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    1. he endured the madness of the itch because he was impotence personified, that

    2. He had endured a lifetime of such decisions however

    3. Still he continued to receive veron cycles and endured the unspeakable

    4. After all that we had endured this was how it would end

    5. He endured to the end

    6. All that Smith was aware of was the equivalent of a cosmic itch, and he endured the madness of the itch because he was impotence personified, that impotence inherent in not quite understanding the concept of the scratch, Smith unwittingly agreed with the future earthly Buddha in that He found the unformulated conjecture of eternal peace to be vexatious and maddening

    7. settling to the pore and the age endured,

    8. The young man was, by now, emotionally drained, having lost count of the number of dates and encounters that he’d endured in his desperate quest to find marital happiness

    9. 4 Bringing about true salvation that has endured

    10. I have endured deep seas to know them both

    11. the number of dates and encounters that he’d endured in his

    12. 3For consider him that endured such contradiction of sinners against himself, lest ye be

    13. He has just endured the 'Dead Slug' sketch

    14. Ozzie had endured enough helplessness when a first year at school – that’s when he and Chas had become the pals they were … equal sufferers at the hands of the older boys

    15. She grabbed a little cup of gold over at the corner and endured a few minutes of the kegman’s complaints about how long it had been since he had seen her before she took it to the western balcony

    16. Then they at once thought of Harry and all he'd endured of celebrity, and at their hands

    17. He was going to be a larger challenge then even that which she’d endured over the weekend

    18. endured on the streets of Troyes before Richard had taken

    19. be endured before they got to the swimming pool at that

    20. We too have endured great losses, our numbers depleted as are your own

    21. All the while the trio endured the eyes of the crowd, always on them, always wondering at their intentions

    22. As always Alec was ready for it and knew that it was something that must be endured

    23. By now Jean had endured just about enough of the

    24. It was anything but the brutality she’d endured on the Thallia

    25. He had spoken with Brontes and heard his tale of the monstrosity they had faced and the suffering they had all endured -- now there was another ‘ally’ he had desperate need to speak with

    26. Kali would have taken the place of each sacrifice, she would have been immersed in the soul that offered those sacrifices, and would have endured every scar the Cross family inflicted on Savannah

    27. A tear trickled down my cheek at what this poor animal had endured

    28. For all of the abuse I’ve endured at your behest, I’ve missed you

    29. “But Prometheus endured,” Andrastus said

    30. She did not appreciate the touch, but silently endured it all the same

    31. This woman endured her mother-in-law’s unwelcome visits – not to

    32. Consider how you or they feel as an immigrant and what they endured or went through

    33. we have endured along the way

    34. As all of us would have endured pain, anger, sadness, and trauma in our Earthly incarnation, we inevitably bring along such negativity to this realm

    35. The departed Mother Theresa who endured hardship and suffering in her noble work displayed unconditional love

    36. For a number of years Helen Garlin had endured her husband’s indifference, had contented herself, or tried to, with spending his money almost as fast as he made it

    37. “The pain you endured to bring this Little One into the world must have been terrible

    38. Especially after a storm such as we had just endured

    39. Had this constitution been attacked by no other enemies but the feeble efforts of human reason, it must have endured for ever

    40. The troops had been buoyed up with the prospect of a stiff struggle at the end, and a chance of distinguishing themselves, and it seemed, by the abject surrender, that they had marched and endured for nothing

    41. As each day passed, their excitement seemed rather to increase than their ardour to be damped by the weariness and discomforts to be endured

    42. Thoughtful Americans felt a thrill of pity when they saw the unkempt and emaciated insurgents, who had steadfastly endured three years' campaigning

    43. In Cuba it was frequently impossible even to discover the regiment of a wounded or dead man, countless mistakes arose, and for weeks families at home endured a terrible suspense, when some loved one, whose body had probably been buried without identity by a fatigue party, was posted as missing

    44. but she endured the reproaches of her husband, and the tears of her

    45. The sufferings of the army, though, were as nothing compared to the privations endured by the unfortunate civilians and non-combatants from Santiago

    46. Unmanly? Perhaps! But those who had endured the campaign are the better judges

    47. Its (supposed) advantages or encumbrances will be either ―enjoyed‖ or endured severally; including those who weren‘t involved in the decision making process to begin with

    48. It would seem that compassion is not some feeling ―acquired‖ outside an individual but rather an impression internalized within that individual who, having endured his or her own (private) hardships, is likely to display a more benign, sympathetic attitude toward other individuals who he or she shares or has shared a trying experience; although suffering (in kind) is not a necessary requirement for individuals who would naturally express sympathy for other people because it falls within their ―nature‖ to do so

    49. Now I was returning to Poland, yearning for my old life while leaving behind my son, my wife, her parents and my new brother who had endured with me many hardships, in a Muslim country near the Chinese border

    50. These feelings are generally considered irrational in light of the danger or risk endured by the victims so be aware if you start having sympathy for your Kidnappers you are turning

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