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    1. Most of these you can grow yourself! We are constantly expanding this list with every printing

    2. When printing presses were finally up and running again there was a very large demand for this particular book

    3. But for here and now, books were out of the question till they found people with the knowledge of printing

    4. He plays a few notes slowly, ‘Got it! That’s a printing error – it shouldn’t be a flat, it should be a natural

    5. paid for the cost of printing it

    6. Some of my earliest memories are of a printing press pounding away … with that wonderfully idiosyncratic smell of ink and paper … come to think of it I must have gone to stay with the grandparents when Chris was born … I’d have been about four then

    7. There were high-speed photogravure printing presses in full color turning out millions of copies of glossy publications to millions of consumers basin-wide

    8. The good news was that ‘Robinson Crusoe’ was now in its fourth printing and was clearly a success

    9. Before the invention of the art of printing, the only employment by which a man of letters

    10. profitable employment than that other of writing for a bookseller, to which the art of printing

    11. printing, a scholar and a beggar seem to have been terms very nearly synonymous

    12. Oh yes the printing was very small, Oh and by the way we are the maintenance personnel! The owners had left this property to us alone for this week only

    13. appearance of the printing press, some authors have the

    14. For the beginning, as printing presses were only a few,

    15. not write books for money, printing houses and

    16. The first question people normally ask when encountering manuscripts that are copied is: “How accurate are the copies when compared to the originals?” or “How well were these manuscripts preserved through the ages since the days of Moses?” Although these manuscripts were copied by hand, until the invention of the printing press in the 1,400’s AD, the Jewish scribes had an intricate and ritualistic system by which this was done

    17. As he produced a letter on snow white printing paper sealed, for some

    18. She supposed printing counterfeits would achieve that

    19. “No, but anyone can run a printing press once it’s set up

    20. ” She supposed stealing paper and ink would be possible but a printing press?

    21. We should not have to worry about someone hearing the creaking of the printing press

    22. Make sure to get printing press ink

    23. “Books will doubtlessly know more about printing presses than I

    24. If he was going to be more of a liability than a help, why keep him? But, no, she needed all the man power possible to finish printing bills and stage the meeting with Forge and Hollowcrest

    25. Of course, someone ambling into the fish cannery would find the printing press loitering in the corner a tad odd

    26. I asked the manager in the printing department if there was a position for Boyd, even if it was sweeping the floors

    27. ‘I got him a job here at the newspaper in the printing department and I wanted to tell him

    28. I had only just finished printing the volumes of paper when she lifted them out of the printer and sat in the armchair in the lounge and began reading, in my opinion, a load of rubbish

    29. The style of the writing was a technical lettering used by technicians or architects, all upper-case printing

    30. A quick calculation revealed to the inquisitive Bru, that he had saved a couple of thousand dollars—money he just didn’t have—on developing and printing, film and battery costs

    31. I, like the rest, believed that the survival of the country was at stake and these actions were necessary: foreign agitators with the help of treasonous Nicaraguans were funneling weapons into the hands of the protestors, providing para-military training, false documents, and printing revolutionary propaganda

    32. Our orders were to stop their printing presses, break up the protests and bring the organizers to justice – or kill them: it didn’t matter any longer, but time did

    33. while printing, Or it will

    34. The families would later receive notification of their deaths and the media would camp outside their houses, read their e-mails and listen to their phone messages printing stories about them before they moved onto their next victim the following day

    35. Blaine had taken a ruler and measured them once, after printing out all his e-mail rejection slips

    36. ” The forger handed Colling a folded ten-zlotys note of Russian printing

    37. The discovery of modern printing methods facilitated the spreading of the knowledge of the biblical basis of those challenges

    38. cards from some Christian friends of ours who were in the printing

    39. Avoid printing non-authorized copies; it is illegal, besides depriving the interested people of participating officially in the XUSING Project

    40. The remodelled basement held offices and a large area to house the printing press and other equipment needed for the organisation, which relied on mass mailings requesting donations from thousands of Christians in Canada and the USA

    41. I always though that book burning only started after Gutenberg invented the printing press, how surprised was I to find it happened in Jeremiah’s time already!

    42. This preparation includes anything from printing out

    43. program one printf for printing one number

    44. For printing the string, we can use the printf function in the similar format such as:

    45. We are printing the value

    46. as a sequence of things to be done such as reading, calculating and printing;

    47. This small program is capable of printing “Hey Baby!” in the output screen 6 times

    48. while printing the values your output will be 20 20

    49. caused more depreciation of trees to contribute for paper printing

    50. That (now in its ninth printing) continues to draw new audiences and to

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    Синонимы для "printing"

    printing impression printing process print face lettering composition copy replica edition issuing issuance distribution