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    coconut примеры предложений


    1. In preliminary experiments at his research greenhouse in Hilo, Hollingsworth applied a 2 percent solution of caffeine in water as a spray to the coconut husk-chips material in which orchids are grown

    2. Coconut Oil will coat the cockroaches and will suffocate them

    3. The Team India Cricket Shop opened with the smashing of a coconut on the

    4. The young man and his bride jetted off to their honeymoon paradise sponsored by a company that made coconut filled chocolate bars, and in return for a few more photographs, a short video and some encouraging words, they were given a wonderful time on golden beaches lapped by azure seas

    5. It was a bottle of coconut oil, fortunately closed

    6. Relax on the white sandy beach and sip coconut water, whilst watching the graceful Siva Dance

    7. Coconut palms cover most of the land, with large lagoons and a coral reef to complete

    8. The coconut had been smashed, a brief pooja performed

    9. Mango trees, with its large juicy fruit, grew in abundance as did countless coconut trees and wild grape bushes

    10. The coconut and pineapple scented aftershave from the early morning commuters had even managed to permeate the deepest darkest air of North London

    11. She remembered Bubbala Celia singing, as together they made coconut pyramid cakes for Passover, the most important holy ceremony of the Jewish year

    12. Remove from heat, mix in the cereal, nuts (or coconut), and vanilla

    13. Using a tablespoon measure, shape coconut into 26 balls with hands and place on wire racks

    14. Coatings (powdered sugar, cocoa, toasted coconut or chopped nuts)

    15. "Try rolling these in 2/3 cup ground, salted peanuts instead of coconut!" Original recipe yield: 8 dozen

    16. Dip balls in melted chocolate, then roll in coconut

    17. Stir in the nuts, vanilla wafer crumbs and 1/2 of the coconut

    18. Roll balls in the remaining coconut

    19. Spread coconut evenly over a buttered baking sheet

    20. This one doesn't have coconut, but it is really tasty

    21. Besides fishing, there is abundance of coconut trees from which they extract the delicious drink called “tuba”, white in color when squeezed out of the fruit, but which later takes on the color red when new ingredients are added to it

    22. From the dry meat of the coconut, known as “copra”, they produce oil for multiple and diverse use

    23. Naturally, the industry has since diversified, and nowadays it includes heavy industry and other businesses such as pastry, of which the coconut variety was the one that most delighted me

    24. In a way, “chendol” reminded me of the drink “tuba” of Pilar, Philippines, for that Singapore drink consists also of coconut milk, but mixed, however, with brown sugar, strips of green starch and red beans

    25. Good treats can be carrots, ice cubes, apple, a bit of bread with coconut oil or butter

    26. Along the Caribbean coast, south of Chauita, a tiny village lies hidden among the unbroken belt of coconut palms lining the coast: Puerto Viejo is in many ways the twin of Chauita

    27. Whoever he was wore some kind of strong coconut aftershave and changed his voice a number of times

    28. He returned to the general store to sit on its wide porch, sipping the water of a chilled coconut, and thought

    29. Truman returned to Puerto Viejo triumphant, parked between the public phone and the La Hacienda 4X4, dented its rear door to match the front and, after chasing off the pesky drunk, ordered another chilled coconut to idle away the forty-five minutes before he would call Beth

    30. The sound, like a coconut breaking, then blood spraying almost to where she still lay

    31. coconut before the Lord and prayed pledging to test the temperature

    32. was sitting in his customary Siddha position, with a coconut, sacred

    33. “Narayan” and gave the prasad, coconut and sacred ashes asking him

    34. We bought Papaya salad, baked fish and sticky rice from one of the roadside motorbike shops which we ate leisurely under the coconut palms

    35. Sweet, delicate ripe mangos are laid on of top of sticky rice and drizzled with sweetened coconut milk

    36. And see, the seven young coconut trees, I planted at Christmas, are starting to flourish; they just suck up water like a sponge; so much it really shows

    37. The slender stalks of coconut trees led up to a green blanket across the sky

    38. Hugh Catholic Church in Coconut Grove, Florida




    42. I had a new coconut shampoo to use and that smelt really nice

    43. Blend light rum, blue Curacao, pineapple juice, and cream of coconut with one cup ice in an electric blender at high speed

    44. Revealing her hands at the opportunity she said I douse them in coconut cream

    45. That coconut husker never gets invented either

    46. A lone food vendor under a bare electric light bulb caught my attention and I bought a coconut from him

    47. of braised chicken in coconut milk on a daily basis

    48. roasting the pig they bath it in coconut water and rub it with

    49. made with coconut milk and has a sweeter flavor

    50. The silhouettes of some planted coconut trees along the coast, leaning by the action of the wind, in pitiful attitude, bent as if they were carrying a heavy load, folding in reverence as sympathizers of our unique destiny

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    Синонимы для "coconut"

    cocoanut coconut coconut meat coco coco palm cocoa palm coconut palm coconut tree cocos nucifera