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    Utiliser "wastefully" dans une phrase

    wastefully exemples de phrases


    1. He found himself, on several occasions, thinking about the huge quantity of heat that was passing through the roof of their inadequate shelter and escaping wastefully into the atmosphere

    2. All will not so readily admit that Wealth is necessary, but all must admit that a sufficient supply at least is necessary, and what would be considered sufficient for one, would be considered absolute and painful lack for another; and as Nature provides not only enough but abundantly, wastefully, lavishly, we realize that any lack or limitation is only the limitation which has been made by an artificial method of distribution

    3. It has never been used for anything on earth except the exorbitant wasting of trillions of dollars and spewing them as wastefully out into space with zero results… except the insane ego feeling of humans thinking that this completely false token of false superiority over the earth means that since they belong to the same species that did this… why then they must be superhuman geniuses and superior to all other living things on this planet

    4. That is why all mechanical energy is weak, and can only survive through the artificial mechanical energy and power of machines being fed huge amounts of raw resources, which they use inefficiently and wastefully

    5. And give the relative his rights, and the poor, and the wayfarer, and do not squander wastefully

    6. Dressed stones were piled nearby, and a heap of mortar was drying up wastefully on a wooden board

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    Synonymes pour "wastefully"

    prodigally wastefully