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    1. There is insufficient evidence for us to know for sure the best

    2. If a child has not been given correct information, relevant to our perception, about questions he may have asked about God, birth, death, gender difference and so on, then the incorrect or insufficient impressions could affect his life all the time

    3. In the villages, while the old do have a place in the community, but the infrastructure and care available is unsatisfactory and insufficient

    4. Rethymno itself was fine, although a little too bookish for his taste, possessing insufficient an air of debauchery despite Crete’s bloody history

    5. The dead weight stuck in the doorway, one leg catching on the doorpost … Ozzie had wrenched again, hauling on the now insufficient garments half clothing the body

    6. There are insufficient officers at the scene to perform a detailed search, so the Inspector in charge splits the uniforms up and sends them off in different directions to check on the basic lie of the land

    7. And, if that was insufficient reason, his own thorough education already years along would insure his being able to continue his current responsibilities without interruption

    8. Strenhowell had said, “However should you find that it is insufficient, we will arrange for semi-annual appraisals of your contributions to this firm and amend your compensation accordingly

    9. The institution of long apprenticeships can give no security that insufficient workmanship

    10. By the extension, besides, of cultivation, the unimproved wilds become insufficient to supply the demand for butcher's meat

    11. What they afford, being insufficient for the whole farm, will naturally be reserved for the lands to which it can be most advantageously or conveniently applied; the most fertile, or those, perhaps, in the neighbourhood of the farm-yard

    12. To attempt, however, prematurely, and with an insufficient capital, to do all the three, is certainly not the shortest way for a society, no more than it would be for an individual, to acquire a sufficient one

    13. But even this restraint was afterwards thought insufficient, and, by a statute of Elizabeth, the privilege of granting it was confined to the quarter-sessions

    14. However, aligning such positive energy into one’s home/office is insufficient as the energy may eventually flow away or scatter

    15. It is to expel those foreign capitals from a trade which their own grows every day more and more insufficient for carrying on, that the Spaniards and Portuguese endeavour every day to straiten more and more the galling bands of their absurd monopoly

    16. Application area of such concrete is limited mostly because of their insufficient water resistance

    17. ‘There is insufficient data at this stage

    18. But when, from different causes, chiefly from the continually increasing expense of defending the nation against the invasion of other nations, the private estate of the sovereign had become altogether insufficient for defraying the expense of the sovereignty; and when it had become necessary that the people should, for their own security, contribute towards this expense by taxes of different kinds; it seems to have been very commonly stipulated, that no present for the administration of justice should, under any pretence, be accepted either by the sovereign, or by his bailiffs and substitutes, the judges

    19. How dangerous must it have been for the sovereign to attempt to punish a clergyman for any crime whatever, if his order were disposed to protect him, and to represent either the proof as insufficient for convicting so holy a man, or the punishment as too severe to be inflicted upon one whose person had been rendered sacred by religion ? The sovereign could, in such circumstances, do no better than leave him to be tried by the ecclesiastical courts, who, for the honour of their own order, were interested to restrain, as much as possible, every member of it from committing enormous crimes, or even from giving occasion to such gross scandal as might disgust the minds of the people

    20. The fund becoming in this manner altogether insufficient for paying both principal and interest of the money borrowed upon it, it became necessary to charge it with the interest only, or a perpetual annuity equal to the interest ; and such improvident anticipations necessarily gave birth to the more ruinous practice of perpetual funding

    21. The size of the federal navy was insufficient to

    22. Although I agree that gun licenses should not be issued arbitrarily and only under extraordinary circumstances, isn‘t reasonable to assume that the vast majority of individuals willing to surrender their ―weapons‖, that are (otherwise) gathering dust inside clothes closets, dresser drawers and kitchen cupboards, or stuffed inside a sock, for that matter, represent a small minority of law-abiding citizens who, in any event, would be unlikely to use them, unless pressed, unlike hardened criminal elements in the community who wouldn‘t give a second thought to surrendering the tools of their trade unless they were compelled to do so? A fifty-dollar gift certificate from Macys is insufficient compensation for the criminally-minded

