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    laissez faire примеры предложений

    laissez faire

    1. What has happened to the concept of „laissez faire?

    2. Now we believe in laissez faire as much as the next mug who has no real idea what it means, but this was too gross: Fellow diners shluping up bowfuls of Iskembe, a type of hot tripe soup with chilli powder, or guzzling on platefuls of tas kebab, basically bull’s bollocks in a yummy bollock-based sauce and sheep’s head we could handle but sheep’s head broiled in its own grey, fatty discharge complete with juicy staring eyes, all consumed without the aid of cutlery and with much slurping and picking of teeth was too much

    3. Moses, and all the other influential classical thinkers lived less than routine or laissez faire lives,

    4. There was clear distinction, he pointed out, between laissez faire policy and the adoption of an I-don’t-want-to-know attitude

    5. Plato is aware that laissez faire is an important element of government

    6. They blamed widespread belief in the EMH, and more loosely “market fundamentalism”, for the laissez faire attitude of policymakers and regulators: letting leverage and asset booms grow unchecked and allowing ever more complex financial instruments and questionable sales practices flourish without restraint, under the cover that the market would inevitably get the prices of these securities right

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