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    1. The first day he had ever met Kira, she had been wearing a pair of large clown trousers and a combat jacket, hair having been cropped off with scissors in a fit of self-protective misery after being the victim of yet another sexual assault

    2. consistently put it towards what you want to achieve, then in one year what would that add up to? You will be blown away

    3. ‘If there were somewhere else you could go until all this has blown over

    4. "Those things aren't allowed in here you clown," Peadar said, "This is the Intensive Care Unit in case you hadn't noticed

    5. blown away on the winds of maternal fate

    6. Besides the instruments in microprobes in the soil, there were landers that could be flown

    7. Bolt pushes along the fence row, snapping pictures as he walks of rocks, an acacia tree covered with windblown plastic bags, his shoe, a pile of garbage rotting in the sun, a dead sheep rotting in the sun

    8. She was so blown on the native elixir that she just sat there and wondered on the intricacies of all the grown and grafted wood that went into the room in which they sat

    9. One of his photos of the 747 has been blown up poster-size and is on an easel beside him

    10. "We saw it leave," Ava on the ground said, and told a tale of being flown over by the shuttlecraft

    11. First story: The “Ship of Destiny” is blown up while it is empty

    12. Bahkmar wondered at the shallowness of it all, 'she's an electric whack-off stick,' he wanted to say, but that would be dishonorable wouldn't it? It was his oath to keep that knowledge of what she was, as well as the details of her code, from Jaseem

    13. This was not the time, place, or company for a philosophical conversation on the inherent shallowness of their lives

    14. It didn't even need to be re-blown

    15. So had it been when the great one’s son was born of a strong peasant girl chosen for the task and then discarded, a dry husk blown away on the winds of maternal fate

    16. ‘It was typical Joris … he was clowning around after a particularly … exacting if successful job

    17. As the wind blew, the ashes and dust were blown into the sky

    18. days had flown by and the children missed the village

    19. Pippa was an accomplished singer and Liesse a clown … she had a feeling she’d seen him perform once, when she was a child … he must be nearly seventy now and mostly occupied in organising troupes of travelling players

    20. Before the surprised clowns could reply, Marshall and Didiera

    21. stars of the show, the clowns Trixy and Pixy with Cosmicblasto

    22. He is busy with the clowns

    23. announced in fixed adulations the arrival of the clowns

    24. The balloons were blown and hanging from the ceiling and on the

    25. used to this as it was the first time they had flown

    26. overflown with distance borne on the back

    27. The helicopter had flown over the house

    28. tugged and blown above long eared grasses

    29. Says the red-pricked clown

    30. I made a few enquiries … it seems she was in the wrong place at the wrong time … got blown up by a suicide bomber in one of those stupid terrorist things they have over there

    31. Being plush, and obviously eager to bed someone important enough to be flown in to a meeting with the founders, it was very pleasant walking up the stairs with her

    32. I had travelled - actually flown all the way - and alone - into a balmy welcome I could never have imagined

    33. He is in exceptionally high spirits and soon has the pair of us in fits of laughter, playing the fool and generally clowning around

    34. The birds have flown

    35. Think about it, he spent yesterday using his skills as a … a bodyguard to keep us, his friends, alive; he died today clowning around

    36. An odd mixture of clown and killer … he killed two men yesterday with less compunction than I would swat a wasp

    37. After all, we got away as fast as it is possible to … our friends couldn’t have left before us and therefore cannot get back before us and no messenger bird could have flown in the storm you tell me we had

    38. I, me, had flown and now I was in Stephanos town, right here, right now

    39. windblown on a bloom of loose blown leaves

    40. I felt the twigs blown off the trees by the wind it made and besides that, I don't remember even telling you about it?"

    41. I happened to mention that I'd never flown before and almost hadn't made the trip, 'And I'm not sure about funerals

    42. On top of that, instrumentation had discovered another ship paralleling their course and Alan had to re-check the data on the blanks all that instrumentation was blown into

    43. For Miss Jones, however, the social breeze, which she had until now only briefly caught the coat tails of, turned into a full-blown tornado

    44. You know we can never pass up an opportunity to flame a couple of more of these clowns

    45. Daniel invited him to Dragons Hill and Lester was completely blown away by the dragons

    46. 'And a clown this morning,' said Alessandra

    47. She was still sitting and staring past the bodies to the door, looking for the clown who'd just made her laugh

    48. Earlier, whilst waiting for the Delfini, I'd confessed I was an old-fashioned dreamy coward who had almost flown away only a few hours earlier but for the last minute flash of awareness that brought me to my senses

    49. It’s like there is no output from them, the dark bodies have more output than your mind does, you could be blown away

    50. About how dear Maria and Manolis were flown to Athens for her to be decorated with the Order of the Honour-Grand Cross by the President of the Hellenic Republic and how we were all their guests of honour there that day

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