    23. But how does anyone go about discovering (the) Truth? If Truth is predicated on Natural Law(s) understood as God‘s Eternal Law(s), because such laws (naturally) proceed from God, ―hidden yet pre-determined,‖ and if Humankind‘s problematical interpretation of God‘s Law has rendered its meaning less viable than what was arguably uncertain to begin with, then how or where does anyone proceed in recovering important points of reference? Conventional wisdom, forged by the (social) dynamics of customs and habits and experience, is insufficient

    24. On the other hand, half-hearted efforts routinely performed do not meet the requirements of good faith and are therefore insufficient in themselves

    25. That leaves him with all the debt and insufficient income to cover it and the new employees

    26. I would argue that spending inefficiencies rather than insufficient resources are the real culprits masking the (underlying) reasons why many of our public schools are failing; that along with disinterested teachers and a gradual departure from traditional values at home and in the classroom that money can not buy

    27. This arrest appears to indicate that perhaps there was something which warranted the harassment, although there was insufficient evidence to hold the suspects

    28. If there was not a fairly large pool of retired ministers on which to draw to fill gaps caused by vacancies and other ministerial absences, there would be an insufficient supply of ministry even as things are now

    29. Has this brought us safely through the bad times, or was it insufficient to ward them off?

    30. Removing them bit by bit quickly was seen to be insufficient, so she spit the contents into her hand and became absorbed in their separation

    31. Job, He stated, had gotten it closer than all the others, but even he had not understood that he couldn’t please God within only his own strength and understanding, and that a ritual show of piety or forbearance was insufficient to acquire what he appeared to have fallen short of gaining in other ways

    32. Could he be convinced that he, among those few, had been selected to share a magnificent understanding that language alone was insufficient to describe?

    33. But he knew that the entire vocabulary of his time was insufficient to describe what he had seen, or in some way witnessed

    34. It has built itself upon the anciently broad shoulders of all the previous systems of belief (the acceptance of a proposition with proof insufficient for positive knowledge)

    35. The American Collegiate Dictionary describes belief as: “Conviction of the truth or reality of a thing, based upon grounds insufficient to afford positive knowledge

    36. Several people have been detained, although subsequently detained as they ether had an alibi or the evidence against them was insufficient

    37. When she came back, she would have a yogurt or some other insufficient breakfast, and then spend the next two hours bathing, putting on her makeup and dressing for work

    38. were in inhabited houses, and others were scattered about in various places; so that all the commanders in Egypt were insufficient for

    39. These judicial jewels are to be polished and set to illuminate or displace provisions of our own Constitution that these Justices find to be insufficient, or even repugnant, as written

    40. If the destruction of words in the schools and elsewhere, and of the concepts constructed with words, are insufficient to undermine a civilization, there are always available the rhythm of music and the graphic images of the artist to lend assistance

    41. These panels would decide when patients might not qualify for further health care due to their insufficient “level of productivity in society

    42. life is plainly insufficient to prove this assertion correct, and indeed is equivalent to the Eastern

    43. meetings often overrun and if they don’t you still find that there was insufficient time

    44. dencies, argued that material improvements were insufficient and

    45. resisted, but as the daylight grew more and more insufficient to cut

    46. I pointed out that this violated the federal Cost Accounting Standards because of there was an insufficient causal-beneficial relationship

    47. She also was angered by my holding up the processing of Program Directives for her Army Research Lab contracts’ Task Orders because there was insufficient funding

    48. Insufficient memory, error type two, he thought

    49. disassociate, and that the heat energy within my room is insufficient to 33

    50. There was insufficient wealth and power to lead to war

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    Синонимы для "insufficient"

    deficient insufficient weak lacking short wanting