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    folic acid примеры предложений

    folic acid

    1. with calcium and folic acid

    2. Folic acid is essential in preventing birth defects

    3. Folic acid is actually one of the B vitamins, and it can help in making your hair healthier

    4. This is actually one of the reasons why pregnant women have beautiful hair, since folic acid is one of the supplements that are often recommended to them by their doctors

    5. Listen to songs that contain frequent uses of the terms “baby” and “folic acid

    6. intake of folic acid, vitamin B12 and protein

    7. However, as with folic acid, vitamin B12 and choline, SAM is

    8. levels did not improve with supplementation with folic acid, vitamin B6 and vitamin B12

    9. Niacin supplemented at 100-1,000 mg without concurrent supplementation of folic acid and VitaminB12, can result in an elevation of homocysteine (17%), which may increase risk of heart disease

    10. In conjunction with folic acid, Vitamin B12 enables each cell in the body to recycle homocysteine to methionine by providing an all-important methyl group

    11. A deficiency of either folic acid or Vitamin B12 results in megaloblastosis, or the development of red blood cells that are enlarged because normal cell division has not taken place

    12. Note that a high intake of folic acid may mask a Vitamin B12 deficiency because it prevents the changes in red blood cells, but does not counteract the deficiency in the brain and nervous system

    13. Several clinical trials have noted improvement in cognitive function in older persons when supplemented with Vitamin B12 and/or folic acid

    14. Folic Acid is well absorbed from the intestinal tract

    15. In the presence of Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide (NAD), Folic Acid is reduced to tetrahydrofolic acid in the body

    16. The liver contains half the body stores of Folic Acid

    17. Folic Acid is vital for the synthesis of red blood cells, hence the onset of megaloblastic anemia in folate deficiency

    18. If all women of childbearing age ingested a minimum of 400 mcgs of Folic Acid from a combination of food and supplementation, there would be a 48 percent reduction in the incidence of neural tube defects

    19. Presently, the average ingestion of Folic Acid is only 180 mcg per day from food

    20. In clinical studies Folic Acid supplementation (10 mg per day) has been shown to reverse early and moderate stage cervical dysplasia as demonstrated by pap smear testing

    21. Folic Acid appears to improve the integrity (chromosomal linkages) of cervical DNA, making it less resistant to the effect of the human papilloma virus (HPV)

    22. Unfortunately, up to 88 percent of the population consumes less than 400 mcg per day of Folic Acid

    23. Non Steroidal Anti-inflammatory Drugs (NSAIDs): Animal studies reveal that these drugs interrupt the use of Folic Acid in the body

    24. Metformin: This drug is reported to cause depletion of Folic Acid

    25. Methotrexate: This cancer drug is designed to interrupt the use of Folic Acid by cancer cells to block their DNA syntheses

    26. Do not supplement with Folic Acid if patient is taking methotrexate for cancer treatment

    27. Sulfasalazine: Animal studies suggest that this drug interrupts the use of Folic Acid

    28. Another one of the home remedies for constipation suggests that a person may be in need of more folic acid

    29. Pasture fed chickens produce eggs that are higher in folic acid, omega-3 fatty acids and vitamins A, E, and B12

    30. deficiencies of vitamin B12 and folic acid; however, other researchers consider such deficiencies to be of only minor importance

    31. deficient in folic acid, vitamin B12, and zinc

    32. Higher blood levels of vitamin B6, vitamin B12, and folic acid are associated with low

    33. While several trials have consistently shown that B6, B12, and folic acid lower

    34. In a preliminary report, drinkers with low intake of folic acid had a 32% increased risk of breast cancer compared with non-drinkers; however, the excess risk was only 5% in

    35. those drinkers who consumed adequate levels of folic acid

    36. No research has yet explored the effect of folic acid supplementation in people who have

    37. methotrexate must not take folic acid supplements without the direction of their oncologist

    38. depression should be evaluated for possible folic acid deficiency by a doctor

    39. Folic acid can help repair this damage

    40. In one preliminary trial, supplementing with very large amounts of folic acid (5

    41. the same level of folic acid

    42. Therefore, evidence that high levels of folic acid

    43. 1% solution of folic acid used as a mouth rinse (5 ml taken twice a day for 30 to 60

    44. The folic acid solution is rinsed in the mouth for one to five minutes and then

    45. mouthwash—and not folic acid in pill form—was effective

    46. Deficiency of vitamin B12, folic acid, vitamin B6, or copper can cause other forms of anaemia, and there are many other causes of anaemia that are unrelated to nutrition

    47. Folic acid is essential to good health and spinach is high in this B vitamin

    48. Studies have also indicated that people who have low levels of folic acid are more

    49. Treatment of tropical sprue is usually with tetracycline and folic acid

    50. progestogen like medicine causes the depletion of folic acid, as resulting of inability of

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