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    divine revelation

    1. Prophecy- A divine revelation of God’s heart or purpose for the future

    2. in divine revelation or in the truth of the gospel

    3. In very streams of the divine revelations

    4. can live this life without getting His divine revelations

    5. Empiricists maintain that whatever faith, divine revelation, or

    6. Through oversophistication or as a result of the irreligious conduct of professed religionists, a man, or even a generation of men, may elect to suspend their efforts to discover the God who indwells them; they may fail to progress in and attain the divine revelation

    7. The final divine revelation from ALLAH appears through the

    8. received his first divine revelation from ALLAH through the

    9. (PBUH) how to read the divine revelation, and subsequent ones

    10. Paul saw at Athens is an unanswerable proof that man knows nothing which can do his soul good without a Divine revelation

    11. For it is an age of free thought and liberty of action, an age of scientific inquiry, and determination to question and cress-examine ancient opinions, an age of greedy pursuit of pleasure and impatience of restraint, an age of idolatry of intellect, and extravagant admiration of so-called cleverness, an age of Athenian craving for novelty and constant love of change, an age when we see on all sides a bold but ever shifting scepticism, which at one time tells us that man is little better than an ape, and at another that he is little less than a god, an age when there is a morbid readiness to accept the shallowest arguments in favour of unbelief, and a simultaneous lazy unwillingness to investigate the great fundamental evidences of Divine revelation

    12. deemed the essence of the Ved-the divine revelations of saints and seers

    13. 1- Why did the Almighty God send down the Divine revelation to the great scholar M

    14. Getting back to where we are, why Apostle Paul gave this word to the church of Corinth by the divine revelation of God The Holy spirit in the first place? When Apostle Paul first visited Corinth it was a place of chaos

    15. Is the Lord really talking about thieves here or, is He trying to give us a message or is He trying to make us identify ourselves with divine revelation so that we will know us better? In this world when thieves meet thieves do they identify each other unless they have shared the same prison cell? Without identification can they join together? Unless they have robbed together they would not

    16. We have now to direct the current of our special argument into this broad and mighty stream of truth on the Deity of Christ which makes glad the city of God,—a tributary to its fulness, as we believe, having its origin also in the heights of divine revelation

    17. ’ If we are mistaken in this reading of the Bible, many would say, we cannot hope to understand rightly any part of divine revelation

    18. If it can be established as a fact in nature, and as a clear instruction of the Divine Revelation, that when man dies, not only is the complex humanity destroyed (as when water is destroyed on the separation of its component elements), but also that the soul breaks up, and the thinking willing power is entirely dissipated, then it is thought that the most solid basis is laid for the doctrine that man’s hope of a future life is in resurrection alone, or the reconstitution of the dissolved humanity

    19. And the advocates of the theory quote from the books of the Old Testament many passages, which, if they are to be taken for divine revelations on psychology, undoubtedly serve the theory well, as popular defences

    20. The doctrine of the Second Death, which declares that unless men are born twice they will die twice, is represented in the Divine Revelation amidst 'blackness, and darkness, and tempest,’ like that which covered Mount Sinai at the giving of the Law; and, therefore, none can break through to gaze into the abyss whence bursts the fire that 'burns into the midst of heaven

    21. A more exact representation is that, starting as we believe without pre-occupation, we have found the application of the right principle of interpretation to operate throughout the records of Divine Revelation, in the development of a theodicy which hangs together as an organic unity, and proves its truth by its internal coherence

    22. What must it be, for example, for an indevout scientific man to pass into a condition where atheism is no more possible; because the Divine Wisdom,—no longer beheld at a distance in the order of revolving planets, in the laws of sidereal motion, in the arrangements of far-off universes, in that remoter magnificence which shrouded it from view while he inhabited the body,—has now come near as the Ruling Authority, and closely encompasses the soul, and pierces its secret darkness through, in one calm, intolerable blaze of the Excellent Glory? What must it be to perceive, with a clearness which profane defiance and dishonest speculation can overshadow no longer, that Almighty God is holy, and that Omnipotence is everywhere,—or to review in thought those inner and outer evidences of a Divine Revelation of truth, which, made light of on earth, will seem so appallingly real in their power of condemnation now that they are remembered in perdition? Those must be very ignorant of much that is passing in this world, in the solitudes of enforced thought, in prisons and on beds of sickness, who peremptorily decide that such experiences are improbable beyond

    23. An infallible and triumphant Popedom, or an infallible and triumphant Church, are the expressions of all that seems at first view probable in the history of a Divine Revelation

    24. Every divine revelation encourages thought by unveiling the character of God Most High

    25. What is needed to arouse such profligates to reflection,—and still more to alarm those numerous Men of Education whom the divine revelation distinctly threatens with the greater 'judgment,’ but who never associate the idea of perdition with their own destiny,— I refer to the teaching and ruling class,—the unfaithful Ministers of Religion, the Traffickers in souls—and many corrupt Men of Literature and Art, who pervert to meanest or vilest uses heaven's divines gifts—the Statesmen, who defy in legislation and government the plainest laws of morals,—all at present encased like leviathan in impenetrable amour,—to make them 'tremble’ at 'judgment to come,’ and to bring them to repentance,—is the proclamation of a future remediless punishment, which carries its own credentials along with it; and while shaking the souls of sinners, even the most intelligent, as at a fiery 'handwriting on the wall,’ with a deep, convulsive dread, shall leave no valid ground for moral speculations on its injustice and improbability

    26. Theology, since the days of the apostles, has done at least as much to conceal as to open Divine Revelation

    27. When, then, the advocates of Universalism object that it is inconceivable that God should raise wicked men from the dead 'only just’ to punish them by the infliction of the second death, the reply is that it is inconceivable on the principles of the new philosophy and of modern legislation; but not on the principles of Nature, and of Divine Revelation

    28. Superstition, and his charge against me, I said only this, That in the worship of God there is required a Divine faith; but there can be no Divine faith without a Divine revelation of the will of God

    29. Therefore, whatever is thrust into the worship of God that is not agreeable to Divine revelation, cannot be done but by a human faith, which faith will not be profitable to eternal life

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