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    Utiliser "willy-nilly" dans une phrase

    willy-nilly exemples de phrases


    1. I wouldn’t buy everything willy-nilly, and you shouldn’t either

    2. Thus the skillful general conducts his army just as though he were leading a single man, willy-nilly, by the hand

    3. tions in order to spend willy-nilly!

    4. that had been tossed willy-nilly all over the narrow home

    5. Apparently when the Government steals it is alright! If any Congressman says that the taxes are for road repairs than have him/her explain why the gasoline taxes go directly into the Treasury where it is spent willy-nilly

    6. Patting him on the shoulder Zachariah smiled, “Now why don’t we pray first before you go running off willy-nilly trying to find her, so you can have some divine guidance in your search, for my granddaughter eh?” Again Cody nodded a grin inching up on his face as well, as they bowed their head in fervent prayer

    7. "I gave him no choice—made it clear he would go, willy-nilly, if Saipele had to carry him

    8. The headquarters were a peculiar bricolage of different styles with bits tacked on willy-nilly as the company had grown over the years

    9. description, seemingly tossed willy-nilly into the container, filling it to the brim

    10. fashion; it’s not something that drives us willy-nilly toward

    11. bounce from one thing to another within it, willy-nilly

    12. Everything happened willy-nilly

    13. This very sentiment is often expressed by people who lose part of their lower self willy-nilly after a near brush with death (the nagual Julian’s third method for losing self-importance)

    14. ‘Am I not missing him? And willy-nilly, am I getting attracted to him? But, how’s that possible when I’m in love with Raja

    15. “Well, Raju was not dumb to read my mind and so he steered clear of my course; but what if he had chosen to embarrass me by sticking to me on purpose? Won’t it make a strategy to hurt the jealous and the conceited by imposing ourselves upon them, never mind they cold-shoulder us? Well, he was too good a soul to resort to such a foul; but shortly after Anand came back on transfer, when Ruma advised him to keep away from his poor friend with no future to name, I had a full grasp of the complexities of the trap into which I willy-nilly pushed her into; and so I began to worry about the possible fallout of her changed ethos on my life as well

    16. Moreover, if not for their grant of Pakistan as the homeland for the Indian Musalmans, the British could have unwittingly Balkanized India or worse! So, notwithstanding the unpalatable partition of their ancient land, the Hindus have every reason to be grateful to the British for releasing them from the Muslim shackles that their Brahman-kshatriya duo willy-nilly put them into

    17. The Musalmans’ fundamentalist self-destruct is a weird phenomenon as Islam has the compelling character of infusing in the believers a frenzied religious madness of total blindness? Didn’t the Wahabis even dig up Muhammad’s grave once in order to make Islam purer! But, now, what of the growing trend of the Islamic car-bombings even in Muhammad’s land, not to speak of the conquered ones, aimed at fellow Musalmans? It’s as if the Islamic terrorism, willy-nilly nursed by the umma, like the Frankenstein Monster, has begun to devour the Islamic Hypocrites of dar-ul-Islam

    18. You never want to just start supplementing willy-nilly

    19. grabbed my arm and pulled me willy-nilly across the

    20. Well, William had to turn about and play on, willy-nilly; and 'twas only three o'clock in the world, and 'a knowed that nobody would come that way for hours, and he so leery and tired that 'a didn't know what to do

    21. The Crowd, howe’er, was pressing towards another Attraction, and willy-nilly, my Horse and I were swept along to a Booth which promis’d “a Great Collection of Strange and Wonderful Rarities, all Alive from sev’ral Parts of the World

    22. The main thing is that life willy-nilly goes forward to the better: one’s own life and the life of the world

    23. Jane Shore was dragged, willy-nilly, from history almost as though she were the heroine of a so-called popular novel, and two ladies, Mrs

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