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    coal black примеры предложений

    coal black

    1. There, hanging in the compartment, was something they had not made themselves: a new charcoal black sack suit and vest and two linen shirts from the village haberdashery

    2. It was coal black adding contrast to her gray hair and soft blue eyes, which looked as if she'd been crying for days

    3. A stretch of coal black canvass laid out flat covered the grass behind me

    4. It was Lumit with the beautiful red hair and blue eyes, and Tavil with the black hair and coal black eyes

    5. Astray’s flower necklace whipped up and down in the wind—the wispy glow of the petals shone like fire against his coal black coat

    6. Ameena's mouth thinned, and her brows drew down, the rage simmering in those coal black eyes one of a mother that refused to lose that which meant most to her

    7. was coal black and his eyes dark as pools of still water

    8. His hair was coal black, coarsely braided, and long—tucked into the tunic collar beneath the armor

    9. Lime green and cocoa brown and royal blue and hot pink and charcoal black and gittery white, and many, many others

    10. The stallion was coal black and magnificent to behold, a hardy offspring of my father’s past great warhorse Flin

    11. “There’s a few differences don’t you think?” The young man with coal black skin said on a bitter note

    12. Enormous as a small skyscraper, vaguely resembling a dragon, it’s coal black, leathery, and icy, with eyes like huge orange furnaces

    13. Holmes, with a laugh, passed his hand behind the child's ear, a mask peeled off from her countenance, and there was a little coal black negress, with all her white teeth flashing in amusement at our amazed faces

    14. The clouds blocked the moon and the stars, and the sky was coal black

    15. The past ten years had padded the curves of her hips some, and combed into her coal black hair a few streaks of cinder gray

    16. As the sun angled, the buttes and coulees, the cliffs and sculptured hills and ravines lost their burned and dreadful look and glowed with yellow and rich browns and a hundred variations of red and silver gray, all picked out by streaks of coal black

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