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    jekyll примеры предложений


    1. "It was like Jekyll and Hyde

    2. Jekyll and Mr

    3. "Yeah, he really played the Jekyll and Hyde role fantastically

    4. “And you witnessed her Doctor Jekyll and Mr

    5. “Jekyll and Hyde, Agent Puller

    6. It may then already be too late; and if that night passes without event, you will know that you have seen the last of Henry Jekyll

    7. Henry Jekyll, on a piece of business of some moment; and I understood

    8. "O God!" I screamed, and "O God!" again and again; for there before my eyes—pale and shaken, and half fainting, and groping before him with his hands, like a man restored from death—there stood Henry Jekyll!

    9. And hence, as I think, it came about that Edward Hyde was so much smaller, slighter and younger than Henry Jekyll

    10. Hence, although I had now two characters as well as two appearances, one was wholly evil, and the other was still the old Henry Jekyll, that incongruous compound of whose reformation and improvement I had already learned to despair

    11. Jekyll, I could enter on that of Edward Hyde without pecuniary loss

    12. Henry Jekyll stood at times aghast before the acts of Edward Hyde; but the situation was apart from ordinary laws, and insidiously relaxed the grasp of conscience

    13. Jekyll was no worse; he woke again to his good qualities seemingly unimpaired; he would even make haste, where it was possible, to undo the evil done by Hyde

    14. Now the hand of Henry Jekyll (as you have often remarked) was professional in shape and size: it was large, firm, white and comely

    15. Yes, I had gone to bed Henry Jekyll, I had awakened Edward Hyde

    16. Jekyll had returned to his own shape and was sitting down, with a darkened brow, to make a feint of breakfasting

    17. Now, however, and in the light of that morning's accident, I was led to remark that whereas, in the beginning, the difficulty had been to throw off the body of Jekyll, it had of late gradually but decidedly transferred itself to the other side

    18. Jekyll (who was composite) now with the most sensitive apprehensions, now with a greedy gusto, projected and shared in the pleasures and adventures of Hyde; but Hyde was indifferent to Jekyll, or but remembered him as the mountain bandit remembers the cavern in which he conceals himself from pursuit

    19. Jekyll had more than a father's interest; Hyde had more than a son's indifference

    20. To cast in my lot with Jekyll, was to die to those appetites which I had long secretly indulged and had of late begun to pamper

    21. The bargain might appear unequal; but there was still another consideration in the scales; for while Jekyll would suffer smartingly in the fires of abstinence, Hyde would be not even conscious of all that he had lost

    22. The pangs of transformation had not done tearing him, before Henry Jekyll, with streaming tears of gratitude and remorse, had fallen upon his knees and lifted his clasped hands to God

    23. Jekyll was now my city of refuge; let but Hyde peep out an instant, and the hands of all men would be raised to take and slay him

    24. I have more than once observed that in my second character, my faculties seemed sharpened to a point and my spirits more tensely elastic; thus it came about that, where Jekyll perhaps might have succumbed, Hyde rose to the importance of the moment

    25. Jekyll? Then I remembered that of my original character, one part remained to me: I could write my own hand; and once I had conceived that kindling spark, the way that I must follow became lighted up from end to end

    26. In short, from that day forth it seemed only by a great effort as of gymnastics, and only under the immediate stimulation of the drug, that I was able to wear the countenance of Jekyll

    27. The powers of Hyde seemed to have grown with the sickliness of Jekyll

    28. With Jekyll, it was a thing of vital instinct

    29. The hatred of Hyde for Jekyll was of a different order

    30. His terror of the gallows drove him continually to commit temporary suicide, and return to his subordinate station of a part instead of a person; but he loathed the necessity, he loathed the despondency into which Jekyll was now fallen, and he resented the dislike with which he was himself regarded

    31. This, then, is the last time, short of a miracle, that Henry Jekyll can think his own thoughts or see his own face (now how sadly altered!) in the glass

    32. Here then, as I lay down the pen and proceed to seal up my confession, I bring the life of that unhappy Henry Jekyll to an end

    33. Jekyll to Mr

    34. Jekyll, the calm, rational thinker who forms and implements a controlled plan

    35. Jekyll on the phone, confident, cool, in control

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