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    come to nothing

    1. It may come to nothing though Dr Jim seems to think we have a chance

    2. If he sensed the merest whiff of trouble, all of her hopes could come to nothing

    3. A fellow woman who shared her beliefs, someone whose life also had come to nothing and who was between – God only knows what she was between, husbands, jobs, lifestyles: she was between something and therefore free – had gone with her

    4. 22 those who hate you shall be clothed with shame; and the dwelling place of the wicked shall come to nothing

    5. 14 While he opens his hand he shall rejoice, so shall transgressors come to nothing

    6. returned into his dust, and his thought is come to nothing

    7. 9 Then came the Word of God to Adam and said to him "Adam as for the sun if I were to take it and bring it to you days hours years and months would all come to nothing and the covenant I have made with you would never be fulfilled

    8. It had come to nothing—as was usual in his life, damn the stars, and now he was here, walking to no purpose through an unknown city and pursued by a strange bird and a mind-cane

    9. 59 For as the things aforesaid shall receive you so thirst and pain are prepared for them for it was not his will that men should come to nothing: 60 But those who are created have defiled the name of him who made them and were unthankful to him which prepared life for them

    10. 63 Today he shall be lifted up and tomorrow he shall not be found because he is returned into his dust and his thought is come to nothing

    11. If this were not so then all of this would have been a foolish conceit and long ago would have come to nothing!”

    12. Jemelda’s heart pounded and she wondered whether her plans would in the end come to nothing

    13. and long ago would have come to nothing!”

    14. 18:4-20 Come out of her my people so that you are not partakers in her sins and so that you do not receive her plagues because her sins have reached up to Heaven and God has remembered her sins; Reward her double even as she rewarded you and for her double it according to her works; In the cup which she has filled fill it doubly for her; How much she has glorified herself and lived delicately! so therefore give her much torment and sorrow because she says in her heart: “I sit a queen and am no widow and shall see no sorrow” therefore her plagues shall come in one day death and mourning and famine; and she shall be utterly burned with fire because strong is the Lord God who judges her; and the kings of the Earth who have committed fornication and lived delicately with her shall grieve for her and lament for her from the fear of her torment when standing far away they shall see the smoke of her burning saying: Disaster! Disaster! That great city Babylon! that mighty city because in one hour your judgment has come! and the merchants of the Earth shall weep and mourn over her because no man buys their merchandise any more; the merchandise of gold and silver and precious stones and of pearls and fine linen and purple and silk and scarlet and all your wood and all manner vessels of ivory and all manner of vessels of most precious wood and of brass and iron and marble and cinnamon and odours and ointments and frankincense and wine and oil and fine flour and wheat and beasts and sheep and horses and chariots and slaves and the souls of men; and the fruits that your soul lusted after have departed from you and all things which were dainty and good have departed from you and you shall never find them any more at all; The merchants of these things who were made rich by her shall stand far away from the fear of her torment weeping and wailing and you all will say: Disaster! Disaster! that great city which was clothed in fine linen and purple and scarlet and decked with gold and precious stones and pearls! because in one hour such enormous riches have come to nothing; and every shipmaster and all the crews in ships and sailors and as many as trade by sea stood far away and cried when they saw the smoke from her burning! They were saying: What city is like this great city! And they threw dust on their heads and cried weeping and wailing saying: Disaster disaster; that great city of which all those who had ships in the sea were made rich because of her costliness because in one hour she was made desolate! Rejoice over her Heaven and you holy apostles and prophets because God has avenged you against her

    15. believed in come to nothing

    16. that you would think your experiments in dreaming had come to nothing, and

    17. The flowers of this world all die, and wither and lose their sweetness, and decay, and come to nothing at last

    18. The bread shall come to nothing; the body is immortal and shall not perish

    19. “Therefore, when you come to nothing (with some), still labour hard

    20. They stood looking at each other with eyes full of confusion and sadness, believing that their last hope for rescuing their poor innocent son from the noose had come to nothing

    21. ‘Oh God! Oh God! Is this the meaning of fate? Is the future of everyone restricted to this hole in the ground where hopes and plans all come to nothing?

    22. Clearly, the boy’s vision had come to nothing!… Was this because of the dubious powers of magic?

    23. He knew that he had spared no effort in trying to stop his hand from opening, but all of his exertions had come to nothing, and his hand was forced open as if by a powerful unseen being

    24. Alas! The box contained only some winter clothes and there was no carpet inside it, and the vision of the boy had come to nothing!

    25. Well, that would come to nothing — I was pretty sure the Dorf PD had written me off

    26. Here is the definition by one of the greatest lexicographers in history: ‘To go or run through, come to nothing, perish

    27. Those who deny Our revelations and the meeting of the Hereafter-their deeds will come to nothing

    28. The barber was all this time on his knees at great pains to hide his laughter and not let his beard fall, for had it fallen maybe their fine scheme would have come to nothing; but now seeing the boon granted, and the promptitude with which Don Quixote prepared to set out in compliance with it, he rose and took his lady's hand, and between them they placed her upon the mule

    29. Of those that began great and ended in a point, there are thousands of examples, for all the Pharaohs and Ptolemies of Egypt, the Caesars of Rome, and the whole herd (if I may such a word to them) of countless princes, monarchs, lords, Medes, Assyrians, Persians, Greeks, and barbarians, all these lineages and lordships have ended in a point and come to nothing, they themselves as well as their founders, for it would be impossible now to find one of their descendants, and, even should we find one, it would be in some lowly and humble condition

    30. much use without the architect, and the plans of the architect would come to nothing, his building would be a mere castle in the air, if it were not for the other workers

    31. But I couldn't come to nothing

    32. And it’s better it should come to nothing, if he, Vronsky, is capable of falling in love with you in a single day

    33. ’ He’d had a row, too, with Berkoshov, and was going to send seconds to him, but of course it would come to nothing

    34. has come to nothing?"

    35. He had been completely without action in all his years of adult life; the talk of his going into the army and into parliament and into a monastery, had all come to nothing

    36. But as the woman kept coughing and a car slid by, scattering the rainy light, he thought back to the time when he himself had been closest to feeling his plans had come to nothing—the spring of 1975

    37. Madame Thenardier being dead, Boulatruelle being eliminated from the case, Claquesous having disappeared, the principal persons accused having escaped from prison, the trial connected with the ambush in the Gorbeau house had come to nothing

    38. Norris began to look about her, and wonder that his falling in love with Julia had come to nothing; and could almost fear that she had been remiss herself in forwarding it; but with so many to care for, how was it possible for even her activity to keep pace with her wishes?

    39. And it's better it should come to nothing, if he, Vronsky, is capable of falling in love with you in a single day

    40. " He'd had a row, too, with Berkoshov, and was going to send seconds to him, but of course it would come to nothing

    41. There may have been expectations, but they had come to nothing

    42. "It'll all come to nothing," said some one, an obstinate, sour-tempered old fellow

    43. As the event has proved, it was not impossible to find evidence of his absence, though I must confess that chance has helped me in a quest which might very well have come to nothing

    44. usually in our world things come to nothing, but this will end in something; it's bound to, it's bound to!"

    45. Having once let go of that which is most essential for art (namely, the guidance given by religious perception), that art has become ever more and more exclusive, and therefore ever more and more perverted, until, finally, it has come to nothing

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