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    heirs примеры предложений


    1. Gal: 3:29: And if ye be Christ's, then are ye Abraham's seed, and heirs according to the promise

    2. And if you are Christ's, then you are Abraham's seed, and heirs according to the

    3. If there is coming a day where we will be so like Jesus that we are considered heirs with Him, then anything that would keep us from that reality here and now is to be violently opposed

    4. 17And if children, then heirs; heirs of God, and joint-heirs with Christ; if so be that we

    5. and heirs of the kingdom which he hath promised to them that love him?

    6. 14For if they which are of the law are heirs, faith is made void, and the promise made of

    7. heirs of the Whitton Estate as best she can

    8. These I set up to dry within my circle or hedge, and when they were fit for use I carried them to my cave; and here, during the next season, I employed myself in making, as well as I could, a great many baskets… (‘The life and strange surpising adventures of Robinson Crusoe,’ Daniel Defoe – 1719 – Heirs of Anderson, pub

    9. In short, we are heirs to everything Jesus walked in during his life on earth

    10. natural heirs of Deucalion and those born from the

    11. It belonged to the dead elder’s heirs, whatever ones were left

    12. Its beneficial influence, however, has been much obstructed by entails ; the heirs of entail being generally restrained from letting leases for any long term of years, frequently for more than one year

    13. In other parts of Europe, after it was found convenient to secure tenants both against heirs and purchasers, the term of their security was still limited to a very short period ; in France, for example, to nine years from the commencement of the lease

    14. Several years ago, the city of Saparen fought off an ern attack in order to protect a few children who had done nothing to have earned the wrath of the ern except that they were born on a particular day – a day that made them possible heirs to the power of the Prophets

    15. This is the first model used in the Bible that points to God so loving his creations that he would willingly leave his position, as God and Creator, and become sin on their behalf, so that they could become fellow heirs, with Jesus Christ, of God’s creation

    16. Did he even know that Calras had heirs in Laru? Did he know that Calras’ son had not gone to Namilia with Queen Ceniur? And did he know that they both carried the Sign? He was father’s friends but father had never mentioned if Ilmal knew their secret

    17. And again: “If indeed you have heard of the dispensation of the grace of God which was given me for you, how that by revelation He made known to me the mystery…that the Gentiles should be fellow heirs, of the same body and partakers of His promise in Christ” (Eph

    18. Also, to this, add the unrest of the overseas Jews and those in their ancient homeland, Judea, having been denied for centuries the right to rebuild their Temple by the Christian heirs of the Roman Empire purportedly for reasons of scriptural prophesy

    19. From ancient Ur, to Babylon with its magnificent tower, to brutal Assyria, Babylon again, then the Persia of Cyrus, and his heirs, Alexander’s Hellenism, and last but not least Pagan Rome

    20. In propounding their version of the history wherein the Shi’ites view themselves as the rightful heirs to follow on after their founder, a short account of the original movement was given that led up to the fateful date that they have commemorated ever since

    21. So the music stopped, the seat was occupied and those who could not renew their grasp upon it were ground underfoot in such a convincing manner that those who had quickly occupied it would feel secure enough to dispose of any competing heirs without fear of reprisal

    22. His heirs went on to become such a force that by AD 664 they usurped a large part of the Byzantine Empire’s real estate and diminished much of its influence in the formerly Roman world

    23. The individual in Chile can pass that account on to his heirs and can even withdraw some if

    24. The third leg of this trilogy involves the heirs to the land that Joshua’s generation had subdued

    25. His heirs, eager to become the chosen, as in the story of Joseph, contested with one another until they had caused the kingdom to split into two parts

    26. His heirs, seemingly a lesser breed, strayed to the point of destruction

    27. Now it was the Greek heirs of Alexander who seemed more dazzled by the riches of their newly acquired eastern provinces to notice, until it was too late

    28. But the third leg, the heirs of Joshua who fell away from the “Word,” who might we equate them with in our Jesus story?

    29. After all, you and Elior are the heirs to the throne of Ivetarlis, and at least one of you ought to be present

    30. We are the heirs of a magnificent tradition

    31. the poor of this world, rich in faith, and heirs of the kingdom, which

    32. Escaping to Canaan in the company of Abraham, He then virtually disappeared as Abraham’s heirs went into the snare of Egyptian hospitality that slowly sank into virtual or actual captivity

    33. Then, through the ages of slowly acquired wisdom, a trail of good behavior has itself been laid out for heirs to follow

    34. They knew that if they did not, their heirs would suffer

    35. As soon as the death was confirmed, the heirs were called in

    36. In understanding karma, we know that all beings are heirs to their own karma – that they act, and then receive the fruits of their actions

    37. May we step back, ponder for a while, and begin to see clearly in a remarkably new way that we truly are the very heirs of our own motives and actions

    38. heirs, says the Lord

    39. By faith he sojourned in the land of promise, as in a strange country, dwelling in tabernacles with Isaac and Jacob, the heirs with him of the same promise: For he looked for a city which hath foundations, whose builder and maker is God

    40. heirs to this Planet

    41. Because of all the intermarriage among kings and nobles, things could get rather confusing, especially if a king died without any direct heirs

    42. Verse 17 Children are heirs;

    43. Slaves are not heirs!

    44. we become heirs with Him; there is no other way to Heaven

    45. By faith he sojourned in the land of promise, as in a strange country, dwelling in tabernacles with Isaac and Jacob, the heirs with him of the same promise:

    46. As Gotimin explained, the human who had owned it previously had died, and his many heirs had contested his will for years, neglecting the ranch and it’s bills in the meantime, until the empire had seized it for unpaid taxes

    47. King Dren and his heirs were to be killed at the moment power was seized

    48. “The conspiracy there was limited to Clanlords, but the clans whose lords fought to their deaths rather than swear to justice are the most rough and aggressive packs of fools on Kletiuk! They’d have followed their lords to slaughter and loot without a second thought! After the battle in the Arena of Government of Overclan Beijur, the heirs of the slain Clanlords were offered the choice of death, or swearing to justice

    49. Half refused to swear, but their heirs did not

    50. If we can’t find the heirs of the Wiselkops in Iktra, you’ll inherit theirs as well

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