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    1. I'll stick with the real pills because the results have lead to a distinguishable proven result

    2. Frank's voice, with that barely distinguishable

    3. Their size was distinguishable by the size of men alongside them like ants

    4. The language used in the book can be distinguishable from a Western text on warfare and strategy

    5. “You remember when I told you how the eye colors were the only difference that made both twin sisters distinguishable from each other,” he asked me in a serious tone

    6. distinguishable from the rest; a thin, oval gash, slightly above his

    7. that they were barely distinguishable, “abominations spawned by

    8. A much wider path, clearly distinguishable as a road with wheel ruts on either side, led out of the clearing

    9. The four animals were not as easily distinguishable as he was, as all Cerberus resembled one another quite a lot

    10. Finally we reached a spot in no way distinguishable from the rest of the forest

    11. “Granted you're a distinguishable man and once

    12. His face was hardly distinguishable from the crosshatch of scars, which he tried to conceal with a dark patchy beard; he was not by any account a handsome man, having a face only a mother could love

    13. as long as they are distinguishable by the direction or spacing of the grat-

    14. the water that passed through it that it would for ever after be distinguishable from the water of the other pipes

    15. They stood in tense stillness, while the low mutterings both had heard grew louder until voices were distinguishable

    16. A decaying basurel; only its head and neck and feet distinguishable on the rest of its carcass that had been stripped clean of flesh

    17. clearly distinguishable from the reference regarding the “Church in the wilderness

    18. Instead, I said something about her divine shit not being distinguishable from that of the great unwashed

    19. distinguishable whether her response indicated disbelief, surprise, or

    20. There was no mistaking the distinguishable features of Ed Carter, with his potbelly and signature suspenders, and Jerry Barkley, with his crooked nose and obvious hairpiece, two of the members of the Convention Center Committee

    21. The coffee, however, was hot and not bad, and she drew her chair up to the fire to drink it, and lit a cigarette, and, being satisfactorily fed, was inclined to smile at herself, after the varied emotions of the night, and of the day, too, as far as it had got, for being able to sit warming her knees at a strange fire in Oxford, in a condition hardly distinguishable from placid

    22. Japanese were easily distinguishable but Chinese and Korean were to her very similar

    23. Even though the CCTV was grainy and rather dark, Mikhail was distinguishable

    24. the cars that were formed of distinguishable pixels

    25. The room was full of murals, but the one I wanted was clearly distinguishable from the rest and we sat down at that table

    26. ’ Thus it has happened that the Christian believer in infernal agency is easily distinguishable from the devil-worshippers of Ceylon, or the paper-burning devotees of China and Japan, much more from the adherents of the Oriental theology, in which two equal powers of good and evil struggle through eternity for supremacy

    27. In the heathen mythologies the so-called good spirits were scarcely distinguishable morally from bad, except in this one particular, that they were reputed arbitrarily to confer physical benefits upon their adorers, while the evil demons are hostile and mischievous

    28. When arguing against a supposed error of ours, in which by mistake he attributed to us the belief that mankind is not simply allied on one side to the animal races, but is distinguishable from them only by shades of development, he very justly points out that this undistinguishableness of the germs cannot be pleaded in support of the identification of the two, since the obscure germ soon demonstrates its hidden forces, and asserts in humanity its generic superiority to that of the brute

    29. Nothing was distinct or distinguishable

    30. not distinguishable from the plains

    31. The fire had smouldered to ashes; the room was filled with the damp, mild air of the cloudy evening; and so still, that not only the murmur of the beck down Gimmerton was distinguishable, but its ripples and its gurgling over the pebbles, or through the large stones which it could not cover

    32. distinguishable, had, at the expense of no more delicacy than what he

    33. Whether the path was hardly distinguishable, whether it disappeared, or whether it lay beaten and plain before him, made no sensible difference in his speed or certainty

    34. Then he reappeared, creeping along the earth, from which his dress was hardly distinguishable, directly in the rear of his intended captive

    35. At the other end, silent, scarcely visible, and like a shadow, was a sentinel, who was walking up and down before a grotto, which was only distinguishable because in that spot the darkness seemed more dense than elsewhere

    36. eunuch Catalani beglamoured our greatgreatgrandmothers) was easily distinguishable

    37. The steamer soon disappeared, and in an hour afterwards, as the count had said, was scarcely distinguishable in the horizon amidst the fogs of the night

    38. Peter's, which may be seen long before any other object is distinguishable

    39. of a real maid, at least with those perhaps greater of a dissembled one which gave me an air of confusion and bashfulness that maiden-modesty had all the honour of, and was indeed scarce distinguishable from it, even by less partial eyes than those of my lover: so let me call him, for I ever thought the term "cully" too cruel a reproach to the men, for their abused weakness for us

    40. vermillion and bloom reigning in his face; but now the roses were more fully blown; the tan of his travels, and a beard somewhat more distinguishable, had, at the expense of no more delicacy than what he could well spare, given it an air of

    41. Tess instinctively thought it might be Marian, and when she came near enough to be distinguishable in the gloom, surely enough it was she

    42. The particular faults from which these delicate generalities are distilled have distinguishable physiognomies, diction, accent, and grimaces; filling up parts in very various dramas

    43. Romanticism, which has helped to fill some dull blanks with love and knowledge, had not yet penetrated the times with its leaven and entered into everybody's food; it was fermenting still as a distinguishable vigorous enthusiasm in certain long-haired German artists at Rome, and the youth of other nations who worked or idled near them were sometimes caught in the spreading movement

    44. A philosopher fallen to betting is hardly distinguishable from a Philistine under the same circumstances: the difference will chiefly be found in his subsequent reflections, and Lydgate chewed a very disagreeable cud in that way

    45. sufferings of his own pride from humiliations past and to come were keen enough, yet they were hardly distinguishable to himself from that more acute pain which dominated them—the pain of foreseeing that Rosamond would come to regard him chiefly as the cause of disappointment and unhappiness to her

    46. There was one distinguishable face in the crowd

    47. OPMIs are members of the public and are distinguishable from others in three respects

    48. Half an hour later he was disappearing behind the Douglas mansion on the summit of Cardiff Hill, and the school-house was hardly distinguishable away off in the valley behind him

    49. Currently, Bitcoin has the largest adoption of any cryptocurrency, so newer ones would need to have easily distinguishable advantages over Bitcoin to overcome its network advantage

    50. Miss Bacon sat motionless before the microphone, one hand on the transmitter switch, listening to the carrier wave and the low sobbing at the other end, clearly distinguishable through the static

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