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    quite a

    1. "This is quite a boat

    2. She looked out over the water quite a while before answering, and didn't answer directly

    3. There are quite a few sharpshooters posted on the balcony

    4. It wasn't quite as bad on this world as it had been at Sol, but they could still be persistent and aggressive and there were so many more of them

    5. I'd imagine there's quite a layer of dust on it by now, that was thirty decades ago

    6. There were rooms downstairs for his business, far below was quite a bit of warehouse space

    7. “This is quite a ruckus you have caused, isn’t it,” she told them

    8. Ava had spoken with Kulai about Herndon and quite a few others, it would not be a total surprise, he would expect no less

    9. “This is supposed to be a front for the United Order, so the technology will be quite a bit more advanced,” Johnny said

    10. "I was just thinking we may be too late, they couldn't have made all these improvements without quite a bit of money

    11. I've not seen him quite as drawn in as this before

    12. Over a long period of a few years some share show a consistent growth, some show ups and downs around a mean value, some show a persistent fall in value and quite a few just vanish out of market or are quoted at a value which is not worth the cost of paper on which the share certificate is printed

    13. Under-performance over short periods of time, even a year is quite acceptable

    14. He’s quite a character and much appreciated in the villages he serves

    15. The Ava that Tahlmute talked of was not listed as one of them, though quite a few were of the same general look

    16. There was quite a spectacle in some media about the 'gents from the stars' courting in the Yakhan in those days

    17. It was lucky that disease was not very contagious, but there was a scare thruout the city for awhile and it turned out quite a few had been infected

    18. Tahlmute's certificates and incantations performed correctly this week and they were admitted to the storage facility after quite a lengthy process of looking up records and cross checking thieves files

    19. ‘You made quite an impression her when you spoke to her on the phone, you know

    20. BigThree bobbed his now and then, but only eyes three and four were up for quite awhile

    21. "Well, maybe you haven't been in the loop quite as much lately, with your time off and being in the far east

    22. He trusted her quite a bit didn't he? To tell her this much

    23. ‘But that was okay, there were quite a few kids of my age in the village and we just ran wild

    24. ’ Emma said emphatically, ‘I’m looking forward to meeting her in the flesh, she sounds like quite a lady

    25. "We've used up almost all the firewood for quite a distance around

    26. out to be quite a long evening, he listened out for the strange creatures of the night but

    27. They were quite a long time out there

    28. "I notice it's quite a bit later," Glenelle said, letting her eyes tell her how shocked she was at how much later

    29. They will pass us the first time in just about a year but won't be able to dock with us for quite a few more years

    30. I have quite a few probes out

    31. Liz is quite a while on the phone and looks harassed when she eventually materialises

    32. No, as Angels they could give themselves the ability to breath underwater so they dropped down into a brightly lit grotto in the reef blow them that was sending up the rhythm of quite a party beat

    33. They got down there to find that dolphins had quite a bar down here set up on the shelf corals with schools of glowing fish lighting the party and a school of drumfish providing the rhythm that the dolphin's girlfriends squealed to

    34. Whatever it was, it soured her on playing with cherubs for the evening, and for quite a time thereafter

    35. While those natives had to be informed by the one of their clan who had gone to a data terminal, the network was connected to everyone on Narrulla's Tear and she was able to query, 'what is known about an asteroid that could collide with the planet Kassidor?' and find out quite a lot

    36. After that the rest of the damage didn't take too long and nothing was quite as shocking as seeing the Bechstein shattered down the middle by a tattooed gorilla with a baseball bat

    37. Quite a few of the boys had a bash at the old bells, I remember

    38. Quite a few times he has made clear to us he deems his dog equal to any human being -this time, however, he intends to show us too: He takes the bitch in his lap, he holds her as if she were a baby, and says tenderly: “This is my child! Is she any different from a child?”

    39. ‘Yes, I learned quite a lot about laying hedges from one of the gardeners at the school I used to work at

    40. We had quite a row about it – me pushing aside all his queries about life here and asking what he’d seen in Italy …

    41. It was soon seen to be a grand undertaking that could build quite a nation before the Kassikan could even learn of its existence because of the primitive state of transportation on this planet

    42. Using Fred’s suggestion, we are packing the barrel with damp sand to hold the tree upright and in the hope that the dampness will stop it dropping quite as fast as they generally do; this, naturally, means we need a sheet of plastic to protect the floor … oh it just gets more complicated by the second! But between us we get it all sorted out

    43. The female tech currently on duty was a blond named Linshere Paundrocop who was probably quite attractive if he could ever see more of her than her eyes and forehead

    44. The lama proves to be quite agreeable and interesting, he answers all questions carefully and diplomatically, he surely knows how to win his audience over to his views

    45. For quite a long time we've been learning nothing new, maybe because Alexander seems to have become too skeptical about anything: “There are no spirits; spiritualism is fraud” … “(Self)hypnosis is harmful to the human mind” … “There is no such thing as magic” … “There are no astral worlds” … “There is nothing beyond matter” … “Telepathy requires a perfectly clean subconscious, so it is unfeasible” and so on

    46. Her reason was rather convincing, she hadn't seen the Acropolis in quite a while and she wanted to visit an old friend

    47. Quite a few could have overcome him then, his autonomous security was still just tech standard

    48. Most of the peasants here actually had quite a bit more material goods than the poorest in his homeland in 2148

    49. Even though she was not quite as pretty as average for a Highland Elf

    50. There was quite a big herd of karga brought in that day and he had to arrange extra haulage, a Nightday trip for more brining jars and a celebration to be had in the native tradition at the end of the next week when the last of the jars was finally transported off

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