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    1. The entire 'carburetor' of the antique daedalus engine that drove this early starship was gone

    2. Amanda flipped a red switch and the bike moved faster as a servo poured more gas into the carburetor

    3. The bureaucrats always thought every scrap of paper with writing on it had to be saved and a bureaucratic post established to oversee every ton with the requisite senior and oversight councils over them

    4. He could figure out the minds of the parasites on the Kassikan but not the minds of it’s ancient bureaucrats

    5. But then, a bureaucratic sheriff came along and declared that the Cheese Merchant needed to fill in a 93-paged form before she could enter Trouble Valley, filled with queries like: MOTHERS MAIDEN NAME__________________

    6. She handed the forms to the bureaucratic sheriff, who carefully looked over each page

    7. This seemed to satisfy the bureaucratic sheriff, and he let her pass through into the village of Trouble Valley

    8. I was lucky to get the job with the Election Bureau for several reasons

    9. In case you be lucky enough about the good job but the Election Bureau (I hope so) please don't quit from your schooling Jeff

    10. I still don't know anything about my future with the Election Bureau but I should find out soon and I'll let you know

    11. I still haven't heard anything definite on a permanent job at the Election Bureau

    12. What do you say?? Anyway what happened to the job at the Election Bureau which had offered to you before? Did you get the position? I hope so

    13. I got a temporary job starting next week with the Elections Bureau

    14. Maybe because I don't have my (National Bureau of investigation) clearance from the Philippines

    15. I was still working in the City of Tucson Elections Bureau when I got the great idea to build my own circular poker table because back in those days at least I had a few people I could play poker with once in a while and I didn't have a good table and so I got the brilliant idea to build one

    16. I would go in the evening after I got off work from the Election Bureau

    17. Election Bureau, 86, 87, 91, 92, 93, 267, 274, 275

    18. Elections Bureau, 121, 204

    19. could tell she was a bureaucratic prig the moment I set

    20. mind so strictly regimented and bureaucratic that it would

    21. up…’ Oh no! Not more battles with the bureaucracy? I

    22. I've never heard bureaucracy used as a metaphor for economics before

    23. state need not an army of bureaucrats, but should offer

    24. Jim was the current elected head of the Jupiter Trade Bureau, a loose union of the various private trade organisations working in a wide range of orbits around the gas giant Jupiter

    25. on avoiding religion and the bureaucracies of Churches and can’t

    26. an impressive career in the United States Navy, rising to captain in 1855 and to a bureau chief of the Navy Department in 1860

    27. Obamacare would require another fifty federal bureaucracies, which, to this citizen, would be a stretch too much

    28. The consummate bureaucrat

    29. Why, after trillions of dollars having (ostensibly) been spent on the poor from the inception of LBJ"s „Great Society) until the present day, are the poor still among us? Could it possibly be that the majority of that money went, not to help the intended recipients, but rather to build and maintain left-wing, bureaucratic social services empires? In other words, as a sixties book 127

    30. The rapacious politicians and bureaucrats who would opt for this course would do well to heed the following words of Adam Smith

    31. I told him about the advanced carburetion,

    32. Even a chance of a discount on one of their own machines was just too much for them to offer; something to do with the strict rules on profit and the constraints of bureaucracy, the company policy more or less stated

    33. Martin Van Buren, n

    34. Van Buren a whole lot of good

    35. know that everyone in any bureaucracy, public or private, has a

    36. With their stamp seals on your piece of paper, you’re in, or at least you can go to the next level of the bureaucracy

    37. I’m going to make a recommendation that given the importance of this case that the Federal Bureau of Investigation immediately re-examine the personnel assigned to this case in order that we can move forward and find the people responsible for the death of Tony Reilly

    38. She had flooded the carburettor and was almost crying with frustration

    39. Certain groups in recent generations, however, have been hampered, for political and social reasons, perhaps, by bureaucratic ―visionaries‖ whose (utopic) imaginations and impractical zeal for alternative (economic) reforms have repeatedly impeded economic progress, if not encouraged underachievement

    40. For a president who did delay both the conquest and genocide, turn to Section Eight on Van Buren

    41. US President Martin Van Buren rejected them, worrying Texas would increase tension over the slavery issue

    42. What: The disastrous Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms raid on the Branch Davidian cult compound in Waco, Texas in 1993

    43. Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms Director Steve Higgins planned and approved the raid, hoping for a high profile success

    44. In spite of Johnson, Congress, Union generals, abolitionists, the Freedmen's Bureau, and newly freed Blacks exercising their civil rights could point to some accomplishments

    45. ) The camps were run by the Department of Justice, the War Relocation Authority, the Federal Bureau of Prisons, and the US Army

    46. What: By his principled opposition to slavery (though he felt bound by the Constitution's recognition of it) Van Buren delayed both a war of aggression with Mexico to expand slavery and the genocide of California Indians that followed

    47. Van Buren spent most of his life as a pure political climber, working his way up the ladder building a political machine, then joining the Jackson administration, going from Secretary of State to Vice President and finally candidate for President

    48. Again, Van Buren sent Scott

    49. Both crises made Van Buren very unpopular in New York and Maine

    50. In stopping a war with Mexico, Van Buren showed even greater courage

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