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    1. The CIA has reason to

    2. As Assistant Attorney General under Clinton, formed the infamous wall between the activities of the CIA and FBI, thus contributing mightily to the disaster of 9/ll, without so much as an admonishment from her president

    3. The operations of the Senate Church committee in 1975 did much, of course to gut the CIA

    4. And let"s not forget the role of the disgusting Jamie Gorelick who, in her role as Clinton"s Assistant Attorney General, erected a wall of separation between the FBI and the CIA

    5. Recognizing that federal law prohibits the CIA from operating on American territory, that law does not prevent intelligence sharing between federal agencies

    6. Ex CIA agent of Watergate fame, prolific writer, and conservative commentator

    7. He used the CIA in several assassination attempts, especially those against Castro

    8. and the CIA paid for all of it with money reaching us through

    9. After passing copies of the CIA report around the table, he made copious notes on a lined pad while he waited for them to read it

    10. “Well, if the CIA report is to be believed?” He waited a beat until the Prime Minister nodded his head, “Then we have no option but to isolate both areas and prevent any further spread of

    11. The Shah claimed to be part of an ancient dynasty, when in fact he was put in power in 1953 by a CIA coup, overthrowing the elected President Mossadegh

    12. The CIA carries out the attacks, rather than the US military, in part because they are not bound by the rules of war

    13. The Association for Responsible Dissent, mostly former CIA agents, estimates 6 million deaths from CIA actions

    14. Ahmed Chalabi and the Iraqi National Congress, set up and sponsored by the CIA, was intended to take over Iraq after Hussein's overthrow

    15. That the CIA thought Iraqis would accept him as a leader shows a failure of intelligence, in both meanings of the word

    16. The CIA called Curveball “crazy” and a “con man

    17. But where most US allies worked with the CIA, Panama worked more with the US Army because of the Panama Canal

    18. Bush had been head of the CIA in the 1970s, while the agency had Noriega on the payroll

    19. US intelligence, especially the CIA, carried out some of these attacks, especially on Cuba

    20. CIA officers are also required to read this book

    21. Saddam Hussein had a long series of ties to the US, was on the CIA payroll since the 1950s, and his atrocities did not trouble any US president

    22. The federal government and the CIA provided support to some of these terrorists going back to before the Bay of Pigs

    23. In a real sense, these terrorists were CIA creations

    24. What role did US presidents play in Cuban-American terrorism? Kennedy created a clear case of what the CIA calls blowback, a Frankenstein monster that turns on its creator

    25. Socialist Salvador Allende was legally elected in 1970, and Nixon immediately conspired with the CIA and phone company AT&T to overthrow him with a blockade, strikes, paid agitators, until finally a military coup brought him down

    26. AT&T financed “destabilizing” Chile's government with tens of millions, as did the CIA

    27. The Church Committee of the US Congress concluded the CIA was not directly involved in the coup itself

    28. But Congress was only looking at if the CIA gave direct orders to the military, not the fact of years of efforts to weaken the government and openly hoping for an overthrow

    29. What Nixon and the CIA did was roughly equivalent to telling professional killers how much you wanted someone dead and leaving money on the table, but not directly handing them the money or saying the words, “Kill him

    30. Most interrogations had a US official, either a civilian CIA or Special Forces soldier, present and directing it

    31. William Colby, later head of the CIA, directed Phoenix after Komer

    32. Yet it is also clear that the great majority of torture deaths happened under CIA or Special Forces supervision, if not direct orders

    33. He shortly became the Director of the CIA

    34. CIA interrogators carried out some interrogations, but more often supervised or directed the kidnapping of suspects to be tortured in third party countries, usually dictatorships with no laws against torture

    35. “Truman said he worked with some CIA agents during the war; is that how you met?”

    36. “According to him, the CIA was responsible for a whole lot more than help on the battlefield

    37. “He was a CIA intelligence officer whose specialty was interrogation

    38. Sinclair could show up anywhere, because he was the American CIA agent to be called in for particularly sensitive situations that involved the movement of communist military hardware

    39. Only in the aftermath of the Watergate Scandal, CIA spying scandals, Vice President Agnew's leaving office under a bribery scandal, and over a decade of turmoil over the US-Vietnam War could an almost unknown governor become president

    40. Recruiting within the officer corps for training with the newly formed and highly classified Contra Officers Combat Readiness Training (COCRT), sponsored by the CIA, began even before the Samosa family’s hurried departure

    41. (Technically, the US was ‘not involved’: the official decision by CIA Director, William Casey, to ‘offer support to’ the Contras or Frente de Democracia Nacional, FDN came later, in 1981

    42. ) Much to Truman’s surprise, John Hall was one of the two CIA men conducting interviews at the training center

    43. But loyalty was something that could be bought with cold hard cash, so the CIA provided it

    44. The long list of countries invaded by the US, or governments overthrown by US troops, the CIA, or military dictatorships supported by the US, would be far less

    45. Cheney also devoted an enormous amount of time to pushing for a pardon for Scooter Libby, a staff member convicted of perjury and obstructing the investigation of a leak exposing the identity of a CIA agent

    46. Many observers thought Libby's obstruction was to hide the fact that the one who exposed the CIA agent's identity may have been adviser Karl Rove or even Bush himself

    47. A CIA intelligence estimate that Iran was unlikely to develop the atomic bomb soon (as indeed they have not for the six years since then) strengthened the case of those opposed to bombing Iran

    48. The Benghazi CIA station deaths theory was debunked within the first two weeks

    49. John would want to sit and share war stories from the old days when he was in Nicaragua with the CIA

    50. John Frazer, or Sinclair, as he had been known through a long career with the CIA, was a confirmed believer in the power of providence

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    Синонимы для "cia"

    central intelligence agency cia