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    entrusted примеры предложений


    1. God entrusted us with His glory

    2. Using power for selfish motives or telling someone else about confidential information you had been entrusted with is against Asteya

    3. This verse informs us that an elder is a person who is entrusted with the goods of

    4. The eldership is entrusted with the spiritual protection of the church of Christ

    5. organisation which is entrusted with protecting the crossing and the

    6. entrusted with their keeping

    7. Allcock had entrusted to him for study and review

    8. They set a schedule of bi-weekly rehearsals, to be increased as need be; the sets' construction was entrusted to Miss Bunker and her determinations of assistance were also set on a 'as needed' basis

    9. Before Christmas, the plans were entrusted to Hipolyta for formal documentation in letters to Harry and to the Allcocks

    10. entrusted them with authority to be witnesses in the earth and to

    11. materials with which they are entrusted

    12. Scholars were entrusted with their own vegetable allotments on which they grew beans, potatoes and other sundry vegetables

    13. with themselves, entrusted Hitler with the mission to be

    14. Entrusted with the key, Hesper came at daybreak to release her

    15. To Denalin's delight, the Elf entrusted the com remote into her keeping

    16. The conquest of Mexico was the project, not of the council of Spain, but of a governor of Cuba ; and it was effectuated by the spirit of the bold adventurer to whom it was entrusted, in spite of every thing which that governor, who soon repented of having trusted such a person, could do to thwart it

    17. The care of that defence and support is not entrusted to them

    18. Either from want of interest in the officers entrusted with the execution of those ordinances, or from some other cause, they appear to have been universally neglected; and in the progress of all those governments, military exercises seem to have gone gradually into disuse among the great body of the people

    19. But whether the administration of justice be so contrived as to defray its own expense, or whether the judges be maintained by fixed salaries paid to them from some other fund, it does not seen necessary that the person or persons entrusted with the executive power should be charged with the management of that fund, or with the payment of those salaries

    20. That fund might arise from the rent of landed estates, the management of each estate being entrusted to the particular court which was to be maintained by it

    21. That fund might arise even from the interest of a sum of money, the lending out of which might, in the same manner, be entrusted to the court which was to be maintained by it

    22. The administration of justice became so laborious and so complicated a duty, as to require the undivided attention of the person to whom it was entrusted

    23. The person entrusted with the executive power, not having leisure to attend to the decision of private causes himself, a deputy was appointed to decide them in his stead

    24. The persons entrusted with the great interests of the state may even without any corrupt views, sometimes imagine it necessary to sacrifice to those interests the rights of a private man

    25. To protect our Temple, we need to consider other methods to care for mortals entrusted to our service

    26. Now Torbin, who’d been entrusted with the various access codes, was attempting to generate another wormhole

    27. The teachers had no jurisdiction over their pupils, nor any other authority besides that natural authority which superior virtue and abilities never fail to procure from young people towards those who are entrusted with any part of their education

    28. As they were originally local and provincial duties, applicable to local and provincial purposes, the administration of them was, in most cases, entrusted to the particular town, parish, or lordship, in which they were levied; such communities being, in some way or other, supposed to be accountable for the application

    29. „The statesman who should attempt to direct private people in what manner they ought to employ their capitals, would not only load himself with a most unnecessary attention, but assume an authority which could safely be entrusted to no council and senate whatever, and which would nowhere be so dangerous as in the hands of a man who had folly and presumption enough to fancy himself to exercise it

    30. That means you are at least bright enough to be entrusted with a letter of envoy to speak with the Captain

    31. On the way back to the village, the chaps you entrusted to guard me stopped at a farm for some water

    32. Timmo felt some sort of premonition and thus entrusted me with this

    33. Social Welfare agencies have assumed a life of their own that seeks to penetrate the viability and scope of their operations by carefully orchestrating and sustaining the ―needs‖ of the people entrusted to their care

    34. This symbiotic arrangement has worked out quite conveniently for the appointed guardians of the ―underdog‖ entrusted with their ―welfare‖

    35. The inherent ―right‖ to terminate one‘s (own) life as it relates to vague or questionable notions defining quality of life, introduces yet another dubious precedent as it relates to Choice, especially in rather gray areas where the decision to either perpetuate or curtail an individual‘s life has been proxied (sic) at a time when that individual could not possibly foresee the (uncertain) consequences of such decisions entrusted to the care of family members or friends (concealing underlying motives for authorizing such decisions, perhaps) or where a potential illness at some uncertain point in time or that individual‘s problematical reaction (to that illness) could not possibly be understood in advance; that is to say, until that individual is actually sitting on Death‘s doorstep

    36. (Our) failure to attain (our) full spiritual, moral and intellectual potential as human beings places a heavier burden on those entrusted to (our) care, especially (our) children who, requiring the best instruction possible, predicated upon the highest formative examples, otherwise suffer a grave disservice

    37. Reese’s only memento from his beloved mother was now entrusted to her care

    38. Response: There is nothing wrong with the Catholic Church but the questionable character, rather, of certain priests entrusted with its care

    39. flaunt the laws of our land without fear of reprisal is of no immediate concern to some politicians entrusted with the welfare and security of its citizens

    40. Many of our public schools are performing a disservice to students entrusted to their care; many of whom, having ―graduated‖, are oftentimes ill equipped to meet the basic day-to-day challenges that lie ahead

    41. Nevertheless, we must endeavor to temper and control our passions and emotions that oftentimes occasion questionable ambitions incompatible with the interests and welfare of other people entrusted to our care

    42. That it has managed to contest and repel any number of assaults by its detractors says less about the resiliency of its defenders, perhaps, than its principle appeal, that all things considered, has superseded the sporadic misplacement of confidence and questionable examples of those (otherwise) entrusted to its care

    43. The distribution of payments to various officials within Costa Rica would be entrusted to him

    44. “This ship is in my care and custody, and as a licensed security agent I have sworn to uphold the law and to protect the property thus entrusted to me,” Hartle informed them in an indignant voice

    45. They'd been entrusted with a precious bone

    46. That keystone your master had in his care, that was a keystone I had personally entrusted to him, a ticket for a way in

    47. If He has chosen you it is because he knows you can cope with what you have been entrusted

    48. Perhaps the answer is that we have entrusted our city to a group of proselytizing tyrants who do not know how to lead us out of poverty and into prosperity

    49. “When you are entrusted with all the information, you have to decide how much other people should know,” says Marcus

    50. He told us it was a sort of badge or identifying mark of those who had been entrusted with the task of safeguarding the Ripper’s identity

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