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    Utiliser "woke" dans une phrase

    woke exemples de phrases


    1. "It was already made when I woke up," he said

    2. ” The second thing that happens is the universe says, “Ooh, look at this, somebody woke up, somebody knows

    3. I woke up one day, and I realized something

    4. As is often the case at times like these, he woke while dark still gripped the land

    5. The stopping was what woke her

    6. She woke slowly, just listened for awhile

    7. Then, I heard the scream in my head after I woke up

    8. By the time Herndon woke it was deep in Nightday, she thought it was week Voratainin but she wasn't too sure

    9. Peter woke up in a room with an old man sitting in a rocking chair

    10. Peter woke up in a cold sweat on the side of the street

    11. The couple woke late, always

    12. When Johnny woke the next morning he found that he could hardly move

    13. When I woke up I couldn't move

    14. ’ I said shortly realising that this is what woke me

    15. in the gutters of the metropolis, he woke one morning and decided that the mountain

    16. When Leonora woke up in the morning, everything seemed strange

    17. He woke with a start, hauled himself up on his

    18. He woke with a start

    19. My ever-present tears had dried on my cheeks by the time that I woke fully from my reverie, leaving my face covered with brittle tracks of tight skin

    20. Yesterday, at 2:00 am, I woke up with extra loud folk music in my ears! The duds across the street were having fun once again, right at that time, so I decided to call the police at once

    21. When we first woke up we were receiving a message from the Kassikan welcoming us and asking us what help we could use in completing our journey

    22. Kara woke to find morning light creeping around the window blind

    23. The room was darker when she woke again and a different young woman was there, slumped in the chair, the book she had been reading lying loose in her hand

    24. At the bottom of the stairs the guard who had been sleeping woke to see

    25. Elden and Song woke to see the sunrise

    26. Ten years after she died, nine years after he fled the village and soused himself in the gutters of the metropolis, he woke one morning and decided that the mountain overlooking his old home would be the best place for him

    27. He woke with a start, hauled himself up on his stout wooden stick, slung his bag back over his shoulder and patted the oak tree, thanking it for it’s tolerance of a foolish old man

    28. Son woke just in time to roll out of the way as a sword swung past his

    29. The children woke up to the sound of laughter

    30. Suddenly I woke with a start, I was on the ground, and I couldn’t see anyone

    31. When the woman woke it was dark outside

    32. She wanted to take some with her just in case Daniel woke up

    33. It surprised him so much he woke

    34. He slept for 3 hours before she woke him

    35. She was a fine figure of a woman, and he woke up feeling pretty randy

    36. ‘She had a nasty nightmare last night and was extremely upset when she woke this morning

    37. Despite anticipating that the sound of the water flowing past my head as I sleep in the cabin bed allotted to me would awaken memories that would prevent me sleeping, I do manage to drop off and woke to find myself in a different world; the flat lowlands have been replaced by rolling hills which, even though the plants and animals show the ubiquitous signs of malaise I have seen elsewhere, is lovely to behold

    38. As the sun rose over the mountaintop Daniel woke feeling refreshed and energized

    39. He never did wake either of the girls for another turn at watch and woke up before either one of them as the turquoise glimmer began to shimmer on the horizon

    40. Daniel woke one morning and the mountain was covered in a blanket of snow, the air was cool, crisp and clean

    41. She would come and see them when she woke

    42. The dull emptyness sometimes attacked her when she kept it down to two, she was already wanting one when she first woke up, especially on a Nightday when she'd slipped badly the Afternoonday before

    43. Several of the young students woke early and went exploring about the camp, curious about their new home

    44. They brushed against some eggs and woke them; all it took was one touch

    45. The sound of their parents stirring woke the two children

    46. The children’s mother woke them shortly after nine the next morning, which was a surprisingly early hour for any of them to stir on a school day

    47. Next morning when I woke, my mind was numb

    48. For the first time in a long time I had slept through the night and woke up a little tired because of the drugs

    49. Early one morning several days later as Kate woke and prepared to rise for the day, she was hit with the dizziness again and she quickly sat down on the bed

    50. I woke up in darkness on a mattress in hospital clothes and started crawling around to scope out my new environment

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