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    rowed примеры предложений


    1. "No thank you, the Lord will save me!" he said, and the man in the rowboat rowed away

    2. "No thank you, the Lord will save me!" he said again, and the man rowed away

    3. At the stern one man or woman lounged while they were rowed to their destination

    4. From here she could see canals went into the island that had many of those rowed taxi cabs plying their waters

    5. spotted the ship in trouble, and bravely, or perhaps foolishly, rowed

    6. They rowed and rowed down the river

    7. Roman rowed the last couple of strokes until he was satisfied that they

    8. We rowed out in the little skiff that Chloe had left on the beach, and then we climbed

    9. After burying the enemy dead, Kestides and five of my cousins rowed out to the

    10. When they rowed back, their faces were exultant

    11. And it was Father who spotted the sail, rowed to it, dragged it from the sea, and spread it to collect rain water

    12. I sat in the stern and, while four of the fellows rowed, two of us bailed, and we were doing all right

    13. As our ratings rowed us closer to the shore the rifle fire became fiercer it was pinging off the boats or buzzing overhead and we watched as a lot plopped into the water I saw this but felt as though I was somewhere else it was most strange

    14. ” As we rowed closer we could hear jeering and shouting from some of the boats but as the shore neared dramatically these stopped to be replaced by the cries and pain of men who were being wounded and dying in the boats

    15. “We could see the wire on the beach as we rowed in fucking bombardment hadn’t touched it and we could see the massive entanglements running into the sea

    16. “For some reason they had cast us off in front of the wrong beachhead and as we are rowed in the Turkish sentries spot us and open fire so by the time we land on the beach they have whistled up support and raised the alarm

    17. With the boatsteerer at the bow of the boat, the sailors rowed

    18. Captain Waddell, so they took a boat and rowed ashore

    19. USS Cyane rowed toward the schooner

    20. A whip could occasionally be heard, indicating slaves rather than soldiers rowed below

    21. A heartbeat later, the bow of the once-majestic vessel disappeared under the waves, and the Captain began to weep as she rowed the longboat away

    22. By now Thomas had rowed the small boat to within one hundred yards of the shore, and he could see Rachel heading toward the wooden dock

    23. We rowed fairly near one of them and I could see that it dwarfed the merchant dugout

    24. After a few memorable days, I was rowed out to one of the Koryo ships in the bay

    25. He got me up well before dawn and I rode down to the waterfront in plenty of time to be rowed out to the ship

    26. The passengers and their cargo were rowed ashore in small boats

    27. 13 Nevertheless the men rowed hard to bring it to the land; but they could not, for the sea brought up, and was

    28. I thanked Hadebah and got myself rowed out to the ship

    29. Once ashore he motioned me to a small path and then put back into the river, rowed for the north shore, and continued downstream

    30. They beckoned me aboard and rowed me out to the ship

    31. It was near dusk when I was rowed back to the ship

    32. Once he was cleaned up and dressed in my far-too-large clothes, we were rowed to the larger island where the big man was camped

    33. I ate quickly and was rowed ashore with very little ceremony

    34. Near dusk their ship returned and they rowed out to explain the situation

    35. At dawn on the third day, we were rowed out to our boat and climbed aboard

    36. We rowed the man across the river and gave him a captured horse, well past its prime, to ride

    37. We rowed back out to the boat for the night

    38. I was rowed ashore to a small village and was wished well

    39. The next morning we were rowed in the large, painted dugout canoe belonging to Behechio all the way out to the island by a crew of sixty men

    40. My first thought was that it might be another one of John’s assassins in spite of the Khakhan’s warning, but as I watched, a boat was lowered, and the crew rowed a man and boy with a parrot on his shoulder ashore

    41. As I watched, a boat was dropped and a Kashik officer was rowed ashore by six of the green-clad sailors

    42. I was rowed ashore along with the jagun of Kashik that had been sent as my escorts

    43. With the doge leading the way, we stepped aboard and were soon rowed into and along what was called the Grand Canal, a wide S-shaped

    44. lines of makeshift oars rowed on although the plants had no

    45. That brat also rowed

    46. When therefore they had rowed about twenty-five or thirty stadia A they saw Jesus walking on the sea and drawing near to the boat; and they were afraid

    47. The wind and the waves were strong as Halfdan rowed

    48. 1 And in the fourth watch of the night Jesus came to them walking on the 2 water after they had rowed with difficulty about twenty-five or thirty furlongs

    49. When the Norse raiding-fleet had rowed and sailed far enough away, the oars went onto the racks and Halfdan gave tasks to the Norsemen

    50. giggling guy was rowed to shore

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