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    royal house

    1. That understanding, and the underlying knowledge that supported it, made it's way back to Lascor, but the Matriarch reigning at the time only allowed the Great Knowledge to be shared amongst the royal household for their own benefit

    2. There was no signature, though the seal was Torin’s signet, the symbol of his ancient royal House

    3. against the king's house, and the king sat on his royal throne in the royal house, over against the gate of the house

    4. saved!! We are made a member of His Royal household, with the

    5. As an adult he had a choice to make, either to continue living the grand life, enjoying his status as prince of the royal household and the pleasures it offered or devote himself and his life to God

    6. He stumbled to breakfast hoping no one of the royal household is about

    7. Master Rakoczy, as He is the last survivor of that royal house

    8. I wonder if she ever stayed in a royal household before

    9. Behind all came a camel in rich housings, led by a knight on a great war-horse, and surrounded by a clump of picked fighters from the royal house-troops

    10. to be a truthful and honourable member of the Royal House, that

    11. Tseng Xiang had been one of Katsu's last assignments from the Royal Assassin's guild, he'd been told to eliminate the traitor to the Royal House

    12. Both boys wore royal clothes typical of the 15th Century and had gold neck chains supporting the blazon of the defunct Royal House of York

    13. It would be especially unpleasant for you since you bare the mark of the royal house,” the King said

    14. “How can you be seeing that pauper? Why have you condescended so low? Have you forgotten so easily that you are from the royal house? Be wise my daughter, be wise

    15. “Ah, but do you not feel compelled to uphold your duty to the Royal House of Kessant? A joining with Galador would create a direct conduit into the vast wealth of his family

    16. Alice held her breath and waited for the explosion that would inevitably follow when Queen Margaret discovered Robin attired in the uniform of a senior member of the royal household

    17. He watched the spoiled, only child of the Gaufrette household as he commandeered the royal household,

    18. After 1814, the power of the royal houses of Europe was cunningly replaced by the power of money, by the families of the banking houses

    19. Without the intermarried and interbred imperial and royal houses of Europe, England and Russia: none of this could have happened in the first place

    20. Why was the Archduke Franz Ferdinand killed the instant his car turned onto Franz Joseph Street named after the Austrian Emperor whom he was to replace soon? Because all of the thousands of undead ghouls of the Hapsburg dynasty… all of the dead dying insane senile, rotting destructive filth of this stinking royal house of pure senile evil, the entire pack of them wanted Franz Ferdinand DEAD so he would not ‘upset’ the old ancient obsolete stinking traditions and customs of their fucking DEAD past lives and their re-living their undead scum filth lives over and over again

    21. Stuart, as the lady would point out, is the name of a Royal house; but what that signified, and what her business way, no one knew; only that Mrs

    22. "In essence, the year before, the royal houses of Holland, Austria, and England had signed a treaty of alliance at The Hague, aiming to wrest the Spanish crown from King Philip V and to place it on the head of an archduke whom they prematurely dubbed King Charles III

    23. Both Seelie and Unseelie have four royal houses of princes and princesses that are sexually addictive and highly lethal to humans

    24. As a member of the Royal House, however, he continued to receive a monthly pension of a few hundred francs from the Persian treasury; and on this he came to live in Paris

    25. The dragon is the sigil of the royal House

    26. Ere the English ship fades from sight, be it set down here, that she hailed from London, and was named after the late Samuel Enderby, merchant of that city, the original of the famous whaling house of Enderby & Sons; a house which in my poor whaleman's opinion, comes not far behind the united royal houses of the Tudors and Bourbons, in point of real historical interest

    27. As a result, new texts were discovered in a number of pyramids of which three belonged to the royal houses of the V and VI Dynasties

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