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    imprisonment примеры предложений


    1. Perversely, this time became a moment of calm reassurance in the long drawn out days of my future imprisonment

    2. Standing in front of him was a man he had once known as a brother, a man for whose freedom he had fought, but who now visited upon him the solitude of imprisonment and Citizen Marat’s never ending, reedy, mechanical voice

    3. One that would amplify the horror of his imprisonment a thousand fold – space

    4. He didn't remember much of his imprisonment, other than the pain

    5. Lock Core? Would you go there and risk imprisonment once more? Live the rest of your days in a High Tower cell?"

    6. Not just because he had anxiety about being around several mages at once -- an environment which was far too similar to his imprisonment at the High Tower -- but even more terrifying than that was the girl Emily and the way she looked up at him with those wide brown eyes

    7. Her failures, her imprisonment, it had all led her to this

    8. than one for 20, and life imprisonment greater than these al

    9. Today, she’d described her imprisonment inside the Cave of Loizos

    10. We are in a planetary action of mental shift of the globe and the chains of imprisonment are on the mind

    11. 3, the exporter of sheep, lambs, or rams, was for the first offence, to forfeit all his goods for ever, to suffer a year's imprisonment, and then to have his left hand cut off in a market town, upon a market day, to be there nailed up; and for the second offence, to be adjudged a felon, and to suffer death accordingly

    12. The master and mariners, knowing this offence, forfeit all their goods and chattels, and suffer three months imprisonment

    13. By a subsequent statute, the master suffers six months imprisonment

    14. The means commonly employed, however, the imprisonment of all the refractory members, one would think, were forcible enough

    15. At that point, imprisonment was likely and imminent death a close second

    16. Life imprisonment in those years meant between 18 to 20 years, in practical terms for we had the death penalty as the supreme penalty and thus life seldom meant “life” for that, in effect, would be a death penalty which is not what the court had wanted

    17. Thus falsehoods rise up, bearing chains of imprisonment; harlotries increase bringing forth illness, infecting the whole of the body

    18. He was sentenced to life imprisonment and released restored to his rank under the TRC amnesty deals

    19. False imprisonment and torture of five Virgin Island independence activists convicted of the murder of eight tourists in a sham trial in the 1970s

    20. That does not change the original wrongdoing of their being seized by the US, nor deaths in their civil wars, nor false imprisonment and exile for their leaders

    21. This punished with a sentence of up to twenty years imprisonment should any person “utter, print, write, or publish any disloyal…or abusive language about the form of government of the United States, or the military…or the flag

    22. He eventually learned that both of them had been sentenced to five years’ imprisonment, and had been transferred to a camp north of the city reserved for youthful offenders

    23. They exchanged stories from their childhoods, consciously avoiding discussion of Elizabeth’s imprisonment and any recollection of their days together at Frau Bergheim’s

    24. Now of course, if the facts of the case are proven so that it would be a risk to society to return them to that society, then life imprisonment is in order

    25. In lieu of imprisonment, he was allowed to live out his life under house arrest in Arcetri where his two daughters were cloistered

    26. Ray Brent Marsh was arrested and 787 charges were laid against him, he faced a possible imprisonment of 1000 (One Thousand) years

    27. Further, torture, imprisonment, and execution had been shown unequivocally to be bad for one’s health

    28. The money saved by life imprisonment sentences, rather than that of a death

    29. I would consider a penalty of imprisonment under the house for fifty years and removal as part of our coven

    30. I quickly discovered that Itsuki's explosion not only freed us from our imprisonment, but it also took out the wolf Obake who had been standing on the other side of the wall in their process of fleeing

    31. David then prays for relief from this type of imprisonment so that he can

    32. I had not witnessed one, but I understand most of the accused are reconciled, admit their sins, and are variously punished with fines, imprisonment, wearing distinctive clothing, and such

    33. 11 He used to read to you the killing of Abel by Cain, and the offering up of Isaac, and the imprisonment of Joseph

    34. “Those of us who lived under Communism”, Roger wrote, “were also tired of hearing the expression “Yankee Imperialism” and could say nothing about it without risking imprisonment or death by a firing squad”

    35. Following his June 2010 imprisonment, I have rented it to 3 different female tenants

    36. Only then, after Yzandra had dwelt in her cell in absolute solitude for two more years, did Rellin read her father’s private will, and learn of Yzandra’s long imprisonment and torment

    37. cause of the revolutionaries, had suffered imprisonment

    38. I will not experience imprisonment, or enforced solitude and monotony

    39. It should be noted that Banks later was sentenced to life imprisonment for the 1999 murder of a nineteen-year-old

    40. 24 And who ever shall transgress the law of your God and of the king shall be punished diligently whether it be by death or other punishment by penalty of money or by imprisonment

    41. Before she left me, Iffenia spun a mind-net for protection, but she and I both knew it was for imprisonment

    42. 11 He used to read to you the killing of Abel by Cain and the offering up of Isaac and the imprisonment of Joseph

    43. Still, she wished that a woman had been in charge of the enemy’s imprisonment

    44. His sentence was life imprisonment with no chance for early release

    45. For such impertinence, Tell was arrested and sentenced to lifelong imprisonment in the dungeons of Gessler’s castle at Küssnacht, northeast of Luzern

    46. I liken his imprisonment to the feeling children have before Christmas

    47. would be Blue Rayed and others would be held captive in an Alex Lock Block for imprisonment

    48. Gates had been sentenced to "four years imprisonment followed by three years at the reform center on Primeva Major

    49. Prior to imprisonment, they’d all been rounded up during the anti-CERKO sting operations on Tarmosis Beta

    50. "It means that, although you will not be kept in prison until your trial, you may still be looking at a few years' imprisonment

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    Синонимы для "imprisonment"

    imprisonment internment captivity immurement incarceration constraint detention restraint bondage arrest