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    promulgation примеры предложений


    1. Its promulgation at 10 pm

    2. I read a paper on it, published by one of your Crown Agencies, dedicated to the promulgation of research and development

    3. permit the passing, promulgation and enforcement of laws that openly attack Chris-

    4. Our nation has experienced a significant lowering of moral standards, over the years, since the promulgation of the encyclical

    5. While this way she was shouting, her face was acquiring the bluish expression of those who lack air in its lungs for the effort that the promulgation of the excessive howls supposed for a person of so long age

    6. Take for example, the lie, in order to illustrate my case; I, being the physical and intellectual author of the swarm that eventually was the promulgation of my lie; from my point of view this fault had a peculiar, very small, tiny and insignificant nature

    7. 2 This very synagogue later on became a Christian church and was the missionary headquarters for the promulgation of the gospel through the regions to the east

    8. term "human rights" has come into general use only since the promulgation of

    9. day prose is recognizedas the best medium for the promulgation of scientific orpolitical

    10. We find no indication in the apostolic writings that Christianity at its promulgation caused a shock to the general conscience of mankind

    11. After promulgation of the plans of reorganization a “when issued” market for the new securities appeared

    12. The SEC, however, has expanded the promulgation of soft information through new rules and regulations

    13. It is not that Combeferre was not capable of fighting, he did not refuse a hand-to-hand combat with the obstacle, and to attack it by main force and explosively; but it suited him better to bring the human race into accord with its destiny gradually, by means of education, the inculcation of axioms, the promulgation of positive laws; and, between two lights, his preference was rather for illumination than for conflagration

    14. To a communication, from our minister at London, of a revocation, by the French Government, of its Berlin and Milan decrees, it was answered, that the British system would be relinquished as soon as the repeal of the French decrees should have actually taken effect, and the commerce of neutral nations have been restored to the condition in which it stood previously to the promulgation of those decrees

    15. Has it released from galling and ignominious bondage one solitary American seaman, bleeding under British oppression? Did it prevent the unmanly attack upon the Chesapeake? Did it arrest the promulgation, or has it abrogated the Orders in Council—those orders which have given birth to a new era in commerce? In spite of all its boasted effects, are not the two nations brought to the very brink of war? Are we quite sure that, on this side of the water, it has had no effect favorable to British interests

    16. In inquiring then, sir, whether or not, at the first promulgation of the constitution, when it came into existence, it was intended that Congress should possess the power of incorporating the Bank of the United States, let us inquire whether there was any possibility of carrying into effect with any tolerable convenience and advantage the several provisions of the constitution, unless this power exists

    17. Had this pledge been faithfully redeemed; had such repeal been had with good faith, it would have subverted the whole continental system and removed all difficulty both between the United States and France, and between us and Great Britain, as it must have produced the actual result required by Great Britain, in restoring the commerce of the world to that state it was in at the promulgation of the decrees

    18. The overture then presented obviously embraced the idea of commercial advantage, it included the reasonable belief, that an abrogation of the Berlin and Milan decrees would leave the ports of France as free for the introduction of the produce of the United States, as they were previously to the promulgation of the decrees

    19. Pinkney, of the 31st of August, 1810, when he states that he is commanded by his Majesty to repeat the declaration made to this Government in February, 1808, of his Majesty's desire to see the commerce of the world restored to that freedom which is necessary for its prosperity, and his readiness to abandon the system which had been forced upon him, whenever the enemy should retract the principles which had rendered it necessary; and to assure us that whenever the repeal of the French decrees shall have actually taken effect, and the commerce of the neutral nations shall have been restored to the condition in which it stood previously to the promulgation of those decrees, he will feel the highest satisfaction in relinquishing a system which the conduct of the enemy compelled him to adopt

    20. The only intervening occurrence meriting attention, is the promulgation of a French decree purporting to be a definitive repeal of the Berlin and Milan decrees

    21. The withholding of it did not occasion the war, and the promulgation of it would not have prevented the war

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    Синонимы для "promulgation"

    proclamation promulgation announcement