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    neglected примеры предложений


    1. An air conditioner whirs somewhere, but inside the home is dusty and neglected

    2. It isn’t as bad as I thought … more neglected than anything and by the time I have sorted out the furniture which had been thrown in here – literally, by the look of some of it - and vacuumed the carpet, the place doesn’t look too bad

    3. It could be that Bellam had neglected that little piece of natural law in his calculations

    4. Night: It denotes that you have neglected yourself and the joys of life; stop worrying so much about everything

    5. She noted a dusty cobweb draped across the window as she glanced through the grimy glass only to see a rather dilapidated and neglected yard where three cars were parked

    6. Thom had access to magic, and could dial his strength to a setting called 'Hercules' while Alan had neglected to up his magic level while he was in Ava's lab and didn't even have a med panel to reach for that setting

    7. They neglected to purge the breeder females, considering them useless except as suppliers of fresh workers

    8. I don't mean to suggest that her parents neglected her, but I think she was lonely

    9. The girls finish their cigarettes and stub them out in the same neglected plant pot as before

    10. Jason … no … surely there must have been a reference to his existence at some point in her childhood … she casts her mind back, delving into the long neglected corners where she had secreted memories as a child

    11. I neglected to mention that you had just left when he showed up

    12. His questions and observations of aspects usually neglected by casual admirers brought him a level of respect from the craftsmen generally reserved for one of their own, and they said as much

    13. It was then that she realized she had wholly neglected her role as the herald of examination results

    14. ‘Are you telling me that you deliberately neglected

    15. neglected to mention that she and her husband lived and

    16. to a sort of neglected underground storeroom

    17. I neglected to mention that they’d been having difficulties

    18. having been neglected, ruts ran across the roads like

    19. ’ Jean neglected to mention the fact that he

    20. neglected clients, Marguerite was in the forest collecting

    21. Chloe, of course, had neglected to wear the undergarment

    22. milk, because Hesper had neglected to leave an empty basin

    23. “Listen, I am in no way pleased by the way I have been neglected!

    24. Though at present few people, I believe, doubt of this, yet during this period five years have seldom passed away, in which some book or pamphlet has not been published, written, too, with such abilities as to gain some authority with the public, and pretending to demonstrate that the wealth of the nation was fast declining; that the country was depopulated, agriculture neglected, manufactures decaying, and trade undone

    25. spotted Hesper in the neglected orchard with the flock

    26. To see a sparse, weed-infested garden suggests that you have neglected your spiritual needs

    27. To dream that you immolate yourself suggests that you are being consumed by your drive, your passion and/or your goals to the point where some aspects of your life are being neglected

    28. shamelessly neglected altar for Hestia

    29. Alternatively, the objects on the shelf refer to some aspect of yourself that you have forgotten or neglected

    30. The litter that ravaged the pavements and poorly-conditioned buildings told a sad story of a place that has long been neglected by its people

    31. The ancient Egyptians, it is said, neglected foreign commerce, and the modem Chinese, it is known, hold it in the utmost contempt, and scarce deign to afford it the decent protection of the laws

    32. This law, however, though we read of its having been executed upon one or two occasions, was either neglected or evaded, and the inequality of fortunes went on continually increasing

    33. The Spanish colonies, therefore, from the moment of their first establishment, attracted very much the attention of their mother country; while those of the other European nations were for a long time in a great measure neglected

    34. But as for a long time after the first discovery neither gold nor silver mines were found in it, and as it afforded upon that account little or no revenue to the crown, it was for a long time in a great measure neglected ; and during this state of neglect, it grew up to be a great and powerful colony

    35. But being neglected by Sweden, it was soon swallowed up by the Dutch colony of New York, which again, in 1674, fell under the dominion of the English

    36. The colony law, which imposes upon every proprietor the obligation of improving and cultivating, within a limited time, a certain proportion of his lands, and which, in case of failure, declares those neglected lands grantable to any other person; though it has not perhaps been very strictly executed, has, however, had some effect

    37. Could I have your attention again? I neglected to mention that anyone who wants to take home some of this leftover food is welcome to

    38. That which is carried on for the benefit of the poor and the indigent is too often either neglected or oppressed

    39. It cannot be very difficult to determine who have been the contrivers of this whole mercantile system; not the consumers, we may believe, whose interest has been entirely neglected; but the producers, whose interest has been so carefully attended to ; and among this latter class, our merchants and manufacturers have been by far the principal architects

    40. were generally neglected there, and that was where I pitched in to help

    41. Either from want of interest in the officers entrusted with the execution of those ordinances, or from some other cause, they appear to have been universally neglected; and in the progress of all those governments, military exercises seem to have gone gradually into disuse among the great body of the people

    42. Military exercises come to be as much neglected by the inhabitants of the country as by those of the town, and the great body of the people becomes altogether unwarlike

    43. In the days of their grandeur, when no enemy appeared capable of opposing them, their heavy armour was laid aside as unnecessarily burdensome, their laborious exercises were neglected, as unnecessarily toilsome

    44. The civil came to predominate over the military character ; and the standing armies of Rome gradually degenerated into a corrupt, neglected

    45. A high-road, though entirely neglected, does not become altogether impassable, though a canal does

    46. But what we call the cross roads, that is, the far greater part of the roads in the country, are entirely neglected, and are in many places absolutely impassable for any heavy carriage

    47. Under such an administration therefore, such works are almost always entirely neglected

    48. It may too, perhaps, be in those countries, as it is in France, where the great roads, the great communications, which are likely to be the subjects of conversation at the court and in the capital, are attended to, and all the rest neglected

    49. The garrisons at Gibraltar and Minorca, accordingly, have never been neglected

    50. The proper subject of experiment and observation, a subject in which a careful attention is capable of making so many useful discoveries, was almost entirely neglected

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    Синонимы для "neglected"

    neglected unattended ignored unheeded disregarded overlooked run-down dilapidated decayed unkempt shelved lapsed depreciated unused abandoned forgotten dropped omitted