all my diplomatic talents
5. I was supposed to call him from my cell phone when I arrived so he could trot out and escort me in
6. Finally they saw the dog reach out its paw to touch the bed, then turn and trot out of the room, hardly noticing them
7. The government clerk with the sausages begins to melt, but he, too, desires to express his sentiments, and as soon as ever he begins to express them, he begins to get hot and say nasty things, and again I'm obliged to trot out all my diplomatic talents
8. “You must have told somebody you were going to trot out the champagne, and that’s why they are all come!” muttered Rogojin, as the two entered the verandah
9. But Pyotr Stepanovitch had no time to trot out the Romans; he was completely thrown out of his reckoning