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    red river

    1. The sacred River Ganges spans a longitude of 12 degrees (79 to 91), and latitude of 9 degrees (22 to 31)

    2. We spent most of the summer wandering south along the Red River and stopping at all the large towns to trade

    3. They were in the northeast Texas area, from Dallas to the Red River

    4. the Prairie Dog Town Fork of the Red River

    5. All new pilots usually flew their first ten missions in the relative safety of Pack One before being admitted into the fraternity of the men who flew beyond the Red River into the Hanoi and Haiphong areas, Route Pack Six Alpha

    6. He saw dead men of both armies, sprawled on red river-ice

    7. There was something about the doctor’s word that tugged on him, until a red river flowing from the bottom of the door snapped him back to reality

    8. Two close friends, both high on LSD, sent their car soaring onto a fatal dive in the Red River

    9. Crest on Red River Road when he went on one of his really big

    10. and up Red River Road and past the high school

    11. Where Alph, the sacred river, ran

    12. It flung up momently the sacred river

    13. My red river flows heavily

    14. “If the Warriors agree,” Monty suggested, “Ernie and Jeff should explore that further stream, and Syd and I will start digging along the cleared river bank

    15. What deliverance on earth have all the modern schools�which scorn dogmatic teaching�what deliverance have they wrought? What overgrown and semi-heathen parishes in the metropolis, in our great seaports, our manufacturing towns, our colliery districts, have they evangelized and civilized? What New Zealand, what Red River, what Sierra-Leone, what Tinnevelly can the high-sounding systems of this latter day point to as a fruit of their system? No! if the question, "What is truth?" is to be solved by reference to results and fruits, the religion of the New Testament, the religion whose principles are summarized, condensed, and embalmed in our Articles, Creeds, and Prayer Book, has no cause to be ashamed

    16. One of the older men, Sky Over Still Water, then spoke, “We are honored River Mother is with us in the Circle of Wisdom

    17. The Styx was a sacred river on which the gods made their oaths

    18. wash myself clean in the sacred river

    19. ‘It is far to the East, Princess Sati, where our revered river Ganga meets their holy river which comes in from the northeast, Brahmaputra

    20. A red river flowed and stained the virgin white sheets

    21. Bruce Boxleitner in the two movies Red River, and John

    22. He stopped suddenly, noting with malicious satisfaction how the elegantly contoured river of humanity found its way smoothly around him, to come gently to a halt at the red pedestrian light ten metres ahead

    23. the Nueces, the Brazos, the Tombigbee, the Red River, the

    24. They seemed to be a gift to me, like the peach, and Kyle singing “Red River Valley

    25. I’d do it at home, or at this bar, the Red River Grill, that was near my apartment at Justice Court, walking distance to the Capitol

    26. It was evident from the correspondence from Zion that with the heretic navy’s armored riverboats stymied on the line of the north Hildermoss—so far at least—by the demolished locks at Darailys, the Captain General (or at least the Grand Inquisitor) wanted the entire river line south from Darailys held

    27. "They say that place," said Crumley, "has a greater voting population than Paducah, Kentucky, Red River, Wyoming, or East End, Azusa

    28. Where Alfred the Sacred River Ran

    29. As a sop to hurt feelings, I must admit that when I passed through Moorhead, Minnesota, and rattled across the Red River into Fargo on the other side, it was a golden autumn day, the town as traffic-troubled, as neon-plastered, as cluttered and milling with activity as any other up-and-coming town of forty-six thousand souls

    30. It is said that when France ceded Louisiana to Spain, in '62, the country extended on the west to the river Sabine, and that Spain, prior to the treaty of 1808, detached from Louisiana the territory south of the waters emptying into the Red River, and erected it into a new province under the name of the "Province of Texas

    31. It is so stated by the President of the United States in the introduction to the compilation of the land laws, in which he states that we unquestionably have a right to the country as far west as the sources of the rivers which fall into the Mississippi, to the sources of the Red River, Arkansas, and Missouri; that with respect to the territory immediately bounding on the Gulf of Mexico, we have claims to the "province of Texas," which it is well known is a very large province

    32. The Missouri and Red River are but roads, on which our imagination travels to new lands and new States to be raised and admitted (under the power, now first usurped) into this Union, among undiscovered lands in the west

    33. Do you suppose the people of the Northern and Atlantic States will, or ought to, look on with patience and see Representatives and Senators from the Red river and Missouri pouring themselves upon this and the other floor, managing the concerns of a seaboard fifteen hundred miles at least from their residence, and having a preponderancy in councils, into which, constitutionally, they could never have been admitted? I have no hesitation upon this point

    34. driftwood of the Achafalaya, Red river, 17;

    35. Whitefort, of Red River Association, and agent of the American Tract Society, added to the interest of the meeting, and found himself more interested than in any other association

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