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    charge up

    1. The whole expense of this peace establishment was a charge upon the revenue of Great Britain, and was, at the same time, the smallest part of what the dominion of the colonies has cost the mother country

    2. Through the greater part of Europe, accordingly, the endowment of schools and colleges makes either no charge upon that general revenue, or but a very small one

    3. In the ancient monarchies of Europe, the manners and customs of the time sufficiently prepared the great body of the people for war; and when they took the field, they were, by the condition of their feudal tenures, to be maintained either at their own expense, or at that of their immediate lords, without bringing any new charge upon the sovereign

    4. His employer, if he is a manufacturer, will charge upon the price of his goods the rise of wages, together with a profit, so that the final payment of the tax, together with this overcharge, will fall upon the consumer

    5. The most obvious example was dilettante Teddy Roosevelt, who bragged endlessly about a few hours on a charge up a lightly defended hill

    6. All the ships charge up

    7. Our Wards have a lot of layers, and the last layer is of the same type as the Xervian Wards, but they’re new and haven’t had very long to charge up

    8. Too late, some turned to face the thundering charge upon their rear

    9. Halfdan followed Haki's whooping, ax-swinging charge uphill through the swirling snowfall

    10. the thundering charge upon their rear

    11. Several days’ labour preparing the defences were evident, with several ditches dug into the frozen ground at the track’s entrance to slow a charge up and lines of sharpened stakes had been driven into the ground to stop any cavalry

    12. He knew the invaders would not try to drive a chariot charge up the Pass in the teeth of the archers, but he grunted with surprize to see the riders dismounting

    13. He’s apparently in charge up here

    14. Ever since the sinking of the Maine and the Roughriders' charge up San Juan Hill, Hearst has played with the news and the people

    15. It took nearly ten seconds to charge up the cannon, and it also took a scoop out of the ship’s shield power

    16. The officer of the Royal Welsh Guards leading the charge up the staircase to the second floor swore and stopped dead in his track, crouching and pointing his pistol at the intimidating machine that had just rolled on its tracks to the top edge of the stairs

    17. He rolled up the sleeves to his hooded sweatshirt and began to charge up his fists

    18. "They can not put a charge upon a man because he reads the bible and is devout," stated another

    19. lions could charge up

    20. His masters called out not to lay on so hard and to leave him alone, but the muleteers blood was up, and he did not care to drop the game until he had vented the rest of his wrath, and gathering up the remaining fragments of the lance he finished with a discharge upon the unhappy victim, who all through the storm of sticks that rained on him never ceased threatening heaven, and earth, and the brigands, for such they seemed to him

    21. Tonight, I’ll charge up both batteries so I can be ready for a little test drive tomorrow

    22. The Inspector-General of State Hospitals (whose maintenance is a charge upon the Gould Concession), Official Adviser on Sanitation to the Municipality, Chief Medical Officer of the San Tome Consolidated Mines (whose territory, containing gold, silver, copper, lead, cobalt, extends for miles along the foot-hills of the Cordillera), had felt poverty-stricken, miserable, and starved during the prolonged, second visit the Goulds paid to Europe and the United States of America

    23. The difference between the amount contributed voluntarily and that required for the Basket’s purpose is supposed to be contributed from Mother Church’s coffers as a first charge upon tithes received

    24. It was risky business, this entering a paddock of thoats alone and at night; first, because their increasing noisiness might warn the nearby warriors that something was amiss, and also because for the slightest cause, or for no cause at all some great bull thoat might take it upon himself to lead a charge upon me

    25. [14] Joseph Hamilton Davies, commanding the cavalry in the expedition to Tippecanoe, where he was killed in a night charge upon the Indians

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