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    photographers примеры предложений


    1. Eventually, with the photographers long gone and with the

    2. Hundreds of reporters and photographers vied with each other to

    3. in the company of rich, amateur photographers

    4. Hundreds of artists and photographers have their shops along here and the windows dazzle with color in the bright lantern light

    5. The media photographers were endless in their pursuit of the perfect photo, which would capture the perfect moment and expression of contestant and model, or if they were lucky, both

    6. The realization that his time was up must have dropped like a bomb into the pit of his stomach, because he knew that, in the very next room, waited Sylvia Henderson, three lawyers, a consulate officer from the US Embassy, a newspaper reporter with two photographers and the police captain in charge of narcotics

    7. As the President placed the medal around Steve's neck, they both shook hands and posed for the news photographers

    8. Let the photographers come running, just let them, he thought

    9. professional photographers in the Images

    10. Two lines of photographers aligned the

    11. He crossed to the fountain the photographers were

    12. heard the chorus of photographers cal out random names, like

    13. photographers tried to capture the best shot of the standoff

    14. red carpet of the Vinary Heights, a flurry of photographers and

    15. over the heads of the photographers; the bot-roid had

    16. Several photographers had appeared

    17. al ey as he heard the photographers yell in the distance;

    18. s shout over the chattering photographers;

    19. several photographers and reporters who were stood outside of

    20. Several photographers have filed complaints against Mr

    21. Joseph started his military career under the glare of a battery of photographers who pictured him kissing Helga goodbye at the gates of the school

    22. Shoot with other photographers

    23. It is always best to shoot with other photographers, especially with those that are more experienced than you are

    24. Keep in mind that even the best photographers learn from each other; thus, it is also best for you if you do so

    25. "You can't trust photographers, eh?"

    26. The ship will have professional photographers on board

    27. By seven that morning these two areas were crowded with reporters, photographers, cameramen, and outside broadcast teams from all the major news broadcasting companies and their equipment

    28. smiled and waved for the photographers everywhere they went

    29. While they were polite to the photographers and occasionally posed for them, they did not answer any questions about their travels preferring to let the reporters draw their own judgments

    30. Five photographers were assigned the task of taking

    31. The couple then smiled and waved a hand for the benefit of the press photographers and of the onlookers gathered around the main gate

    32. There were more fans, press reporters and photographers along the courtyard’s sides, plus a few television cameramen, all standing behind red velvet-covered chain barriers

    33. The trio paused for a moment to let the photographers take all the shots they wanted, then walked through the gate of the theatre, with Nancy stopping frequently to give autographs

    34. I share in the grief of his family and friends, but unfortunately, too much war throughout the ages has caused relatives and friends to suffer because their loved ones happened to be photographers or newsmen assigned to cover the confict

    35. He watched a few of the photographers adjusting their camera focuses, and

    36. They were then guided by a public affairs officer to the apron in front of the hangar, where about twenty soldiers and officers were waiting, some being obviously photographers or cameramen for the United States Army

    37. MacArthur’s staff car soon stopped in front of them and their planes, with an aide opening the rear door for his commander while the convoy of civilian cars disgorged an army of press photographers and cameramen that ran to form a half circle in front of Jesus and Ingrid

    38. The two pilots saluted as MacArthur stepped out of his car, with photographers starting already to take pictures of them and their planes

    39. MacArthur turned sideways then to smile at the reporters and photographers

    40. Ingrid tensed up and whispered to Jesus as the correspondents and photographers rushed at them to be first to ask them questions

    41. A sizeable group of civilian reporters and photographers, along with two Army photographers, were following MacArthur, taking picture after picture

    42. They were soon surrounded by civilian and military photographers as MacArthur stopped in front of Ingrid and returned her salute

    43. Knowing they would offer further assistance, Feltus added, “On your way by the station, send up the photographers if you would

    44. “Would you both mind waiting here until the photographers finish up and the body is moved out?” Feltus asked with some reservation at keeping these weary associates here any longer, but he knew their dedication would prevent them from leaving prematurely or complaining about their lack of sleep

    45. The fact that six of the top ten students of Course 42-E were women had disturbed quite a few spectators and press photographers and reporters present

    46. Nancy Laplante, followed by a few television cameramen and a small army of photographers, was going slowly down the line of expectant spectators, distributing cards and autographs and chatting with her fans, while a young woman that must have been hired by the Marvel Studios carried for her a box full of She-Hulk cards

    47. However, when she did so twenty minutes later, her big trophy in one hand and her gym bag in her other hand, a small army of news cameramen, reporters and press photographers rushed her, their cameras pointed and clicking, to interview her about her new title of Women’s World Karate Champion

    48. It was certainly unfortunate that, according to Lowell who had been back at the station on other matters, the photographers had neglected to take any shots of the windows so that he could confirm his observations that they had indeed been locked when they arrived in the suite earlier in morning; alas, that was not meant to be, but he had no doubts about his own abilities of observation and recollection, which would not be greatly challenged in a court of law given his impeccable reputation

    49. Nancy looked down at the car�s carpet in discouragement:� she may be about to learn first hand about the plight of celebrities hounded everywhere by reporters and photographers

    50. ����������� A group of Nazi Party officials and German press photographers were waiting for Nancy in the main hall of the hospital, along with the Luftwaffe major in charge of Nancy�s escort

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