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    1. Yoga, Meditation, community singing of songs in the praise of one lord or the other, and spiritual discussions etc are not identified with one religion but are adopted by individuals based on their experience with regard to its good effect on physical and emotional health and in search of true happiness

    2. Rather than adjourning early, the Haadij continued the discussions about the logistics of setting up a seed colony in the Kassidorian wilds among the astrophysicists and any others of the crew who wished to remain and listen or participate

    3. He no longer paid any attention because he could see how little reason entered into the discussions and the council would not even listen to anything the remainder of the crew decided

    4. Nevertheless, I often suspect -from askance looks, certain phrases, bored movements- that Aphrodite doesn't really like such discussions

    5. discussions or a vote in the decisions

    6. We can not sit quietly through discussions, some heated without opening our

    7. We took part in interesting discussions, we played volleyball with the others, we walked to the nearby village every afternoon

    8. You have generously offered your property in Blue Anchor to be used by Errd and discussions on this subject will take place once you have travelled across

    9. Then there had been what Joris had termed ‘bits and pieces’ – in truth, valuable artefacts collected from all over the world that he had garnered during his travels; after discussions with Berndt who had taken a quick look at the vast store of, without exception, items of considerable artistic merit if not value, Kara had agreed that the bulk might be offered to the new Guild to form the basis of a museum of some sort

    10. Thru her discussions with Jeffery, Miss Susan had seen the need for warm clothing for the riders when they were in flight

    11. She felt that she finally had something to offer to these discussions, basing her opinions on her direct experience with these poor unfortunate people

    12. He gets straight to the point in discussions; I will not have to mince words with him

    13. There were many discussions on the mating habits of each species

    14. After discussions between Tara, Duncan, and Minister Gordon, it was decided that Alexei should accompany her to Aura

    15. Someone else appeared at the door, someone who also knew English because he used that to say, “I must be late for the meeting, the discussions have already started

    16. We had some fascinating discussions – the process of birth is a great leveller, Sarah

    17. At the end of the discussions, they dug a shallow grave, buried him, and covered it with loose rocks

    18. “Anyway, it seemed that their discussions had just about wrapped

    19. Taking advantage of a lull in their discussions, Tom interrupted

    20. discussions overhead in the garages that the drivers each had

    21. “Good, good, I'm glad to have as little confusion in our discussions as possible

    22. After several, rather business like discussions, the subject of the summer fair was brought to the table

    23. A real mathematical representation of all those otherwise confusing labels the older man had been referring to all this time in their discussions

    24. Jim had appeared at the door in the middle of one of their discussions

    25. husband had gone, of his own discussions with the same

    26. interest to the discussions surrounding the appointment of

    27. Her discussions with him about what it meant to the future of both their civilizations had

    28. only as a subject for discussions, his indiscipline face to

    29. I’d miss it all: The planning, the plotting, the discussions with

    30. Her discussions with Rikke, Tullius, Maro and even miscellaneous Guild contacts in Riften had reinforced the notion that she would have to go about things by less than conventional means

    31. Therefore discussions at the dining table should be avoided as far as possible

    32. This is a promise from both parties to keep information private between discussions

    33. He was sure there were discussions about who would take the nerd for his first sexual encounter; he didn’t need to overhear the chatter amongst the girls – when their attention swivelled to him from a near dinner-hall table, and then back to the ensuing giggles – to know just what they were saying

    34. No-one was directly taking out their anger on him, but the discussions had been quite heated and no-one was in anything like a forgiving mood

    35. ” I said, suddenly remembering the discussions we"d had of different religious groups

    36. discussions with his parents and friends in the whaling business, Jon shipped on the bark Roman as a greenhand under the

    37. We feel a tinge of sadness driving away and often cushion our remorse with lively discussions of how Diego might pass the time in our absence

    38. Do not look at it as eavesdropping either, more as a cautious friend monitoring the content of your discussions

    39. The Queens were younger though, he was not sure how much younger though he knew that much from his discussions with Jean

    40. Carl was still glowering over their discussions earlier in the day; Wil was quiet but seemed only tense about their arguments

    41. The two kings joined in the conversation from time to time though mostly they were engrossed in their own discussions that Torin locked out of his range of hearing

    42. There were discussions, not heavy handed and hostile, there were humble and innocent questions about the impending op and how she felt, not because they didn’t believe her but because they wanted to know

    43. Our discussions had clearly been about a simple exchange—cash for the kids

    44. I sat on my chair hardly speaking or participating in the discussions or hardly listening for that matter, but I did feel better for being there

    45. And yes of course a public hanging is gruesome but do you really think strangulation is better? I know which one I prefer if given a choice but it brings us to another point of importance which is sometimes lost during counter-terrorism discussions

    46. When she was finally satisfied, we could get on with our work as the deadlines could not be moved for the sake of our discussions

    47. (Church leaders fell asleep at the helm!) 5) Discussions centering on Gender and Marital ―reforms‖

    48. This was pretty heavy stuff! I went to work the following morning anticipating some rather lively discussions

    49. Does that not represent an overwhelming majority against the one million demonstrators? Europeans should not confuse the public discussions that take place in this country as a repudiation of the president’s policies

    50. One of the discussions we’ve had with the other people

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