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    Utiliser "vi" dans une phrase

    vi exemples de phrases


    1. He had to maintain the code for the 'Houri' applications, in this case Delightia Mk VI, and he did the operation and set-up of the user application, so Jaseem could play it

    2. In the reign of Edward VI

    3. The authority of three justices of the peace was, by the statute of Edward VI

    4. } The survey of the duchy of Milan, which was begun in the time of Charles VI

    5. , and in the beginning of that of Edward VI

    6. The like frauds were practised in Scotland during the minority of James VI

    7. bask vi (in the sun) asolearse

    8. lie vi (not tell the truth) mentir

    9. VI - to end with the hunger, misery and social abandonment

    10. VI - adaptation to the existent laws of the financial system

    11. VI - to practice the preservation of the environment,

    12. VI - to provide guarantees in that all the goods and products

    13. VI - to verify the accomplishment of the objectives with its

    14. VI - resources originating from tax incentives in the terms

    15. VI - the movable properties and acquired properties for the

    16. Pope Paul VI lifted the ban on cremation in 1963 and in 1966 he allowed catholic priests to perform cremation services

    17. vi) return 0; :- Because function main() returns an integer value, there must be a statement that

    18. vi) Be filled with the Holy Spirit

    19. real and the unreal, ( vi, away, without + veka from root vic, to sift, sever,

    20. Pope Paul VI promulgated an encyclical [Humanae Vitae (Human Life)] in July of 1968

    21.  Juan VI, Dom, prince regent of Portugal; fled to Brazil with Queen MaríaI in 1807 when Napoleon was about to

    22. 22-caliber rifle, but the shot ricocheted off a rock near the hole and hit pal Vi Olated in the head, fracturing her skull

    23. “According to Triplet tradition, which Grandma will expect us to follow, he should be named after me – Richard Harold Triplet VI

    24. King George VI looked confused by that, not seeing why she was telling him about a particular pilot

    25. , George III, George IV, George V and George VI

    26. � She had come to measure in the last days how much veneration King George VI attracted: a timid monarch afflicted with chronic stuttering, he was loved for his dedication to his people and attention to the welfare of all

    27. ����������� They soon arrived at a relatively small dining room where King George VI was waiting for them

    28. George VI smiled and pointed at his watch

    29. She took out one of the bullets from the pistol magazine and gave it to George VI, whose eyes widened

    30. It has often been questioned why Mayne was not awarded the Victoria Cross; even King George VI expressed surprise at the omission

    31. I cannot speak to the reliability of this website, but it says here that Pope Alexander VI, also called the ‗anti-pope,‘ held the papacy from 1492

    32. Section VI: Journey’s End Chapter 21: The World

    33. He should have been on that ship which had already disembarked for the Borgus Mountains to pick up Em—the man from the suspended animation chamber and that woman—what was her name? Vi something or other

    34. A similar letter will have been hand-delivered directly into the hands of your father, King Georges VI, informing him as well of the expected delivery of the letter to you

    35. Their debacle had been made even more bitter with the loss of their beloved King George VI, dead from lung cancer and now replaced on the throne by his daughter Margaret

    36. VI In a lying posture, concentrate on the moon

    37. (vi) You are stating and declaring by water baptism that reality to spiritual powers

    38. I’ve fixed for you to see a close colleague of mine in DG VI tomorrow morning at about ten to talk cucumbers

    39. Andrew Groves, Pierre van-Leengoed and his colleague who acted as spokesman on agricultural affairs - a harassed, rather worried young German, who was aging before his time - duly met the chosen official in DG VI on the dot of ten

    40. Groves let forth about cucumbers and the dangers of unguarded comments to the media, while DG VI and its spokesman claimed that it was all the fault of the anti-European media, mostly based in UK, who grabbed at any chance to knock the CAP in particular and the EU in general

    41. DG VI, however, were impressed and slightly alarmed that the UK Prime Minister had chosen to send his top man to deliver a bollocking personally, rather than have a minion ring them up, which is what usually happened

    42. vi) Meditate in what God says about you

    43. vi) Consciously Release the Life of God - John 7:38


    45. an area in the valley at the foot of the tomb of Ramses VI where there

    46. VI, 180-185) Without pain no true poetry can be created, without pain we could not have the story of Ulysses’ adventures and we would not have one of the key elements that must be reflected upon if we want to understand the Odyssey’s deeper meaning

    47. VI, 180-185) , Homer and Ulysses speak of being “well renowned” as a result of the glorious concordance, and not of immortality, but this must not deceive us

    48. Canto VI he continues alonghis path of sorrow

    49. The High Priestess and High Priest will unite their water and fire in trump VI

    50. vi) In case of Cash Transaction Reports (CTR) compiled centrally by banks for the

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