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    be amiss

    1. Nothing else looked to be amiss, everyone was still sleeping and nothing had apparently moved apart from those stones

    2. It would not be amiss to say that Simon was one of John's chief supporters

    3. The message can be accurate but your take on it could be amiss

    4. Something would be amiss or even look amiss, and I would then investigate

    5. Ferdy Chicken had never known a superhero to be amiss in his gut instincts, but it appeared that he was

    6. would be amiss not to mention that during moments of

    7. Now and then he looked covertly at his watch as if he expected someone who was late and he wondered if anything could be amiss

    8. Agafea Mihalovna, to whom the task of jam-making had always been intrusted, considering that what had been done in the Levin household could not be amiss, had nevertheless put water with the strawberries, maintaining that the jam could not be made without it

    9. At this point it was realized that it would not be amiss to cut up the whole mattress with scissors

    10. When we say we will not submit to their edicts; it cannot be amiss, although I acknowledge, sir, the undertaking is an unpleasant one, to inquire into the nature and extent of those edicts; I therefore will endeavor, within as narrow limits as possible, to exhibit to the view of the indignant American, the various wanton aggressions which have been committed by both these powers upon his commercial rights

    11. To strengthen the construction for which I insist, it may not be amiss to consider the views of the French Government at the time this treaty of St

    12. As this measure has been emphatically called an act of robbery and war, it may not be amiss to consider the political state of the Spanish colonies in relation to the Spanish Government in the hands of the Junta, and the new dynasty about to be established by Bonaparte

    13. To elucidate the subject more fully, it may not be amiss to give some topographical account of the town of Columbia

    14. Chalcedony, carnelian, agate, amethyst, prehnite, zeolite, chabasie, stilbite, and analcime, have been found nearly in the same place; and it may not be amiss to observe, that this spot is distant from Deerfield Academy about one mile, and bears from the same, by a true meridian, E

    15. " It may not be amiss, said Mr

    16. By a series of most impolitic and ruinous measures,[16] utterly incomprehensible to every rational, sober-minded man, the Southern planters, by their own votes, had succeeded in knocking down the price of cotton to seven cents, and of tobacco (a few choice crops excepted) to nothing—and in raising the price of blankets, (of which a few would not be amiss in a Canadian campaign,) coarse woollens, and every article of first necessity, three or four hundred per cent

    17. He felt no hesitation in declaring, that he would not go to war to encourage the nation, or any part of it, to become manufacturers, (and it may not be amiss to observe that, from the day that this report was laid on the table, we have heard nothing about manufactures;) nor would he go to war for the purpose of building a navy

    18. It may not be amiss to give the state of the thermometer on the last of February and beginning of March

    19. Sir: Before I reply to your question, "how many major generals and brigadiers are necessary for an army of thirty-five thousand men?" it may not be amiss to state what is believed to have been the proportion of officers of these grades in the Revolutionary army, and what is understood to be the proportion, at this time, in European armies

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