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    Utiliser "whereas" dans une phrase

    whereas exemples de phrases


    1. dark matter, whereas yours lists the stars that shine for bright, sparkling mortality

    2. The word "ordained" in (Acts 14:23) means to appoint without a vote whereas in (II Corinthians 8:19) it (chosen) means

    3. Then, full of arrogance, she claims it is very easy for a travelling salesman to earn as much as 600,000 drachmas per month, whereas the basic salary of an office employee is no more than 140,000 drachmas

    4. “Yes, but I work only six hours a day, whereas you work ten hours and you aren't paid any overtime! If I worked so many hours as you, I would earn more than 250,000 per month!” I reply and she shuts up

    5. She usually opens her mouth only to belittle me with offensive remarks such as “I have all the ideas, I am clever, whereas you can't think of anything, you are brainless!”

    6. I discovered in Menachem, for all of his worldliness, an almost constant source of optimism, whereas I, still feeling my way into manhood, could swing through the scales of euphoria and black melancholy with comparative ease

    7. None of it’s dramatic, not in your way…I mean, how do you make a public drama out of the long drawing down of a cancer, or the slow meander of a mild epidemic, or that fatal nudge into oncoming traffic? Oh, I do things with a flourish sometimes, I suppose, the knife and the psychosis, but no, my book is made up of dark matter, whereas yours lists the stars that shine for bright, sparkling mortality

    8. To be a people person and to enjoy the challenge of making a connection with them is a talent, whereas the ability to build a network of friends and supporters who know you and are prepared to help you is a strength

    9. Your talents are innate, whereas knowledge and skills can be acquired

    10. To the woman who complained that riches hadn't made her happy, the Master said, "You speak as if luxury and comfort were ingredients of happiness; whereas all you need to be really happy, my dear, is something to be enthusiastic about

    11. whereas he, the poet is an introvert,

    12. Most of the passengers were herded onto an old bus whereas my bit of the queue, and by that I mean myself and an older man carrying a huge cabbage, was cramped inside the rear of a much abused and dented van which was to be our very own shuttle up the mountain to Sophia

    13. The talk turned to the various sweets we used to eat as children; it seems Gary had a thing about liquorice bootlaces (typical boy!) whereas I preferred mint imperials

    14. Their first reaction to something is generally intellectual, whereas for the water signs – Pisces, Cancer and Scorpio – their initial reaction tends to be emotional

    15. Her parents supported her through uni whereas the rest of us (in common with the vast majority of the student population!) had to get part time jobs in order to keep body and soul together and, more annoyingly, she doesn't see why she should get a job now

    16. Whereas the year before were bright enough but only in certain areas

    17. Whereas the cove she knew had been a small almost circular area shut in by the ground around it and only open to the sea for a short arc of its circumference, this was a long stretch of sea-washed coast leading off in both directions as far as she could see

    18. The capital annually employed in the one will, in this case, amount only to one thousand pounds; whereas that employed in the other will amount to seven thousand three hundred pounds

    19. Is it conviction or condemnation? God always moves our heart toward change whereas the enemy always pushes down under the chains of condemnation

    20. My people work harder than even the Ancients, but we are no more than a handful, whereas they were thousands

    21. conceited and congratulate themselves, whereas the penitents

    22. children that has no limits, whereas a business manager ends his

    23. it is declared, "That whereas, for want of sufficient maintenance and

    24. The Petrol's were a few hundred yards up the road and Stephen Cleary clapped his hands in glee for Richard his elder brother told him that fire races up a slope whereas on a downward slope it takes its time unless blasted by the wind

    25. It was then, among other proof to the same purpose, given in evidence by a Virginia merchant, that in March 1763, he had victualled his ships for twentyfour or twenty-five shillings the hundred weight of beef, which he considered as the ordinary price; whereas, in that dear year, he had paid twenty-seven shillings for the same weight and sort

    26. Whereas in other matters, those requiring finesse and subtle adaptations of the energy, Tetloan seemed lacking in the slightest hint of power

    27. Whereas we have but a few islands they have vast swathes of fertile soil

    28. advantageous, too, to carry silver thither than gold; because in China, and the greater part of the other markets of India, the proportion between fine silver and fine gold is but as ten, or at most as twelve to one; whereas in Europe it is as fourteen or fifteen to one

    29. Fizzicist thought it could be marketed as a profitable venture whereas Sam went off to his first lesson

    30. ; whereas his tax upon silver amounts to one-tenth part of it, or to ten per cent

    31. The ceiling was made of timber beams, whereas back home, a rich man’s ceiling would be covered with terra cotta tiles, each imprinted with a pleasing image

    32. Whereas, the rich dad provided for his family’s necessities, never

    33. immediately; whereas, the rich dad felt the door still worked and the

    34. But at Carlisle, bills were paid in gold and silver ; whereas at Dumfries they were paid in Scotch bank notes ; and the uncertainty of getting these bank notes exchanged for gold and silver coin, had thus degraded them four per cent

    35. Of course, we spell it with an omicron, whereas Ionia in Asia Minor has an omega

    36. Father said the advantage of iron was that it could be sharpened anew once dull, whereas bronze had to be melted down and then recast

    37. Whereas, some affiliate programs allow you to send e-mails with the

    38. A merchant is accustomed to employ his money chiefly in profitable projects ; whereas a mere country gentleman is accustomed to employ it chiefly in expense

    39. The buckles, however, were to be all their own, and no other human creature was to have any share of them; whereas, in the more ancient method of expense, they must have shared with at least 1000 people

    40. attempt to connect with God, whereas Christianity is God connecting with

    41. The man who buys, does not always mean to sell again, but frequently to use or to consume ; whereas he who sells always means to buy again

    42. Consumable commodities, it is said, are soon destroyed; whereas gold and silver are of a more durable nature, and were it not for this continual exportation, might be accumulated for ages together, to the incredible augmentation of the real wealth of the country

    43. Whereas most poets spring from the aristocracy

    44. The transportation of commodities, when properly suited to the market, is always attended with a considerable profit; whereas that of gold and silver is scarce ever attended with any

    45. Feeding and fattening countries, besides, must always be highly improved, whereas breeding countries are generally uncultivated

    46. Think about it: you are already a dedicated people, whereas I am basically a pagan

    47. These Babylonian girls had lots to talk about during conversations, whereas she couldn’t contribute anything at all

    48. Low tides indicate that you energies are being drained, whereas high tides symbolize high energy

    49. France would, in this case, carry on a direct foreign trade of consumption with England; whereas England would carry on a round-about trade of the same kind with France

    50. In other words, an autotelic activity is intrinsically rewarding in the present, whereas you usually perform other activities with an eye to future benefit

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    Synonymes pour "whereas"

    considering inasmuch as for since